
Being a girl, your weight and your shape. You put a dozen guys in the justice league...

You saying they really like about each other or this is about the Ring Original bearer....all that talks? You almost just want to put down your competition THOSE guys or any girl included. You were nothing coming up, and right now you want to step down that 3 millions soul I have to book keeping one of those days, they already exists, long time ago, and they check and re-check with the Parliament.

Every guy is not each other's friends, deep down they know that. You, they cannot be trusted ...so they lean toward their junkie guys? You got a brother, I have a brother? If each you girl be that righteous and selfless to 1 extra guy or 2, so this society level up, its not I keep them, seriously. Prince belongs to the entire England to go and nagging them; Westlife have the fan club; my brother is Tina's or my mothers, and UB they are my facebook, so its me 1 person aggravating them, or their ex, or their residence near by friends, or some hanging out, or their mother. 

  • You remind them the hygienic, because you have to be that in every month.
  • The cooking, the food preparation, FOR yourself. Put some preparation to give them some art book you create it.
  • Make them dream about something like a real life, a life living in with them at their head, they register that is a real life, NOT those junkie outside every meal for another meal in someone's mother's house.
  • The economic cannot afford you to do a BIG presentation but just a little bit.
  • So you 1 person for the rest of your life, its 4 barren wall, the coldest capitalism no more human left to talk to, no group meeting up to 65 and turn the silent walking sound outside.
  • You walking to check that senior apartment from your door, and that is the green hall light.
  • You give up all of them as a girl, so you can seek your professional life a lot better, a lot professional, not a public review everyone can send you seriously in a jail. You realize that is a real caring part, a comfort zone for the patient to encourage them to talk, not necessary to write it down, just listening to them talk, you write it behind them, not in front of them.
  • Most guy's mother tolerance them? Or the food snatch like Babaji's wiki. You really cared about that 1 guy, doesn't need to end at GOD, he knows that? 1 guy, 1 patient, 1 friend, 1 relative, 1 aunt, 1 mother, 1 sister, or 1 sister's 1 kid. Just 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...slowly work up or for someone else can put some efforts in it.

You are not going to literally show up in those people's life forever, so make that clear from that every side, to wish them well UNTIL the big adult people will come to take their kids back, or be notify your things are temporarily drop here with the assistant. Make sure the things are that caring parts so everyday their life will come to term with the God above their head. Their religion, YOUR religion.

Being a righteous girl in your Bible per word, per phrase, per saying.....PER chapter because that is Ella Enchanted, its you doing that to their sense......You like your priest and what does he do to you? Sabotage you together with the rest of the humanity? 

1 girl pair up 1 guy, MAKE the other girl REALLY does those they love their guy so much, and get out of my sight. I have a mother, not like a normal human, or a sister or a brother + a near by aunt, at least 2 kids make the hell of everyone's life to that GPS or the map they incline to do a business, or to BURN.

The organization and stationary, 
Its one of those small tiny thing Tina grew up with. So make other people' learn something, put it in order, sit down, you don't type, I type. You don't fill up the ink jet, I fill it up, that is the Ella Enchanted the only thing he ever taught me.

You want to teach the guys REALLY not your back up guys?

The nail cut, the toe nail extract, or the clamp or what to open that nail and cut it? 

You rinse your finger and the nails after, rinse rinse rinse, soap soap soap, wait, count in the heart 1 2 3 4 5 and then 10 second on rinsing, or washing that sink again, just a regular soap wash, be careful where the sink below there is the hard water to stick to. The green scrapper, or the yellow part? 

The daily routine, you go to sleep ! The end of the discussion.

You put 1 guy to go to nap, to go lay down, saying its fine, saying the food will be on the table, sleep !!! That is every single day routine, there is nothing else routine other than that.


WE had a Chinese New Year, both side parents, WE as the kids know that growing up, NOT anymore, but there was some old of the past to that history we know of, THAT'S IT. They cannot give anymore things than that, THAN their own happy life, their classmate included, their social media account included. Their photo stream among them through chat box, or the talking to them, do you show them?

(The birds cannot stop )  

So....the details thing you as a fan to anyone, you taught them. You can just leash your parents, NOT your sibling, tell them to go have their own happy life. But sometimes you share each other stuffs, and then you share the celebrity those stuffs, too!

The road .....

忠孝東路 again 9 times. 

Your prayers ends? You cannot find God now? Ronan ~~~~~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeVnqNV2Lvw

Why I cannot bold, cannot link, cannot write, again? Harry?! SEO is not a hardware part. That is a surfing skill from the users.

You all like to live where Hugh lives now?

That is an user's experience, Harry. You cannot be on the desktop to check out yourself jumping in the city all around. Stay with your personal staffs, not like this. 

