
Those suppose to go to San Diego or Brazil military, gone from Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan? The newer one coming from China. (50 ships )

Why I have those fireman only swallow the floor fallen eggs on the ground? Too hot outside. I told you to stay indoor. And I don't need to tell you where the food, Zawanna says not today would be, indoor you care about these reading and printing?! Hugh finds his printing shop around here APO. No photo means?


The gallons water, and the fruits.


The fruit vendor. 

7-11 / Family Mart

The tea leaf egg, that is what you all swallowing? A clamp and below those take out plastic transparent, and you grab 5 tea leaf eggs? 12 NT each. It was 10 NT before you all came. China has no food, or this is the year, someone has to win? The parrots say?

There is a vacuum chicken (white), plain looking on the hanging "open concept" fridge with some other lunch box to microwave below (vegetarian also somewhere, new!). Hugh's apartment with Olivia, but they know where the food to eat. To next by those tea "real close door" fridge with the lights, or the drinks you cannot read, or the water, that is where the "Korean Fried chicken" or "the dumping" to microwave. How?

You use your index finger pointing behind that cashier, without a word, you can pay and leave.

Pointing behind him "1 2 3" pointing at, and point these you grab about 1 US dollar microwave stuffs on the table. 

If you go out to eat, probably that is 250 NT, 8 or 7 US dollar right now, right? So Hugh they spent about 100x I told them, the first one month they do his way.

Instant noodle is that hot (red) facet looking up or down, NEXT by the tea leaf (open ricer cooker), you open your instant noodle cups, that is the water. + your cashier near by his money machine, its the fork, spoon, or chopsticks. Near somewhere these range, your eyes to look for the napkin, tea leaf eggs rice cooker all darken soy sauce below...

The plastic transparent + the white napkin, above is that red hot facet to burn (the instant noodle giant cup) below to wait the water.

Backstreet Boy - Back to Your Heart (2024)


Is there a reason, that coastline China is vacant?  ??

( You are from the higher latitude, its very hot here. ) ??   You lived there through the winter yet, one year or 2?  = I am asking you, you know where Wallace film all his staffs, cold, those dress, were their ancient capital, all that?! Japan Conan Detective - the Ancient Capital, not the slaughter one (more south) 南京。

Drowning ( April 21th, 2024)

From what?  ( is that Queen's birthday?). That is how you win? 

Brick to the bones cold. Their winter.  Is there a reason you going there, the military purpose? 

You just arrive, again?! The heavy bag pack those.  16 years old with the a cap, the girl?

Show me the Meaning ....what meaning?!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YKsTy1yfIk

You stay indoor, or underground tunnel, goes to the hotel, not walking on the street with those heavy bag packs. Its very hot. 

Why every time I stop this video, the birds quack ! 

The parrots, the motorcycle shop (the mechanic). They....like my balcony birds, these are black, that is a parrot. They cannot shut up ! One of the reason Taiwan is not in the UN, they speak the local Taiwanese. These birds. (shut up!)

You military girl says what?

That China latitude to Japan? Middleton is in Korea, you mean they, or you mean them like you the military uniform. Korea and Japan + we, the same similar, they called that the convenience store. I never gone there in my life. None of them will die. I cannot type their words, I only the traditional Chinese character ( Mandarin ). You switch that, that is the simplify Chinese. 

Their 2 countries langauge, the Japanese probably can read it some Chinese symbols.

You wait until the typhoon passing one region, you land behind that Japan, and keep moving, but the white cloud = the rains, you cannot wait til next week?


Hugh's second hand phone? 3C? He knows where. 

You want to go to Costco? They have the fresh made food? Those kinds of the bread? We have the bakery here.

Don't walk on the road in the morning, go indoor, stay in the hotel, or those underground Metro, there is the food and eats out - the Taipei station, or any station you suppose to go to your accommodation. 

You have the distance between Japan to Hawaii, that range, coming in Taiwan, you going south east. You cannot go to the typhoon trajectory path, do you read? So you coming here for the food? You have no food on the sea?

I have a map on the road....circle up !

Here, this is your all suppose to be at? Where? You cannot tell where your line color to be exit? Me typing the Chinese for you?

