
Hugh is going out today? Today is our Monday. When you settle, I can go on my break ~~~

I have no weekend.

IKea has the frozen food, I think. They have a cafe, the food is exactly like the wall display. 

The mall next by is Breeze. That is a capital words got slaughter by the Japanese, but its a very a famous ancient Chinese capital (Conan - Ancient Capital), the road name for.....cross, or straight.


They have the bagels. You take the bus, can return to the Taipei station there.


You know when Babaji ever shows up, you and me go on a separate mall, a cart, you wave your arm down, whatever they got.....You have the mood, or I have the mood !!!

He is indoor eye glasses, so that is Middleton, Kail / Yuri. I never think you imagine any of this anymore where you becoming today.


They are militant by now.....so long years pass Heaven all worlds oversees the physical universes !!!

Pitch Perfect?   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkS8YHiYdRA

I tell my mother. 

"What's going on in America?"

Dean has to go to the medical school, I don't need to go back.

"That's it?"


"You say that yesterday?"


Joe Black  Farewell https://www.youtube.com/shorts/srKgKG-kVWg

I don't have that much of the tears or the patience anymore....but people cared about it if my tones sounds like the weeping at it ~~~ Nicky or Nick ! 

I would never say, "You here" "I like you so much." There are some words its the dignity never swallow that thy shall not lie to throat.

Hugh is on his renovation, my wall......knocking. My neighbors. 

There are many those movie video. Many. If your husband, what is his correct word to use? Will, William, Prince William? +40 them UB freshman together 22 years younger than they were in the same classroom, the science museum the peer review journal. They done that, meaning.....they know how long they can squeeze someone's brain between the age 18-25, they finish "one paper", by months to a year. I don't really know how can they do that, but they done it.

In that tolerance, you will be the only one next by that Mably. Alone with your microphone, maybe that is why I seeing that, its you iconic in the ranch, those barren land area, so your military all youth girls from England or American will got lost and that lessons of GPS 45 mins to 2 hours finding a commercial kitchen without you on the ship, or the land.....their first time entering the zone without their commanders.

All of this I wish to tell you, the first time I wish ...to tell you.

They keep saying the cooking here....

The desk / the chair is too small for Will, and those dorm room. They eat the junks in the cafeteria too. Only Wing in that one same classroom, the rest its 1 person 1 other classroom. I heard that display for many times. 

When you...on your focus jobs, talking in your microphone, look straight, you get nervous or excited that whole morning or whole day, you have a running schedule. That's good. Do you get any other nicer friends, you buddy together, than you staring at those 3 guys? We are not the Mean Girls movies inside, like you feeling better to buddy or Line app, or What's up App?

Let's say the worlds are in peace, I drop a saying hi to Lee, that is a Linkedin, once a year, you have 5 friends, that is you drop one "hi" 5 times opening up that Lnkedin, and sent all the same message, 5 times.

You ever used the LinkedIn chat room boxes? 

Too many things to open on my browser, so that is only 2, but there is a Silas, or there is Jonas somewhere. Justin is that Avenger, with the bow and the underwear outside, that one.

You keep in touch with your high school girls, all those? "My kids dipers" those words you use? Its just another day of another family whom have a kid, you borrow and return back and saying those words? 

Usually I am very very very indoor busy, any home or not home houses choice. At home, I sleep....whenever I feel freedom to do. But, most people whom uses the social media, the very reason why they are using it, they go and spying on someone's friends list, its only 2 and 2 there.

You ever use the chat room box, to call, or to message, sounds like another person another worlds exist?

I have no time to spying on Dean or Lee's networks, but that is where they are. No, I never contact them, of course not. But its more I used to colleague with Lee.

If anything.....the real colleague, its serious ! I by the way, forward to Dean, fix it ! MD 6+2, if he wraps them up, and they learning their textbook the studying room together, or intern whom says what all that. I am not sure.

No, we don't really communicate, but people like you are home or indoor, if not on the run....even if on the run, too. They can message you, the guys or the girls, that you go to the school together?

My facebook now, because I get rids of them, I just write, "UB, THIS IS....."

"Here is ...., UB, the things on the news. No, on Linkedin."

or at least I say, "Where is Dean contact you all, on the Linkedin, you all having the news?"

You got scared to do any of that?

Lee is a colleague, because he talks normal. 

Dean got trashed in the hospital, those sad scene eating alone, because he is a Christian.

Me is a different religious, everyone die, I eat great, those. Dean is not like that. I only wear like 2 pairs of the sneakers, not their height, not their kinds of the bf, but I ensure I walk fine, I walk a lot, I can exercise a lot more, happy the time I have with myself.

Dean would be like Justin, the moody girls all around, the tears inside their eyes, too tall, so sad sitting in the chair, alone. Bill next by together makes a better family, sadden taller race. 

But any of them, even Tamang, if worse, I contact him, or I find his wife or his brother, that kinds. Jonathon left, so....Tamang usually have not many friends. Jonathon is too short, and another BIo 203 guy + Malaysia chess Asian taller guy. He has another older buddy in UB South Campus, a lot more mature than any of this UB.

But Tamang normally hangs out the high school, to make the Twilight. His system files would be the community college to end up in UB.

I am talking about your ex-husband, whom is K,D, B M? Man in Black.

The girls...I lost my facebook to vent on my facebook wall, make them knowing I still vibrant to live and breath somewhere else?

Peyton's nephew? His pant, he is so mad, that baby. (in red), Lauren and Obama (Loving the Silent Tear).

Or that is where they play the teams outdoor activities. 

With the facebook, you talk per message, you breath fine?

Like your facebook friends behind back up you "this one scene." You talking normal, those daily interaction, you can work towards that? That 3 guys will never be coherent with the technology. You want to try? No, you don't talk in details. 

Dean needs to make it in the medical school, and Lee needs to finish any paper how the professor to get the tenure and his debts to go to U of Pennyl, all that?

My things have the whole worlds human to go and share it. The specific things I message Dean. Normally no. Yes, I would find out why even my brother, too. I think I know why now.  (the birds quack) 

They need to finish their school, that is the end of the talk.

I can collect a lot of the facebook, but near by to talk....it was only a few really seeing. Lee at work !!! Dean I know him. Like sometimes you are a girl, you need to survive in the worlds of the justice, when you were on the campus. Silas or some other ones in total.

I don't need to go to NYSNC that Justin or 98 Degree, but if I have no reaching ends, I still can calling them, right. But the school closer, the profession, the networks?!

You work fine with them, you drag that near by 2, they all living in the giant room. Sometimes you built their guy's communication like that. My household, no. We have no.....top cover. Its just me. Now I go to Shane, like that.

You work up 1 and you work up 2, you can breath. No, like once a year, or twice a year.

Sometimes people cannot talk more than back and forth communication?

"Not here, don't call me. Not now."

Of course you can be calculative, once or twice a year, you get 20 classmates, that is 20 messages or 40 typing a year. You only have 52 weeks a year.

I have a dentist appointment....wash my teeth. I go and get ready.

You all go to bed, or next day figure it out. Hugh, I gonna eat or no eating, and sleep until 4? You stay renovating?

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