
Ronan, no, no King, no British those things. No.

You get out of the way best.

I prefer you taken some University religious or the Judaism, or the Humanity class, that close to anything or the Buddhism, near your home better. You gonna meet those younger than you are.  In the US, those New Age is very very competitive, like Dr. Steven Hairfield those Ph.D, in every publishing sector, so their fame is a lot more what they create or publish or how the audience found out about them from behind. 
You traveling now, I can see you travel and settle down in a few year. Not after we doing anything, you go on traveling where about, no one knows. And not those Jesus stories where you reading the online version and he ends up in India for any spiritual quest. Reading is okay, walking barefoot in India, No.

Did you ask them, why they keep none stop hurting me?

My mother these food, or I cannot go to the bathroom, or the water facet wall water, all of that?  Why they none stop hurting me?

The Flower Thousand Bone 2

That doesn't represent 5 Lords Review.  How they work might be 3 4 5 6 7 8.....

Its not the same. The TV didn't describe the 5 Lords Review, I saw on the VS, I finish it first, and at that time, I only know how to cut things and scoop 5 sense from the Loving the Silent Tear poetry. Nothing else. I still don't know what else to be saying kill someone and torture, other than whips in blood.

These things when someone got pump from the TV, they normally believe those idea, and normally a lot of the circle outside where people occurring the debts, its going down their life force and the life view and their breath. The bad breath and the health. The true reality of the human is very in the pitfall state. Sad, hysterical, argumentative.

To the Karmic Strength Law, other than they keep saying the outside is the Cooperate laws....Its not per second you will incur a very bad retribution. I happen don't have that anymore.   When you die this life, or how you will live again outside perfect life, or re-born anywhere. If Sariptura or you and 4 is where American can see, they can do something. That donation will exist, but....to where my peripheral won't reach, I won't even born to know about, I won't even care about it, Ronan.

I think it might be a sit down somewhere squatting Indian, is very very dark skin colored.

Look at Nick, or look Eben, those look great for them ~ 

People are very permissive in life, Ronan.  With Shane, its just one me one him. They use those System idea Dr. T or Dr. Ester idea to hurt us, because those are more happy. Chemistry major or his undergraduate is history, Ph.D is Chemistry, that is Jonas in Princess Diary the road name the beginning of the 5 mins. He was with a very short girl name Fatima, in FDA. That is what they done, or near by Dean, all that.

The FEMA camp. Some people you don't know they use the hot iron or the cold iron water, those case, they will enter the classroom, and they will tell you...these students no one will help them.  Their back, its the whipping or not, don't know. 

Correct, but there is a park, its everything I ever live the same, its the convenience. That America has to deliver and tell me about it. They can just call me and tell me everything is wrong outside but they don't say, then....I will use every eternity why they don't talk to keep hurting me.
Anything hurting me, its destine in the worse form the worse shape why any noise gets to my ear other than my perfect life. I make it very clear, no one try 1000% this life time including killing, I will tell the world how everyone will end in every life. Seriously.

Why 10 years ago they don't hand me everything, MY life was hurting badly in 2014.
This one debts it will be the worse of everyone I want to see, I want to hear, I want to know.
I can care less this 40 days China.
Every train in the sea.

No one goes home.
20 hours working no vocation no family, no talking, only 4 hours to sleep.



My perfect is only I exist.  
I won't care you what Ronan, you think you are, or what anyone bring to me, stop immediately anything disturbs me, at all.

Jonas Locke.  The Toronto Center is Lock gone to Waterloo, my driver. The janitor guy behind to play their Master's tape in chanting to sleep.  Ma Ma Mia....waterloo....rythem, great !  Wei old lady with Calvin was the Waterloo's contact person. The second floor of that Loving Hut. Spadina 140, or what was Egliton next by the Jewish. Toronto. Fresh is across Spadina.

Yeah, the classify ET or ET outside to how it ends to the Earth any classify, its hurting them eternity wise. Nothing will stain on me. No.

Spadina is the yeast name I think.

The Magic Radio, the women?

Wasn't you there for 10 years, when you get that job? They are all a lot more mild personality than those debtors, they got a job.

Ronan....if my entire world is no one exist precept, its just the birds and never ending this wild animals interface kingdom.....Shane thinks probably I have a mother or an email address to say Nick got these otter shut up.

We never skype zoom, or I ever seen this person other than if he changes a what photo. He tries to kill me one of those days, or that is Shane says, I look at him. Probably is right.

ET finishes them every step the way, are they the sentient beings?
Yes. Both the grey or the reptilian, and these movies have to come from them. I will tell you that, but the judge entering that classify materials, I have no idea how they re-make them, seriously. They have the factors they calibrate. 

