
I need to focus on Shane, Harry. None of that....outside my hearing parts.

Any of your imagination to mind your own conspiracy whom is higher than whom, all dead, not 1 left remaining to you one Harry the greatest of wizard oz, those....needie greedie, or UB or the parents, or whom killing whom, those brain idea.

Meghan, you need the breakfast and then William.

Kate can be on her own is fine.

7-11 if with the hat, or you can go to those iron plate that you check them, whom is cooking. The man probably better, they don't talk. Near the school here are the girls. They....I ate once, my throat felt something, I immediately don't go there. The birds told me to go there. Too often....If you check their per mouth opens, no talking, that time okay. That one breakfast place okay. The man those side is better, but....I am not sure.

You only eat the yogurt those? 7-11.

Hugh that side, might be okay. But the fruit plates, the fruit cups in 7-11. They don't cook at home, just a very simple all morning routine. Well....I eat those iron plate correct. Just that one near the school, they open their mouth to talk. But you all eating the 7-11 or Mc Donald, or Mos Burger those, the muffin bread with the eggs in it. 

I have a mother, so that division worlds its where they going, because their age is like 8 years difference. The husband married to all like 1 year difference near to the fathers side all ages. That time, the admission to the university is lower, and that school with the IQ higher will probably mostly are the man. They met outside the school near by.

They never seen each other or in contact, all military knows how my father screw it up or making it up and my both parents are conditioned. If were restrained this news inside the military, then they know ROC is part of them, that grandpa line down to 2 human, my father and my mother only. The rest of them are just the school classmate be happy, no relevancy.

But since I am the only one talking, they look like they have a group when my mother is the youngest to show up what she used to remember.....she believes he managing well with those human as the friends but apart to the military the only power, he is not supposed to in contact them and the China records for the last 20 years. That division is a very stern and fix one.

2 human saying hallo and goodbye 30 years ago already ....now they have their new horizon of those pathetic life its to sleep, and doze off, aging and doze off. Just one last round, for a meal, it is a very fix fate, die, when their time comes, go back to their ABC flopping their wings all soar except these 2 human.


50 mins of the 1 whole life time of this future. But its a big deal of a brand new outfit, has to be hand wash makes her life feeling....a tiny nobler. 

The quality of the my father's life is a shameful one, not very steady, no home to go back too.

My mother felt hurts one, 1 person heart goes up and down for the 3 kids, to improve her brain power a bit for the last 20 years. At least, its sleeping in the same house, a women like her, at least quiet down the napping time and a routine, that life idea....she will tell everyone if she has a voice. Its only the routine life you all wish to come back to Taiwan, no more car, the car plate registration, the car insurance, or the garden fees for the ABC kids be their hearts going nothing but up and down, like the marriage of that Dr. Bing's daughters, both were what....the MD 22+, funny...the pathetic life, she doesn't know....its their aging to old, America too expensive.

Taipei, her life quality is the premier, just....less human to get near.

50 mins next week, the day before its our hospital I think. 2 events in 1 week, to this 52 weeks, her life were bored, only Tina and Pang's unlimited ABC phone call. Pang is coming it back Nov with Joshua, moving left or right.

See, a simple life...anyone will dream of. They all happy party ABC in America, that is great.

My Time and Space is only this routine life, right.

The forever goodbye means, already 52 weeks 1 year, when they finish their realization of the life decree passing to seeing through past....its just 52 weeks, 4 barren wall. After the university, no more activities. Its money every day until they make it the next award ceremony like Pang, like Dean. ID registration. Where are the next activities? It has to be assign, the taller all white man power dance, only worlds. - Pang's better university, Pang's better fratenity, Pang's better... the Russ Business school, UB is just a state school.

See, 3 meals its 80% time on dreaming the perfect true love if not driving away another 5 % time, to say work loaded.....The only capital sleek of the human like me, folding my legs.

Its 10 signs, we finish talking in the end of all days.

The only capital sleek. Its only they need, never Ella Enchanted. But those escorting service each other, and the last decree of the face on Harry Potter...I am sure his father knows, or William won't remember anyway.

His brain you know?

Am I busy?
Of course I am busy.

( Proof reading. )

oh ~~~ you Meghan is the interview says, Pierre Morgan, I only read, and heard his voice. You want to social ladder in UK those? The news leak out. So all of you want to know, like the Kate....like William remembered? The Upper scale of all worlds your father and his brother those? or his sister? 

oh ~

uh .... we are not related. 

Me and my mother

Pee, drinking the juice, the stuffs. She doesn't have a period and those in-between age, the most man doesn't know, you know? It is between the 50 I think at night, you sweat, or the mood swing, or the hot flash, something something details, when the menopaused comes. 

The finger nails, the toe nails, the house paint, or the trash she does, the building washing stair fees, and the maintenance fee, her every app options, for 1 me. One Pang's all around 2 weeks schedule, the money or the hospital visits or the dental.

