
I say a limb, not a hand, not a foot, not a toe.

What is a limb by definition? 

The arm length is from your upper shoulder joint, each side, you have only 2 upper shoulder joints. Only 2.

The Princess Diary is jump the window

The Fugitive is an arm man

The Aqua has an arm off.

Little Focker is jump the hole together.

Not the sunset on the cliff, not the trail like Grace or Gazillia, that is a very expensive surgery I think. She freaks out, they have no more mother already. Nick and his sister. 

You delicate to the movies for the self glorify reason. I cut everything in the worse degree of, any time, any mood, to destroy the entire humanity, I will do the worse of the things.

Ms Congeniality, its the knockle to hit that sand bag, right? No body plays their part. Its the joint knuckles hold your 5 fingers at the sand bags or on the ground? I say what on the video? If shatter....you ever asked, trying to find fault in me? 

If the foot, and a hand, completely shatter, with the external forces,.....you cannot put it back together, don't you love to find faults in those video? And? 

Its no more hand or the foot issues. Its the whole arm length of the hip joints, or the arm joints.

You only have 4 chances....seriously. You cut yourself 4 times, that is no more 2 arms, left or right, and 2 legs, left or right. We all seeing that on the facebook 20 years ago. I remember. Someone sent it to me.

Conan has those story plot

The rubblish building, you know somewhere, there is a ghost hunted, rubbished building? You hanging on the stair, and you stuck for the hrs, the entire fire department went to find you, you stuck where on this stair? Hanging or trapped? 

You trying to cross a balcony, on Pokemon, sounds fun? There is no such things as the pokemon, NOT those scene to cross the fence yard, and JUMP? Someone stuck at the metal bar.

Tell me which parts of the body stuck in the metal bar?

I knew this Conan too well, I am telling you, its always someone bigger house to go play, as we grew up, those part of the subconscious in life. And I remember this rubblish site....it was a group of the detectives, young looking to this Ocean University, = CRY....clubs, a homeless walking out in that rubbish site I just telling you about.

And there is sunset, between Shinyi and the girl like that Tom Cruise and that ukraine model in Oblivion. Its the sunset with the reeling in front of that 2 kids, its about his father. The book treasure hunts as the 2 kids to play starting in the library AT NIGHT.

The Day You Found Out, its from the library. The stair, and fallen.....That doesn't have a reeling. 

All the rotton castle format

Movie: Up, the theme song, that one piece of the wood fallen he goes to get his balloon. 

All those kinds of the Backstreet Boy castle

Those stair, the rain goes in, the rotton castle.

WE DON'T have those wooden broken, church in the war, those bench past, 500 years ago, those architecture church got bomb, only left part of the pieces wood, to step on it? Harry Potter? The Last Super original story, it was .....a piece of the wall only left, didn't got bombed?

You have this structure in American, somewhere in the wood? The wooden cabin, with the door open? No one knows? 

You all open up your mouth, where you find them?

The tree branch, the tree base, trip people's foot, or the ankle, you will not access any phone, or your car. Where were you ever been? Open up your mouth, every route you ever gone, including to Canada, WHERE? Cooper's Falls?

North Tonawanda, has a very very bad housing all around. I been to. This Red River Manga, how delicate you all were. Say it.

Pete's area, the school, the police station? Near Jonathon supposes to be on that way?

Melinda's bathroom in the morning, but there is at night. 

Did you all hide anything in the forest, Adam told me.  Those room of requirement, but in the forest trail somewhere, on the ground, inside the soil, you dig a ground and there is a trap, or there is your stuffs, or you stuck you yourself in it. 

Anyone aiming at the real castle, somewhere the foreign world? The broken ones those? They have an existing broken castle somewhere?!

Hanging on the tree somewhere, let me think where that tree house should be....The tree house, my neighbor had ...nick's place, were on the front driveway, its not on the tree. Do you have a scissor, those big Home Depot scissor with the glove, not those lab gloves, its those giant rusty gloves, to use that giant scissor to cut the tree branch?

To go somewhere. You ever done it?

I need to go to sleep ~~~I will review this Conan myself, they have a load of this house.

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