
The birds say where you are (facebook)

Someone came to Hugh's Family Mart ? The seating area, the Amazing Road? Yeah, the same road. The taxi.  Facebook- Here.

Back up, my MS Word

Your President, whom .....?! Southern than us South East, we have anything on South East, the First University toward the Green Line last stop on the way there, instead taking the metro method (the red to the green),that will be the motorcycle or the car / limo BMW routes. You know where you going?

Unless...New Zealand (Tiny House ). There is something there to live at? Aqua, right.

There is a lot of this video now from Kerry they are.

You all this early morning like 30 mins ago....when the Metro starting at 6 oclock? No the military girl? Yes, they have the breakfast, the hot plate those. The students, they probably some starting at 5:00. The city life is starting very early, Mon-Fri, the schooling around here. The teens age, you all suppose to be just 6 years difference?

Where you going? With a backpack, you just arrive, or? Some of you....Net is a store near Breeze 101 behind those A 11, and that has the man side left, the girls side right. The man's has this bag in front of them, if you go with the one taxi, that is 10 bags disappear, .....(after 11:00 morning they starting, the summer, too hot)

You girls walking early, I cannot look at this Kerry.

The birds say whom?

I saw ! Family Mart can be the breakfast, they are 24 hours, correct.

全聯 is at 8:00, your water, one person shipping 20 gallon, then, that is only 20 of you pick it up that hotel where you all staying? Same the fruits vendor 水果攤. I think you all went to the Mc Donald 麥當勞, yesterday was the news on KFC 肯德基, it means you are all at 北投? They have a giant library, that is a kind of the thin...air.

(I cannot listen to Kerry this thing, you are all on this Mark's song with Brian !!! I don't know that Petyon, or you all staring at him for me. )

The Mc Donald 麥當勞 and KFC 肯德基 they are a lot a lot a lot more expensive for the local !!! Or Hugh living up there with Olivia just for now? They are renovating their apartment, so fast when I didn't watch them for 2 days.  No, they are still luggage...where you all went to his Family Mart. He tours you all?  No....they need their luggage there forever until settle in.  You take those away from them, they feel dying, no root settle from the tree. Ancient saying that for in Chinese.

  1. Watching the Backstreet Boy Audition yesterday
  2. Tear my trash bag in 4 and twist and turn to fold (Women's period, the base of that trash can)
  3. The big trash can below my desk.
  4. The lid needs to be wash and scab (the alcohol wipe)
  5. Find 2 big trash bag, put in it side, and tie the original clean bag
  6. Give the trash to my mother, and get 2 dishes she just cooked in one plate, and one fruits plate.
  7. Wash my hands.
  8. Should I tell them getting the 1) Water and 2) 依必朗 the hand soap, but they gonna take it to Japan in the luggage, unless they don't press that thing rotate to open, or I have to tell them the zip bag or the plastic bag things.

依必朗 洗手精   Image

The city life doesn't require to cook too many things, sometimes, 1 meal missing or 2, is not a big deal, its just too lazy to get down the elevator. Some piko.

Checking my subscriber listing video......all these otters channels.

About me and Shane again ~~~

They are 5 people, I think its all buddy together for their business development behind - both the music or something else behind, they started in the 90s. And probably they all knowing each other with Backstreet Boy, NSYNC (some were the Disney program), Britney, Christina, or Jessica, to 98 Degree.

I think they are still doing the music or the TV or the main stream media in Europe and in America, JC was a judge (NSYNC the second singer). Justin always still producing the music. I don't really know what else they do other business, probably between their networks, those are the record company, or the movie industry to use the music license, or ...what was other than the record company, just forget my words. - the TV producing like in America, ABC Family, or Fox, or CBS  -  Disney, Justin them.

I assuming, correct.

No, I never asked.

No, I got....some other things to do. Those are the front media coverage

I think Europe many + American many,

You don't know Westlife? In the 90s, they are still or they were, its always a lot bigger name if we talk about it, it is just the time pass so long, I am not sure.

Westlife and Backstreet Boy.

Britney and Matrix that time Keanu.

Mark got sick the surgical or the operation, I did call Shane and some other Westlife last year, but they are the growing up friends together, it means to them, and look after each other or the family, or the near by all relative, including that Brian's his entire community Mummy, I said the last time. All in Ireland, they don't go and live in America, if they didn't move? Their music gerne are all in Europe timezone, or Arabic world, or the South Africa included?

The fan club hears those things, you don't go and ask about the surgical costs, or the medical health provider, and all that? You hear about Shane, so I went to tell Mark something. That time...not yet I understood too many things yet. The first thing first? 

I don't really know much as Ronan by himself, but I can see in Europe, he has the concert on his own. I would know them as the Boyzone. My birds talk about this Ronan, never stop saying his name, so I think he is Jesus, you knew Jesus when you grew up, and Ronan or Ronin Keating? The Magic Breakfast lady saying a different sounds. 