Her IQ how much to other than the TV she keeps watching, I have no idea what is so interested in there.

Her IQ other than cut, wash, peel, or cook. We eat out, she blank out, I maze her out from all walkway, she learns, she remembered, and alcohol wipe on the way to entry.

Her recognition to the birds on the kitchen side, the people coming in to install the washer or the air-con again. 

Her calling to the same people, her classmate coming in, too. It just happened these 2 years they retired, or their family have people die, or the kids, or something telling each other on the phone.

She purchased where the vegan stuffs, the take-out, she recognize that same place.

She can go out, and come back, she can leave and call me, she can be Line at and response.

She knows what is Tina and Hank, or the people on the road, or swipe that metro card, or the senior citizen benefit, its would be the bus free, something is not free? Its both free after 65. She can talk out, verbalize.

She is watching some video, and she does response using the Line App.

Their response rate is low, but they all have some kinds of the response. But she is the worse.

My jobs?

Everyday she comes back at the same time, nap at what time, ice cream when to pick up the same going out that door the time coming back. The same time. She does a little bit different at in between I didn't know where she is, I found out, she has that routine. So only the interval between that that that, she has no more exit that door, why my door here has a red opening light. My building.  (Why I cannot say nap time?

My neighbor, someone new moving in. The Indian moves out. So no more chaos, probably she is happier. 

I check the door exit, the door knob when I am washing it, not often, but....at least my room. I take the trash out, the trash can bags, my period, or those details things if its my room, I take care of.  

HER per phone, per mouth opens.  

She either really knows that stuffs, or she really loving that stuffs, the heaven time of everyone astrology chart in Chinese .... 

The birds my balcony, or the kitchen side, or the lizard. Sometimes I just tell them things with the mouth not the inside. The mouth opens.

She cooked, I wash everything else after. Mine. I rinse the sink, I rinse rinse rinse every sink, my bathroom, sorry. I have to wash my teeth every so often to imagine the bf. Not recently but I used to, now I have to brush my teeth more often, or the dental floss. I found out.....something odd, so the dental floss has to go down and rinse none stop, per tissue opens of my mouth. 

Its one of those thing I usually do.

+ my jobs here on my computer she doesn't know. 



Is this the breakfast? The yogurt is very fat....I cannot sleep, what is it?

With your parents or in-laws, I have never had a in-law you know?!

Being a human and being humane just something love yourself best, the cleanliness, the smile, the photographer, the saying things clear, being appreciated, that's fine. But every human takes side, so there is every coin to make 2 side tangle and make a dice....sounds.

Be smart, be watchful, be polite, be agreeable. Those are fine.

My mother used to doesn't have a background. When she just got married in, her father or her all around. Her father has upper somewhere line, both the family last name was heroic, or the judge, or die to guard down the city wall those

But she was not Rockfelle, and not that cartoon 彩雲國物語, and other than that, me saying some parts to clarify how bad that is both from Zawanna and Babaji's perspective. She will be the first time having some of the breathing time, but she is already away from them for a very very long time.

Her father's father...up up somewhere has a royal sword from the highest leadership that time would be the King. Its Gold.

I would be more near my mother's side after all those years gone. The close by relative.

No, never my father's side. Square they go near the grandmom side, because their mother kinda just move them all closer. They are the normal women I think at that time. My mother can only just watchful for the kids, and my father running in and out. The kids we 3 grew up, the laundry, the homework time by 6, or eat by 6. That is 3 meals she always kept that routine. 

She sticks around, only that routine for 3 of us. So of course...I remembered. 

I had a room, a desk to study, to make it the grade, a more near school, and the books, and the computer. Not a lot of the super supports, but she provides that period of time, its long enough for me. Those time cannot be purchased back if without it. Its year after year, days after days, the same 3 meals, the same trash bag, the same maintenance fee, the same routine. She buys the food and make something. She doesn't need to I guess if anything coming it down....but that routine she sticks to it. 

She is my mother.

Until I rise all up.....then I only ensure she kept that routine for the other 2. They might be more airy the last 20 years or not knowing, so now, its 2 people home. Me and her, and I be watchful ...Pang and Tina can keep shaking, or they realize, they try out, they have more room, more tolerance from both of us, more space and idea to try out they themselves in America, no matter what that is. From both of us here. 

A freedom means, no one nags them, they don't need to worry about me or my mother. I am the only one doesn't know. They both probably know something, I wasn't aware of it at all.

  • They feel what is America
  • They feel what is in English, or the friends or the networks, including to screw up, or pace back their heart, or think back, or each year gets older.
  • We have the minimum communication, so they be free in America in thinking, in socializing, in their own will almost someone else guides them. A lot more American more brutal way, they grow, they free thinking, they free guiding, or their speech or their communication methods to near by those more real jobs.
  • Their company, their entry to America, to becoming more and more near the American the correct culture. 
  • No words from us, so its a freedom they just.....through that environment. 