That is not a school zone to say where you will find yourself a breakfast there. Your brother in South Korea Shane they will be, together, you ligate them to talk, or telling him, calling him, your brother !! 

YOUR brother, where you are, where your boat tie at, or where Meghan is, HIM, your brother. About you, about your breakfast, about your searching and find and walk. With or without Hugh, with his material or asking Hugh and relate all that to your brother. Let him be in control all your life, and Hugh's life?

Can you just be the useless human on the planet exactly like the TV or the movies says? Meaning ALWAYS tell your brother, he got the staffs or that 1000 people to call in the emergency, he is staying the same place none moving, you are? 

Sleep, eat, rest, go to his private function or the meeting? On his agenda book !!!!

Harry, you cannot sit, or they don't let you sit in this city

Sit down with Meghan, NEXT BY her, here or Olivia, so Hugh goes somewhere, OR you both talk next by Middleton with that commander. SIT. When Meghan has the kids for how many years, her internal medicine, where is her medicine to regulate the heromone or the kid's telephone number book contact lists? 

You plan to ruin everyone's life, can you do that like 5 years, telling her, she only get 5 years those life, you need to stay away. Talk about, sit down, next by. Carry something somewhat thoughtful.  You are all in the foreign city.

Don't talk, then !! Let her or the girls talk, or feeling lighter ~~~ Shut up, for the lady to do their own asking things, they cannot talk to each other neither !!!

Can you talk mild?

So Hugh can leave.  He came in here with Olivia ~!  You decide maybe you don't really know each other, but if you are using his note, or the tag words, tell Hugh about it? He can manage you for about 10 mins on the phone, where he been, upside down, he is a lot younger than the high school musical, your real age, Harry?!

Can you doing things a little bit family, or the orderly order....to say....SIT DOWN.

Not standing alone, eat where alone, Meghan cannot see you, at all? ALONE standing.

You never had a family, now you want to control a family life in front of Meghan her 1 person's life. You and your kids life, you cannot do it. Your done that before, Harry? You cannot carry a family talk, you cannot ligate Middleton to whatever on her mind, to move, or to learn, or to know, including she has to watch that Hugh or Olivia, all that....Meghan side by without you. Because you cannot stop talking or how the commander sits there, everyone listens? 

That is a correct points of view?

Everyone on the table the family reunion talk, that is a commander + a officer female? 

If my family ever come back exactly like Square imagines a Tangle, I will never show up !
You ever done those...you calculate them from far away, just never bother to show up? 

You need to be told to do, told to think, think to act, walk to act, lead or drag to be somewhere all your life. You say you want to control all of their life, you calling your brother to tell her in front of his face, Facetime. He will ask you HOW do you do that? 

I don't care what not that is a newspaper, or front or the back story, because I don't care any of you can JUST be all together near by, how these girls next by each other? HOW? So they comfortable, Prince William getting the message box EVERY SINGLE day their real time, the real talk, the real concern? You are not there ! So they have to live by their own will a little bit, now you want to insert them, you ask your brother, is that tooooooo late?
What did you do all these time?

You don't insert yourself to a situation because you done on purpose or they all talk about it from behind. But if I seeing you all putting VERY near by like side by side can sit down EVEN the girls can do that, THEY didn't kill each other yet, its WHEN you get there? So by the way, thanks for asking, I would like to ask you? Are you even fine to sit on the same long table, they can see, you all sit down eating 1 meal without talking, so the girls lead those conversation with some stranger the uniform world?

THEY were in ANY world? Like the uniform? At all?

You never require to make ANY lady to feel comfortable, you are not dedicate to do that, Harry.

Harry, you done that before?

  • Insert yourself in a given situation of that that that that that.
  • Pretending if an Indian General color he insert himself in just sit down 20 mins conversation. He done that?

Just 2 things.

You cannot do anything, so why don't you just sit down somewhere, and relax? Mind blank, and walking the usual another day of another sad party, when they telling you so? When you taking the matter to your hand, that is the blink sun glasses here or THERE, I am seeing a what story? YOUR story?

This is the time you don't have a script to go?

In a city. You been to be a city? 

Here? A city definition like outside your palace gate, or when you grew up, you were away from the Queen and your father, but I thought you all live inside the palace without going outside too much. The city is designed for the outfit fashion walking on the road + shopping. Here or Tokyo, or where Hugh gone and passing it by, and be back right here with these otter says.

We are not the economic finance center. You learning this here at this time, for what?

