
🥪 I am not sure how William or King runs his household 🥪 But Asian there is a lunch box idea.

America has this cafeteria.

Let's say Shane and me are here, you are all in Japan, for whichever the duration the household where you carry some home chore, one of that is your neighborhood watch. That will include before you all move together, or never together, you all still doing that on your holiday travel or the greeting, you don't just grow your family so far apart, no one says hi.

The lunch box, and the utensil for the kids, and the Asian this market or the vendor its where I prepare for Shane, or Westlife. In America, I think its the brown bag they use. Shane they stays home, so its more like Western all home, where people eat, or they travel to DC, they stay where they got assign because they are the celebrity.

The hygienic reason sometimes when you go out, you prepare yourself some of these, you don't use their utensil. You have to teach your all kids, all the Asia hygenic statues, its never stop washing your hands, and only eat where you tell them can go and eat.

Right now I don't feel like to cook.

I just eat less, and sleep most of time.

But when you set your mind set, how you run a household with a lot of the kids together, you set a frame "Here are the kids their lunch box" you imagine, and you organize, this is how many you buys. You may not be used to in your life, you ever raise a kid. Sometimes their diets are not all vegetarian, or they don't get home after the school, they walking on the road. You have to be very alert when you all decide doing this together, or live near by, or where you all staying at.

So, me is where the vegetarian idea, when the cutting board and the knife to use; you realize that is not mix between the meat, or you just only buy the outside fried meat, or the fried fishes those pattie, and never actually process that at home. The sink, the pipe line, the waste when you collect your garbage idea.

Today that sheet would be the culinary idea, you have never really collecting them at home, or have time to prepare for each other, or these man or the girls or the near relative, are they all relocate to....help each other and all that stuffs if that is the part of the plan. Any new home you purchase, that is the brand new kitchen seasoning. That including if you all relocated to America sometimes for getting near the diplomat reason any coastline, if that is a brand new housing, all these kitchen seasoning at this time, this sheet.....its you buy and dump. Re-purchase and dump !

This is not a high pressure cooker. But high temperature steam method. There is a sheet below the meat when you first got them. Those thin meat. If you using the steam cooker this method, you can say, you never using a stove top or the sink to wash off this meat. You need to turn on that water for 5 mins, all those things down if you cooking a lot of those sauce, or the wine that goes with the meat, or the pot, you rinse rinse rinse, or the waste all that.

If I am by myself, let's say Shane and me not on the same time.....I buy my own things for my family, I can be by myself go in the supermarket, selecting these in the basket, not panic, or forgetting one thing for another..... ===>   So today that is the sheet.

You never done this, and you breath, and you relax. You don't panic, you have anything you pick up those recipe gradually.

Like, you have never pick up a bottle and "read", that branding or the English. They got the plastic or the glass. The plastic is fine.

These would be at one session in the supermarket or the grocery store in America included, and you stand on that isle looking at these per bottle. So some people have done those recipes very clear where they are, so they can just walk in the isle, a whole dump at those cart, and walking out, and prepare that household, that's say, me and my brother, my mother. Nick calling, my household that far, its everyone knows, we are 4 people can get those spice on our own.

So you train, and when the kids grew up, you don't panic anymore. Not for the spice to be too panicking. The bottle how do you open and that is a new bottle? Is there an embedded plastic, and take out. Those small tiny things might be bothering you the first time living somewhere else and all the food container on the counter top.

The glassware

The plastic container

The wraps - the aluminum, or the plastic.

The first time to shop in the grocery store more upscale, or the local, you go with the body guards, or you pick the earlier morning, that is when they come out, you.....have a cart, or all the personal staffs they carry the carts, but you looking at the vegetable, or the fruits, then you have to sort.

So today I say I carry some of the other green herbs. All that one sheet was nothing but the culinary spice and the regular herbs.

But you are not required to do that, I just describe a bit.......

The green leek, the green bell pepper, the onion, the sweet potato, the taro, the Chinese white big heavy carrots and the red carrots. + the Chinese green, the bok choi, the cabbage.

Your side might be eating the celery and the carrots.

So your mind would be on the stir fried all the vegetable in a different assort.

My culinary spice would be the pasta, or the roasted potato, the marinated tofu, the grilled tofu, or those coleslaw. Its....a sour a bit idea from America dish. In Chinese, here we also have, but that is called the sour veggie (its in a bun), or its a side usually we don't eat that. But I think Asia has some culture of that comes from, so I mention what that is from America.

I retired, so I don't cook like that anymore, but for a short duration, I can survive on my own.

The people they just called the take-out, not as healthy, but they are all doing this oily take-out and you cannot change that. 

( That is a terrible movie again: Dungeons and the Dragons, Honor Among the Thieves. )

This....are nothing to do with you all future will be becoming FAT?


The spice is for marinating purpose, and that gives a taste. If you constantly living in a routine, you can build up that routine ! In Asia, you can walk to arrive, when you realize the driving is not required.

The soup, some rice, some pasta, some pasta salad, some home made bread, or utilize anything the vegan session you can eat double and NOT those giant fat or too much the sugar contain. Agave. 

Shopping lists....

You know we purchased this 40 pound carrots. You all have those younger guys to carry.....then SUV those big bags onion, or the potato.

You spend one weekend, the whole afternoon, you can create the whole 5 days you are outside any food you take to the office.

My TV cannot turn off.... 

I go to sleep.

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