
Mission Impossible 2

Dr Bing, he is the Earth Prince, his wife is Usagi. 

That’s called, “The Responsible Driving”

The responsible medicine 

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

When the Christ being hanged and be reverenced, it’s your vow. Or he resurrect in 3 days. 

Harry lost his father. If he lost her, here says, he will not lose her.

An adultery is a sin, Christ doesn’t have the Father. 

The intruder.

You kill Camilla, you lost the myth and legend. 

You wish her to be your lucky bet.

George seeing her like you seeing your uncle. It’s all pass the ages already, they will never be the intruders. Between you and her, get old and die. She will never be your mother. You wish your mother to be in the palace, like someone from inside doing a layman job.

The betrayl, the collaboration, the friendship, the schematic, you like the movie in this way, it’s not the life itself very complicated and the mind boggling. 

You want to nuclear bomb that Canada ? Camilla is their Queen ?

Because Meghan be their Queen with Dimitri, Tony’s son? They both next by you, knock knock? You buried things in the ground before, Harry.

You hit the guards before ?

Whom are these guards, from, where ?

The movie ends. 

How many guards be dead, and she would be, and your mother were on the cliff.

Okay, I go to sleep talking to Zawanna.

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