You have the venue, the charity, or the events to go with Meghan. You 2 cannot sit down together so the ladies mind their happy world, not to see one more hairy guy all around, make them happier? So Olivia should be there, or Hugh comes down RIGHT here, and no more his existence other than my police station I have no idea what he is there for, and Olivia by herself, she doesn't have the money, doesn't know the bus line too well.....its one straight way Hugh always goes by the taxi.

You mean the city route map, you one Harry wants to learn?

So why don't you CALL your brother?!!!! He is NEAR, very NEAR. He can handle some of that? A line of text, a running of your head strain, every where in life, NOT this life here, all over again, which situation you getting yourself out or in, or the ladies. Put some langauge to MAKE him understand you wish to control, but someone meant he doesn't have a book keeper or the itinerary or the outfit fashion walking WHERE?

Insert yourself in the conversation means opens up your mouth

If you just be useless like a brother, Meghan knew whom she chooses to marry for the rest of her life !  She and me will never have that conversation, the personal choice and to live up the expectation. You don't have, but she has ! There is Hugh, I am not sure where he is, or his mother supposes to be here, too. About 4 months ago, or the 3 month minus the first 1 week. We are talking about HIS parents, how they show up during the Earthquake that time, too!!! He was running his July 4th, I remember that, or he forgotten where that hotel was?.......忠孝東路 this is the road you looking for, been to?

Why don't you call your brother, this part you care, or he cares, whom controls whom the ladies, or the joins of those ladies include Hugh's mother, as if no one plans a thing, to DRAG the boys all down, so they be happy just like the girls all world, to be there?!

Which stairs you are? That is not an escalator, you want to sit down for the rest of the days? And stop using the stairs, here in our city, you always use the 1) the escalator 2) the elevator. NOT the stairs AND not to be in those space no one sees you, GO to the space where the human can see you, again the escalator or the elevator ALL THE TIME. Our city is not America, not England. Its the technology driven, must be the escalator or the elevator.

You care about Hugh's mother now, she is on 3310, that TV?

You done this before?  Harry?

How to insert yourself in between that that that situation without your brother here. Your brother done better? There is every situation to show up there?

You will be in Japan?

I never been to Japan walking in there, at all. 

I stay home, I never been to Japan. I pretend Hugh and them are here. I told Hugh in Tokyo North West even that area, its like us, the outfit but today is Friday, tomorrow you sleep in your hotel for 2 days, Harry? I told Hugh things, so you don't obligate to insert any conversation so you calling Meghan, every so often where you are, where you be at. She understands all the pictures here, around, and...Hugh she can see? Whom is he? That 1 simple conversation whom Hugh is to her Meghan, or text her, or for others to text her? You all re-affirm, when someone shows up before or after, someone knew each other?

Your brother is not moving

                        Commander / female office Kate and Meghan  stays their units them.



Only you moving Harry? In Japan, that is north than this map.

None of us are moving. Meaning outside walking in Japan I never know where that is on the Tokyo orientation, someone is with you, then that's good !

That's Tokyo and North West means?
The otter says?

You leaving now next 2 hours, by afternoon, by Tonight you will be here.

You gonna live right at Hugh? Because his airport route its 1 bus. 40 mins.

Go and text, or line, One morning, we still have that typhoon pass yet? 

You get here, move everyone up, Harry. 1 person with those personal staffs, or you have an unit people. Including Hugh's mother if she is coming in takes her kids to the hospital. You have a reason like the hospital for Hugh, right? His family. 

You ever done that in your whole life? Moving your family with the kids + other new couple family, + your brother's whole family?

1 day, you could move everyone in 1 day? In your head?

The sea shipping the whole apartment suite goes up, 1 and 2 and 3 family + all the military arrives at that time to Japan, next by Mably. Your father talks to Mably, yet?

You are you
or you are as the British royal family?

Meaning in next 5 years, if you re-done this all over again, its like this, roaming all over the sea with your kids growing up you keep doing this every 5 years?  1) Insert yourself anywhere  2) Walking in a city to venture or to outfit at which financial center  3) Communicate through 3C where is that 3C phone, or apps, or maps?  4) You are an adult to move your family one day to move your kid's all toy boxes.

I keep asking you, you done all that in your life, you were married before?

Should I ask your brother first? Because when the Panda does that....left 1 small panda like that 2 tiers up there...and they all reunion in Korea. Right now, its when he going back, so....you all scatter here. Someone settle 3 months, breath, and 1 of you going up breath knowing how to sleep well with the kid, and in 2 months you are in north Japan finally. You take 6 months because Hugh insert himself first here. He running by himself with Olivia with some family on the phone. I happened to see him with the otter here. WE pick him up from the street.

"Where you going?"

( Don't bother me...calling )

Is there any reason I cannot call anyone, Harry? 

I have to call Shane.

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