
If you gain weight, your face ..... (the medical equipment)

If you lose weight enough, first....if they becoming a block of your eyesight, then that is the private clinic to fix the face. Here you can see the development. They all have the private clinic.

Did he gets a haircut?  Or lose weight?

When you talk in English, you run off your patience, do you know what you saying to the public, whichever any of you together or combine, or by yourself? Your future is brighter. Or when you be seated in the political realm, and whom you are, say that again? Clearly in English....and you would be boasting about your father, or about what you know from the news, because you love to talk?

And if you all gonna end up in America the next 5-10 years, not now....one of those days, you all together, or you all settle down your new life, and AGAIN to sail to America, you ...still the same as you are now?

You all need to end up cooking soon to the future, that plan, so you quit talking, any of that?

The hard candy shop 

This casserole dish with all the tomato + garlic + the cheese


You know....you all never been to those farmer's market, or any market to say, you get a quats of blueberry until I see the Hunger Games in the season when the farmer's produces all that, so your goal is the tomato.

These cooking, would be for a certain type of the "cooking skill", I can tell. You supposed to be like 10-15 years visiting people's real scene, other than standing there to carry a conversation? It will be sitting down in people's home, or the husband and the wife together, that kinds having a VIP to visit? That will be your future, all together, or having another partner, still.....This type of the cooking..... Is that everyday, then that is very very stressful for you all younger couple than those senior parliament members, almost you meeting them right now, every parliament floor I describe the last weekend. 

You have fun touring all these island, near the ocean is near the sea means. They have the climate in the summer, you all going home, or going to the next planned things?

Some people in their one lifetime will never be planned to go any of that near to those world, so they let's say making a huge money from Youtube, like eat to death, or the family benefits, or the small business to make a friend social prosper, and a lot of you hate or love, or show off...but the bitterness in you, or the money stakes means to you.

You balance your life in front of you all the time.

Calm down, rest, sleep, relax, replenish the health reason, and your personal staffs will plan the good things for you all, if you don't go and ruin everyone, the last 20 years I am very sure I wasn't there seeing any of that. And you know that.

You going to be the VIP all the time?

Ronan is a VIP.

Are you going to.....reverse anything to the future? Then the wife will be stressful.

Anything but the movie, but the TV, but the associate name or the works, or the character, or the system talk, the system diagram, anything but ANY of that.

Are you guys fighting? 

No, not the instant noodle, but not the white rice all the time. You feel okay? This is a real Prince father of George, or there is another them paired?

You want Hugh to tour you all around, the instant grab in your carts to everything you need, not even guess, its your next 1 week shopping food ideas? Don't think, its immediate check out, everything know where to go, where to come out, where to pack up ....packing all the things he needed.

You want to go to someone when they were younger, and asked them... "You all used to be young.....you ever..... imagine how to get through life? Like the routine in life, or the public works, or some groups of people? Reading more books, and reading more experty stuffs?  "

When you all having no more best friends.....

To together gang up ....

The bad attitude and bad langauge.....

I show up + those I get rid of?

You can talk to them back, not rigid to get rid all of them, you are on the wind, you are on the ride up, can you just use your power to make those friends used to be your friends? Breath and continue. 

I am what in Asia? Me, me, me

We ever talk about me? Its all you YOU YOU.

Westlife is ....

SHANE is 1 human in the court room, not 5 !!!!! 

Westlife is a commercial group in Ireland, that is one of the 200 countries on the UN maps that says, each world has anyone DON'T go to the parliament. Its his leisure things him 1 human to go. He is lacking the words, that is his business !!!

You all going 1) UK or EU parliament exactly like the Prince & Me 2) Upper or Lower House 3) America ligation is in Washington DC or NYC. 3) UN, UNISEF  4) Military or the legal advisor that between them and the parliment 5) The weapon strategic exactly like the movie !!!!

ONE UN HAS 200 ALL WORLDS, most of them can speak English so the international language for the business travel is in English !!!!

The Asian some people are speaking the mandarin other than the Chinese people whom if reading or writing, or speaking !!!!! Hong Kong, or some Japanese, or Korean, or Singapore, that is put 10 Asian countries they like to learn mandarin, or Japanese !!!

You have how many EU members, you don't focus on your ONE Europe, all the way to Arabic or Africa ?!

Shane is not a rabbit ....

You are learning French, or German. Where is this Mably ligation would be with you all?

Some human will tell you how to evaluate a situation was someone watching a monitor to decide her future cause in both the money or the belief. You agree with that? That is a freedom privacy life in her own house close the door, without leaving and she bathing the water or eating indoor because her mother cooks and shops, and doing the chore with near by the neighbor chat, or she is together on the road blocks finding things out with aunt and the relative not too far away, or the school district for the younger kids. The near by someone's best friends have come home with her sister together to raise 2 each kids, and they gone to near by the school, its private.