We didn't specific pick one guy, when we were the teens age, its all mist of growing-up stuffs and Justin was with Britney the teen pop award, that time no internet to see it. Now I could see it. 20-30 years ago, my chronological time chart table, on my own life, running?  I don't think I dream about life anymore, to be honest. You all knew the AD 2000 supposed to be something going all around? I never think AD is a different year crossing the next by to the American air-flight, dragging the same luggage or the passport only cared issue, NOT the bible AD 2000? We don't have that religion here. 

You knew about that stuffs? Eat, sleep, listening to the music, and go to work?  Cleaning with the music to put on.

The fan club means, you go near them and with same the other fan clubs people, and sit in them, and listening to what they say, and looking all around, when they show up on the stage in that same room. The fan clubs people, or their mailing list.....its not really like that, but Erin used to have those Taiwanese UB SA club mailing list, or because Taiwan so small, she could even talk to the club president, no one shows up, and she is by herself, or looking for a guy, those....she is short.

You see JC gone to those Sorority dinner, we have that similar APO, but we never done those because UB is just a state school, and those APO original their upper bracket, like Mike, Tom / Daniel, Heather, or Keegan, they are noisy into those Regional or the National Chapter of that APO, so the adviser coming in. They have to literally travel to those Rochester is their regional. Kim is my top big, so she had a pharmacy school similar like me, but she probably engaged more with them, than I ever did. 

Tim included.....I have no idea what they do. None of them were in the CAC. I just...happened in the same office, and those girls are thin, so I stay with them, but they are all white people. I grew up here....my family is the Asian, I cannot speak their English worlds, or their height world, some of the jargon they talk about it. 

No, that Ayo, I have no relation to...he wants to run that SA, = the Greek Society + the clubs.

APO is just one of the Greek Society, even my brother is in one.

The rest Club, like Jonathon is the chess clubs, or the chemistry club, or the robotic clubs, CAC is Ayo's clubs, where those girls were.

Silas is the UB spectrum magazine places. In SA this entire Student Unions, you mean the SA election generates the SA president, the SA Vice president and Treasure. 

Ayo will tell the full room, we were all using this APO office with the Black Circle K, 3 of this organization are all the community service, but the girls pack in this office for Ayo. He is the only guy = the black, the rest guys never coming in. Until Ayo moves us to Clement building, then Dennis, Christian (Erin's true love, 50 Shades of Greys), Fang, Pete with Theresa shows up.

So saying back Ayo will tell us the full room that time, the girls all packs, that we have the SA election and he will be in it, OR, he will usually says, every paper works its at Courtney and Wendy. The gossips between the girls would be, Ayo never shows up anywhere except on Wedn, he leadership every community service projects to list, to hear, to know....he knew everyone to come up that listing.....1 to 10, everyone picked and chose, and sign up. No, he didn't join the SA that early time, he will tell us, he has to live in the SA secretary front desk its at the SA office door entrance. He just needs to stand there, or I always accidentally pass it by, or somehow the image would be Ayo standing at that secretary or Treasure fronts desk there all the time. I don't know why, too long, I forget. So one day, he says...he is running that election candidate.

I personally think....those girls want to run over head that Ayo, I just think now.

APO has too, the girls.

oh ~ there is a pre-med club, too.

Alex, his best friend Roswell Park Intern, with Alex's brother = Jonathon, their father is the Roswell Park Radiology department next by this Dr. Bing Shen ( Conan: Crimson Love Letter).  Alex has a gf like Ola in that overall Pre-med club, it was small, so Jonathon asked me to go with him. 

I join the chemistry club because that was my major !!! I get the old exam from Brady or from them.  No, the medicinal chemistry, that class. Its the upper pharmacy class similar to Bio 403. Brady was in the chess club.

I went once to the pre-pharmacy club, just once. No, I didn't ask for the mailing list. 

No, we don't have the concert...that would be SA president / Vice / Treasury they do those things to put in the SA union.  The girls we gone to the UB Alumni, Brian Greene the physicist string theory book in the Barns & Nobles. 

No, those a lot more Tom or Hoffman, or Mark.....they staying in the office APO office is the same CAC, and so the fratenity would mean more than the club itself, we can walk in any time that office door is open and talk to the person in it. It could be Mark or Tom says, they are down stair, today the noon we have....or Tom would say, that SA window glasses are in paint.

That means?  The entire Greek society gone to paint those 20 windows glasses? Or they hanging their poster from the top of that second floor balcony down, and set a table at the SA union entrance, inside, that usually is 4 or 5 table. APO the reason Mark would be there, he sits indoor office, but Tom they have to go down and SIT in that front entrance - poster hanging table saying APO, like the Pitch Perfect Orientation table.

In America, they dress this kinds of the sweater, not the capital sleek, seriously. I don't have the make-up.