And Ronan....any given dates usually I didn't feel anything.....to call out any punishment.

Something happened to the judges? I never do a thing to them? They becoming me to pretend another Frozen in a different world, he or she wants to kill the rest of the judge of his or her name?

I cannot say that. I can only react how I getting mad.  There is the high tech response.

A lot of time.  I never like Keanu Reeves that much, but seeing that much of the tapes or the news, or including the other world what...someone is him looking to do what, I have to suffer my head band one full year in headache, pain like a hell, to react on....whichever language I got. Its very hellish until I can go and kills someone.

I usually sleep, work, wake up....not the animal, not the sky or the birds. Not my mother.

So just one Shane. I don't know where he is.

There is a difference, you really like someone or you look at him until you like someone.

I think me and Shane just meet first, and hugging each other neck shoulder, "Say it again, because too far away, I cannot hear you." Hugging like we are the best friend, you are not leaving until you finish walking these.

I telling him everyday, " Hugs, love you, kiss, hugs.....let's talk."

You need a relationship statue, or you just pretend you want to have a relationship statues? There is a difference. We going on a date, or going walking where I leave him to dehydrate, his eye drop will be in my bag.

I told him. Everyday our morning and night is different.

Today is what 16th.....

My mother says.....what?

The birds say Ronan. You know why they do that? It means stop writing that 2 lines.

If the birds say Neo? Its yes.

It was to celebrate the American President inauguration earlier. Yesterday like 500+ people.

All the food I ever ate.......

HEY, I go out today !  My mother too tired.

You all military where about. No, I check my facebook after.

She doesn't cook, she will feel less works. I need to tell her maybe everyday. Bossing her, that is what it means.

(You guys want her to cook, or you want me to boss her, not to cook? ) Everyday like we have some connection in talking? We never talk. Never eat a meal together at home.



A lot of people got a lot of the options in life. So .....

Shane doesn't mind to meet the birds, we go run around some words, I finally realize its the birds saying HIM, so I ask him if he wants to meet the birds, but those birds that time was so fierce across here. My brother's room across, never stop the kitchen, or there.

He is a celebrity, and my birds screaming at him.....so its.....not that polite, or not that I can control this birds up all these floor up. Because ....because,.....its a bundle of the world of those politics, or the movies or the TV, they are a pack of the groups like the TV inside on those sky. I tell Shane what? Meet the Parents?!

I don't yell at my mother, until the last second. Now I gonna tell this birds....when I gonna say one thing in front of Shane or cover all of their mouth, the otters, all of that.

Do you want to go out with Nicky?


Some food date, some food outing. They asking you anything, talking to you anything?

You closure a life in a full circle. Sometimes is painful, but you don't rush to ruin anything too particular. Not you take take take that tolerance. But most human not that genuine, so I end up my birds on the roof. Its the neighbors. The neighbor in the emergency time is more helpful.

( Maybe I do need to talk to her..... more than few sentence a day)

Tina moving today. Pang goes to Paris.
Jousha doing fine.

I don't need you to think if you were a God....
I don't need you to think if you living in that person's life, Ronan.

I need you to be confident with what you are doing with your life. You don't need to travel, you don't even need a book, or all those New Age stories whichever you heard, you watch, you done something. Go to a real classroom, having some conversation with a professor, I feel safer. That is not any sector. A professor will not hurt you, Ronan.

And me and Shane will be fine.

You stay with Storm, that's fine, too. I wasn't very sure whom that was on the TV.

If everyone is very negative ....

You really knowing that, or you trying to imagine how that felt so, and together you sunk down, ALL as one family all together?

Most people are more passive with the TV, their life, their view, they aren't being supported, or hidden things, or those short circuits run off, too tired, too long, little sleep.

So when you get on, you feeling a lot more supporting from everywhere or the air that you breath, that doesn't mean there is an immediate anything in your face, at changing that reality. 

I prefer just me and Shane's reality ~~~~~~ be happy, or how to these Animal Interface, he is going to quarrel with them - one lifetime.

  1. The medicine parts and they talk more, they will be more expressive.
  2. None of that is being a saint. No. Just trying to be healthy and put on more literacy to express themselves, so no more religion other than staring at the money parts.
  3. True. All of these Asian, and then they go to their politics. 

So these TV hurting us?

That doesn't mean where the future lays, or when I being told, its through some medium....okay, there is a way very cruelsome, and I make my statement clear. 

They deserve to be hurt, correct. You don't need to be sympathize this Asian, or here local, or America, or LA.
They deserve to be burn like a hell and dead like the corpse. So believe in that deeper, anyone other than the human whom assign to you, and walk out of this Earthly existence with the even mind.

Anything else extra, get rid of it. Nothing else, when God is presence or disclose just a very small part. 

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