This her decides not to run outside, run inside, run to the news agent, or the media room, she decides, her country own district having some youtubers and listening to them, so she puts up her classmate from a state school to talk to the American side all that near from the military to pretend they exist, they have a system number right here. She claims its 10 rudimentary subjects, before the Earthquake hits.

They never forbidden the writing on the website, because.....she didn't advertise to anyone, so no one does this prying like any of you, she says in 3 years, there is an Earthquake lasting for 6 months, while these 10 system subjects people already enter, or knowing where we are.

Everyone and ANYONE is to alleviate the pain between the local and the situation, the flood or the weather !!!

What did you ALL DO instead?

Is this a magical monitor, I am asking you?

You coming here because of the panda says, or because of the 3310 looking for a flight attendance girls? In Japan, and your father agrees, and Kate and Meghan moving up, so Harry flying all around.....you all separated your mind and soul on this?

You have a whole military behind Kate the first time, and she was in a small tiny room...someone moves them all here?! And you all as the husband because of the TV, its best they go on their own until I can see, the otter can see, the panda can see? That is what you all capable as the husband to telling each other condition, its for better or for worse?

You have whole days or the ideas where your kids to be, or the obligation to be, meaning for the last 20 years, you pick up your learning and you are everywhere your head space over the people saying to you, or Kate is up to that jobs, or you are all both told your academia performance is not enough. That conversation is a rude one, and neither of you are welcome anywhere, or you both have to lower your head to the England local. The royal power doesn't exist anymore.

You try to exist here, that is what you mean? 

We here don't care about the Hunger Game, any of those saying. I told Hugh the exact thing Olivia heard. And people be happy staying here or going to Japan to tourism or to buy anything. I cannot go anywhere, just staying home.

You ask George to turn on his CNN in his room, what he listens in the news in English that he understand for just 20 mins a day? Having a discussion with you, or with the uncle? These panda saying you all gonna meet again before....that is 2 none concern world, right? 

He timer just 20 mins per day? What do you think the news say?

You got here to realize, you had some other movie implied royal that becoming you a threat, other than me + 1 Shane. But its Westlife and Justin + Brian + Nick ( all boybands groups) + the other female artists, everyone all working together !

You believe that, now you are in the music groups to compete to each other, or to be each other best friends? With the music world? Then do you care about the girls like you cared about your wife? The cup, the plate, the napkin, the dollar store cartoon birthday party those all decorative fun things to purchase?

Why it has to be 1 person from the music group? 

From Ireland, not from England, or from American? You have IT giant all Silicon Valley.

You want to oriented your brain, writing them down you hate, you can just throw in the trash can, no one will read it, they take the trash to dumpster. You feeling better? Your mind relief? 

It could be your family things, you got tricked by the panda ~~~

It could be 4 of you, or just traveling make you tired, so you lay down and sleep. 

You have the things to hide from your family

Your legs, or your court room activities to both spell yourself as the 2 prince methods!

Which things are real?

You William and Kate to the Japan court room.

And this cannot be in England the local court, its here in Japan. Does that mean you William moving here for real, you are flying it back and forth every time the court room in session on the marriage separation, are you?

No, these are not any of this panda acting strange 3 in a row, or 2 couple loving, or you sex your legs unsure to step "when" to Japan. They mean Kate called you....

I gone to this Japan or the Korean grocery shopping store or the restaurant myself in California. I never been those tourism places, when I was a very young kid. I personally was not very comfortable because its not very related to my world. So I understand how you will feel, neither of these stores when you decide to move here, or how your father arrange with all this situations show up.

  1. You are very very sad and wobbly drinking alcohol in the party.
  2. You are very very drunk, fallen off the civilization thinking and the education.

Anything to you is very very sad, William. You look sad, you feel sad, you talk sad.

So you thought kate and you will stay good for that one lifetime, and no more relationship, did you meet anyone else other than the old if you don't like, like your father's video, too. You two got thrown out the sex subjects how to talk right, or how to communicate clear behind door?

Maybe I asked you a several question.

  1. When did you have your first love?
  2. The first time this sex education comes to you, with the internet, or the TV or the books?
  3. You ever had a gf in the middle school, the high school, that a gf or a bf, that you had a kiss, the first kiss, or the first cup alcohol and a kiss, those party in the college?
  4. You had Kate's first runway show, that kinds.
  5. The first family together, built that something up.
  6. The endless running in the car to the common subjects and she keeps the spirits up for you? At you? You tell her the life is very sad or you two are the same age, to say the classmate.
  7. This is the first time you knew each other's secrets?
  8. You ever talk about "a new love" other than "death", William? Other than the first love, the first relationship? 

Having a relationship with a stranger is very scary, meaning you do that on your own to your own garden party, and you watching this "Diana" you freak out, or you put that on your daughter's name or whichever that had happened? You and Kate.