Like, the home is fine. They always worry, but gradually the home is fine, or little bit communication, everything is fine. So they go on in America, those real time in their life.

Their real time. Not home baby them those things. My mother doesn't usually say those things, and I never did. 

It would be ...my mother, and her 2 kids. No, not my father or my any cousins. My mother and 2 things she produces with my father. 4 people us. I ensure its space all around, everything details fine , my father did provide enough. No, not anyone else, no. No Square, no. Because....just 4 of us. We a lot more American side, and I think my father can say, he will agree like that, that's fine. Square does art, we ....have to all go to school, even to American English speaking manner, schooling, not those vocational school to join the wine drinking or smoking those idea. No.

She goes to bed like 2 oclock, wake up at noon, very very very long time until she gets to this business, or still does that.

That is no and no and no from us, a thousand time no. 

No house chore, it was a dorm, no interior design, the boyish clothing. A ....square hat, no make-up. My father's side all friends are ABC. She probably does those knife pockets keeping in her car, those cut ropes she knows what that is. A motorcycle she knows, and any guy to join the traffic time to say the motorcycle, no parents know which movie industry smoking filled world to end up Mongolia, she....sits in their car or the motorcycle.

WE will never do art, nor movie theater to say smoking, eating the plastic bag those soupy food, eat those vendor night market, outside school its the motorcycle, or smoking air filled to join a conversation at mid-night says a helmet. MY living room will never have a helmet !!

England 2 

Sorry, distracted.....again! 

Hank is Tina's, they got 4 kids now, right. Aria and George ~~! Irene has a kid, and her brother jus had 1 more kid. We know about them, because I used to live with them, their mother. My aunt.

So....its Tina, my mother, and my aunt. Irene tiny a bit...she broke up with her bf last time I was here. Never talked to but their parents we know of. My mother's stuffs.

My aunt, that aunt is nice and staying home, too. Identical like my mother. She and him doing nothing but staying home for about 25 years, my grandmom never left the apartment. 

No, communicating, like near by talking, no. My mother has to run outside, sometimes she sees her brother, next by this aunt. The same night market. Day-to-day. 

My father re-married, that's it!

We, me seeing the girls with the Irene's father, 1 guy probably useless, but staying home with my aunt together. All their sisters are outside in North America. My mother's sibling. 5 women sisters. Some has the kid. 

More on my mother's all side, correct. 

England 3 

My father = 1 person goes in.....


                                                                           ABC's all fathers (classmates) descendent

        Sibling / classmates / ***                1 

                                                                        Tina watches him.


Shen's side

Me or Pang, or the kids all near by

Moves far away, my mother has her own life.

You draw a rectangle these 4 lines. Me 1 all this.

oh ~ is what? Why China's TV is full of Tina's face?

Tina .....Tina is in NYC, that is America. You mean China drama TV on meditation.....Tina doesn't meditate, she is a Christian goes to the church and my father goes to the church too with Shen's side grandmom. 

Tina's outfit, you mean China outfit those? No. (Why you say no? )

Tina... ...Boss & Me, my 

Tina's face, right? Tina ....

Wallace, Austin !!! Swallow and Sky ! (their kids name Austin looks like Wallace)

Boss looks like Indian General, Truman's Show ! 

Maybe .....Tina is more at Wendy, the sister of Austin.

                           Micky Japanese / her husband cello  ( the piano and the cello), 2 kids.

                                        Leo & my brother, Austin.


No, not real, but... my brother....oh Square and my brother?! My brother speaks in English!

I don't really know ! Tina plays the music, she cannot hold up anything heavy since the high school. China new design the office .....And Soft String. 

杉杉來了    溫柔的弦

Maybe that is my father's stuffs mix in it, but its the comic book, my side?! I meet someone along the way, oh ~ Charlie and Director lives at. Maybe Charlie. Lauren lives there, right? When they first got engaged those time 2014. 

19, 26....and Lauren, Simon and Keanu !!

It has nothing to do with any of us, it will never be our reality, of course not. 

You know Westlife dresses the black suit? 

The boy choirs to begin? 

My father is the smoking that and the .... xxx casino ...oh ! 

He is thick eye glasses, the book worm type, that is how he made it his classmate university IQ those years 8 years before my mother studying type. uh ....no, not the casino, but I can tell, the 麻將, his mother's, his sister, and Square's mother used to be together, playing that in the smoking world. 

Not us here. Its not a casino.....not even the poker's card. He does ~~~!! Except 4 of us. None of us knows why he does that, right.

We 3 kids, no. Never my mother.  We don't really know. 

  • My brother has the snake, but he has a particular rules 1 to Z.
  • I have more rules, we don't speak.
  • Tina....she bossing people type rules.

When we grew up.

He left us, all the time near by, we went to the school.....we don't really know what he did, and what happened !

My TV news time. You all go eat?!

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