I just walking around doing nothing I think....Melinda's office is Silas entrance, but Silas never be there until the night time. we just there eating the lunch with her supervisor. 

You have to run up that "famous stair how many times", and we have one more indoor stair, not just that stair, to go up the office. You take the entire box things up or down, up or down, how many times....I never done that, but I knew what those are. 

Its downstairs !!! Everyone uses that stair. 

The Women's Awareness Day

The Valentines Days

The condon boxes unlimited days like that movie: 17 Again.  Ronan Keating.

You deliver a formal lunch speech (second floor restaurant inside the glasses), you deliver the Awareness Day, you deliver the fundraising, you deliver a talk, or invite the advisor or the guest talk, you are the president ?!


Right, we do the community service on the weekend !!! But I was in the Fraternity not just the CAC as a club. 

(my mother something....)

oh ~ you mean the President topics. To form a club, you will have some requirement through SA, and that is what Jonathon used to say. I never asked him. I think Tamang is up to something on Jonathon's head, too. That time. They are the best pal friends to look like... Now, when I think back. They might be up to something to their club, the fraternity, or the President's position maybe. No, they don't go to the SA election. Ayo does. 

You girls want to all go to that UB SA President, we got the tickets for the gala, that Ayo did for us. The real UB SA President.

He has a parking issues, or he just happened to be like me, we park at that Cooke hall across that accounting major parking lot and got a ticket. I forget.

That is a faculty parking, 9-3pm its velvet by their ID card to park, I forget that time.  The Greek society its a lot of those Sorority groups at it, you forget...they Rush like I did the Rush in APO, meaning they walk in the SA union couple couple girls-to-girl, that is the rush means. Then interview, we have a protocol step to proceed, same like Pang. He will have every Greek Society and the Clubs in combine, one UB, one SA, that one student tuition slips, the students fees are in it.  You ask your sibling, whomever now going to UB, will get that slip.

No, I am not interested in UB or in DC.... I don't like it.

Tom's image.....

You want to ask Wei, you all met her at Adria's place. She does the paperwork. did I gone to see her where she works, that is the Archive above her, she doesn't know....I have my book something to research so I have to go there. The things you all cared, so she and Dennis? I am not going to the Washington DC to watch all your luggage from behind.  She will know that UB President, or the UB Principe's office is above her.

Getting her, she wants that Sailor Moon's position, I don't care about the comic books anymore. Did you all ask her if she cares about it?

One Hugh + that Olivia

One Shane......Kian / Nicky, its more than enough to keep occupied, seriously 

Its the Amazing Road  No, its Olivia's parents, I can read. No, I don't know.  No, Tina Jojo is the uncle, specific is Irene's father. Both are the bank world. Tina, Uncle / his wife Debbie (2010) I live with grandma and them. The Amazing Road is 10 banks at least all the way to Amazing Bank Circle, their bus to sit down whomever ends up on there, and they are not quitting to just get the taxi.  No, I don't feel settle, I need to be living right here, seeing them doing anything. Tina's bank, Citi in 2008 has a gold crush or the bank crush since 1933 Great Depression, every 24-25 years the solar flare cycle its at 2008. It disappear after those banner on the top, the brand new Singapore bank. Its called 河 that is....楚喬傳 I have to look at it. Tina's name is called

Everything can wait, except the bank, Mon-Fri, I need to sit and looking at them, I feel my world doesn't disappear !

There is a difference I do math, or they say math. The bank is the reason why they are the bank....some other things, I just don't trust them. We have those Tina Jojo's bigger calculator, seriously. 

When I finish this England King on that Ella Enchanted, what is the Campus same day mails...I remember now....this University of Kentucky Federal Credits ! I email them, I wrote them I photo them, everything. I used to have a children's encyclopedia, I tell you what the bank should operate other than the banner outside as a federal credit union !!! For the students reason, it was I think 4%, you know the gas used to be 3, then now 6.....there is a time its during the last 20 years. I am very sure that England King as long as nothing to do with him romance, we both get rid of that Ella Enchanted.

But my SAME DAY campus mail, this Frazac or this Federal Credit Union, I remember, so clearly.... the UB doesn't ring that big deal of the bell, but UK was a lot more prosper in those UK Wild Cat the basketball or something they are the taller white. UB doesn't have something like them.  My tuition goes to Frazac, not just the transfer or the transcript. 

Ferros too, the citi Director, you didn't read that Tesla's biography wiki....His name is somewhere, and Charlie is next by. 

Tina has what reason to end up in the bank, not that GPA, or....she could manage the money or still studying, She told my mother 1.8, she told me and Hank in the car, 1.0. But she passed the CPA exam. My brother CFA 1 and 2 and 3. Probably its all lying, when they finish studying included. I just to hear about that, my head is hurting. The finance license examination test? What do you do after CFA 3? The Wall Street phone connector?  Sotheby's bidder, Something Gonna Give.

My TV news and my lunch. (I already ate)

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