Are you breathing when you get here, breathing 2 months?

How you gonna glass wine your next love? Build up a new world, a gf or a bf or the Engagement like the 2nd movie.

You don't allow yourself to breath, or you wishing that is the God's punishment? 

Tell me, how you will yourself out of these panda, next one week 7 days.

You gonna talk with this new gf, anything between the physical, meaning NOT everything honest, you hate to have a secret, to that you trusted wife? The future wife? What is that?

Do you have 1 physician in your grandmom's office, or your living quarter, you can always always always end up there, or calling in the office, or text, with your position right now? Any time you want a private talk, you talk to your on-station doctor, that one man, or one lady?

Do you have the issues where I seen from my side, or anything else worsen like the seasonal allergy you yourself know? That will be the internal.

Can you tell him, "I want to go on a date, you give me every step to do, I keep it well for 5 months. I want to try 1 or 2 girls, to imagine another future, you think that is fine, to do?" 

"With my wife still somewhere in Asia on her own. The garden party, or you guess and I pick a draw, which kinds, you think? I mean you know how this process can go, you are a doctor?"

You make this doctor your best friend, for 1 year......your ex wife never run away, she is RIGHT here this side. Its just you talk to your doctor he is your ONLY best friends, to pretend a 5 months. x 2. You want it perfect !! 

No, its not real from you, you know, you ask the doctor every step. Trying twice.

How to talk, how to meet, how to family gathered, everything and anything fake. You cannot take that long, 5 months.

Why it has to be everything fake?

Because he is the doctor, and your best friend, you paying him to ensure you learn everything in 5 months x 2, you want to see if you can take it another correct relationship. 

And if I don't want to after 2? 

You relax another year, then you think about it. You are too busy, too.

Someone will use the doctor that way?


Writing the lyrics those?


Is that legal?


  • You hate that hectic life, and the public duty that stress on yourself, you feel fine. You thought about it.
  • You as a family man, you can 1 person headed to the dark lord in the final draw down / count down.
  • Samurai. 
  • You thought it was hilarious, you laughing at you yourself, having a family is hard, you know that responsibility is greater, its not your wife this or that, too many people you have met ....really really be together, neh. "My wife and my kids." You know having a family is to be responsible towards it, you want your own family parents before. You wish your kids know you be there.
  • You know the thinking what is negative or positive, and sometimes those subconscious run about, is negative, annoying to you.
  • You want to be there for your 3 kids, they cannot have their own classmates, the gfs unlimited or the bf unlimited all on their own, to interact anything in front of their life, its at 16 or 18 years old age, you finally be free. You, as their father the family headhouse.
  • Its on the tax form.
  • If you exit now, you will give them someone step-mother, you thought about it. 
  • I say dating first, the doctor's office first, know your body first, you must insist right now.
  • I say the body language, the internal secrets talk, or anything insecure you talk to the doctor, right now.

If you just move 1 step, and to the next....you grow wiser next year. You didn't do anything yet.

You like the girls, you like the guys' attention from the phone, you talk on the chat room box? You can still keep all your friends, and find the other 2 special friends lasting only 10 months.

I need you to battle your inner demon, heard those words say? Be more mild to more people all around, when you are in those mode, you having something new in your life and with the guidance, you are keep learning that something nature comes to you. You want that life, so make sure you get that life.

Do I think I be with Shane (NOT Nicky) consequences?

You mean I care about the movie that much.....that kinds. So does your father cared? When Camilla was there, and I am so far away seeing Ella Enchanted to Frozen to Cinderella?

If you are sadden, if you are happy back home again, if you feeling bright up in the garden's party, you knew that from the start, or anything of that kinds, you go and talk to your doctor.

Anything, and everything. 

You are argumentative, so you go and argumentative to your doctor.

You are that type.

I am not personal relationship with the otter, or the panda, or the birds !!!!

Shane wants to come here, I believe he says.

Did you ask him? 


So you believe he will drop all that to be with you here, in Taipei,....this everything all around?


So you talking nothing but here, its for Shane to hear it? or Westlife?


He knows you are talking to him?

Yes. We never talk about being where last year....then he starting to hear things, repeatedly once or twice, and three times. 

He knows why you talk about here, once, or twice, or three times?

I just say I need to stay home, I found out, and all these animals are like that. The otter did.

You told him?

I keep repeating here.....on the website.

Because you know he will be where you are?


You want to bet that, or you just gamble its like that?

He and me gets to this age, have to manage everything + our living world, so....there are things we will need to talk about it, he knows. I lean toward it, so I go near toward it, and making sound like that is my intention.

Do you ask him?


You just tell him?


You gonna talk about me and Mark?

To be honest, I am not sure that is the Mark you used to know. They might switch a different Mark, you contact him before?

OU language

Ihos Ku inspiration DEF

With F at the end.

The Chinese drama bothers you?

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