Taipei = 台北

below, that is...all the way on the left. Hugh they are on the right, I only talk to, or they gone to 北投

North north north.

You have so many other kinds of the foods, you go to those food places? 麥當勞 Mc Donald. 

101, just follow the people, the end of the metro (101) the red line. Toward 象山 (not 大安 Daan, they get off, you just wait the next train)

Everything indoor to eat, without walking in the heat. You gonna die on the temperature here.

You walking down stair has no food near by?

ANYWHERE they put you at? You are on the left side, or you trying to tell me how to walk in the tunnel, all that? 

Why they the other days they told me to go to the night market for real? I heard it.

I don't go there, the left side, I go home on the right side.

You mean you know how to click, or the keyword search, look and rest, and go to bed and sleep with all your luggage bags?

oh ~ is that the above the ground that weight scale, Ryoya stuffs? Your phone card holder? Sorry, the metro card to go to the Metro and the bus and to the Family Mart (7-11)

That is above the ground after 12:00, (the end of Y, walking back.) here is the map the metro jump from the red line at "commando" sounding that is 中正紀念堂 across, jump, you have about 10 second, run, and landing, and 2 stop, that is 北門, that is the end of the Y, and you walking right....diagonal across traffic.

You been to a city, how to walk?

You find out about 15 mins, and not die, go down the red line Y, keep walking back, about 20 mins, you get on the Y (at the Taipei Station).

You get a box, and get 100 card holder. Its those plain, cartoon. Very countryside those looking. The patterns. They used to have. That is Hugh's jobs? You all wear the sneakers yet?

Or this is the money to eat, the whole table?

Why don't you go to "all you can eat" the hotel buffet style at the 4th floor in Taipei Station Y, that Y.....you will get on (the handicap massage), that is the beginning of the Y, you walking back from the end of the Y. You walk up the stair, (the lost and found office that one), and turn right, first bakery, left is written giant words 京站區, that small darkness (because you suppose to follow the human), 100 food on the beaming monitor on your right.

But anyway, you keep walking, 5 mins, there is a curve, there is the escalator, right side, straight ahead of you, your eyes or your height to see, the bottom below your hand can reach, that is the elevator to 4th floor, all you can eat.


But regardless, all that escalator 2 times down, its all floor food. 

You ever used the escalator in your life? 


They are more expensive of course, they are the tourism all the Taiwanese are just like that Middleton stuck over there. The card holder, the half population is there this summer, every summer to go to Japan. I cannot go there, but when I get my money, I can air shipping here.

Square's issue or Amazon.

The typhoon is not through, that is why you are station where you are, or move to some places. A different parts of the military, then when that typhoon moving from west to east and going north out of the way.....you know, normally, ANYTHING these lower pressure or the higher pressure to move that thing, they have the behind water vapor (like the wind), generate to pouring rain. That is a tradition.

They if like Taiwan here north part, if the typhoon hits that river exit, and back splash right in, its flood water inside our basin Taipei whole city, we live at the higher mounted ground, then that is different.

In Japan, I don't know any place their geography. But the wind is always counter clockwise of that black splash from the typhoon, all the time. you slap something back splash rotate.

Like that otter's name?

They are in Indonesia?! I forgot.

That is what you all do with Prince William, he arrives yet? Those Panda says?


Something I cannot share this video, I cannot talk about the breakfast, and share these video. Yesterday they fireman die in heat twice on my video.

Or this supposes to be Middleton's jobs, or Olivia, she is in Korea waiting the boat to go to Japan, that is where Prince William arrives? Yeah, when you trespassing all these countries fine, and right, I am not yet leaving....Shane lives where in America, or in Ireland. My mother can go to my sibling any place she likes. 

Except in Japan, you all live in the tent, probably similar, the table waiting with Mably stands there, no food for 50 mins and a speech, and after that those table, you going back somewhere at least you are all sitting down, and they hand you a package with some food inside. 

If you all Middleton that side joins him Mably. (Prince & Me)

Middleton supposes to be on the west ranch somewhere, with all of you, she hands you out the food on those ranch long table she does the speech. So...if she uses what I told her some food schedule or they are teaching her, you just live without the civilization outside, Mably those have the elevator structure or touring in the city, to go drinking, he does all that for.

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