
They are your wives....

You want to care, or those too details....The bathing powder, or the water to rinse, to wash, 1 or 2 or 3 cold water down full tank? So ...if the baking soda, or the hair goes in, the strainer, to traps those hair? Their own hairs? 

Then, if they want to relax, its their shoulder this soften pillow like in the airplane, so they put that in the bath tubes. They calling whom, every day bathing, someone wake them up? Not in the bath tubes? Hugh, or me?

When you no longer intrude their life, not in 3 years, you suddenly shows up?  Invade their personal life, whichever things you didn't say goodbye the last time? You imagine every girl feels the sensicle of the man?

Meaning being considerate, being polite a bit, being privacy on your own, being honest, being less control, meaning their own personal space. They suppose to go to sleep, rest, not talking, nose breathing heavily until you breath your stomach to normal?

The distilled water, has to go to the bathroom, their period ends?

They go imagine their own movie a bit, some people can imagine a bit those pass things, and the years will pass another 5 years, not THIS 1 year?

You always believe you are the only thing in their life?

The vegan ice cream, the vegan sandwich, meaning as much as they ever wanted.....we are the summer, you are all in the winter castle talks?

You want to let go your kids, you want to fix up your wives, they do that one by one the holiday Thanksgiving or the Christmas, to 2 months summer camping trips. You fix that up? Or the foreign exchange language university students.

You don't give them strength to put up their own life.

You cannot do everything in your life, so people are input that this side of world, I just go to sleep, Shane comes in still go to sleep. 

You want to let go, one item at a time. 1 person at 1 time. You make them stronger now, they don't collapse that fast anything hits them, your wife, or your kids. 

It cannot be an immediate Christmas, but working up to some meals, some budgets, some happy food, some familiar home everyone built their own home, and thinking how to get old.

The movie is sad, they aren't the perfect people.

These women gets strong first, its immediate one next by their daughter, they chat their period, or washing, or boys, or the guys the future, how each other treating each other the basic hygienic. 
They cannot buddy together, they can move in more their current life, in a long trajectory months, they prepare to fly, prepare the flu medicine, prepare to travel, or land it again.

You all just watch them take off far away inside the hotel, they take the taxi to end up in the airport flying home finally home?

You are too busy to bow your head to someone else, you cannot cope your life to any of them. Someone saying that to you, to them, from MORE far away? 

They know or I know? 

WE ARE NOT in the same CITY, your secret is save WITH ME?

"Where is my husband?"

"I actually don't know your husband. Never met, never see, never heard, you all like the girl's cotton feel underwear, you all have to order on your own, the phone, the name card, this is the Muji name card holder. Japan's branding is Niko And...and Daiso. "

"Sorry, my mother bought me all these stuffs, the hand soap, the shampoo, and conditioner. Shane's stuffs.....we know where, just to stock it up, 2 of us the girls, each has 2 arms, to get 4 extra. Sometimes its the period pads, sometimes its the distilled water. Its 2 people, we carry it back, but she doesn't drink that. When I settle....I calling the Part time those. Same if Shane will come near.....one of those year. The holiday season probably its all outside. HERE is all the taxi city distance, but the regular working days, maybe he just needs to be in his studio, and.....

I cargo things with more art book, the recipe books, or the photo develop. You saw those birds photo filmed and develop, we still have. Next by the Hallo Kitty, Hugh gone to. Its for Shane to see, and for the printer to print out.... America has those Office Depot you can do it yourself, but sometimes. Its more of the human they have the store near by, so we go there." 

We maid the human here...its a city !

Calling you all husband, what to eat for the Christmas ~~~~

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