
Hank with the bone = Tina. (The otter)

( The neighbor hits the ceiling wall. )


He is calling the birds with all these knocking on all around the wall, the worms coming out. So the birds say gu gu gu. Morning, the Chinese slang? 早起的鳥兒有蟲吃

                                 The early morning wake up birds have the worms to eat.

This otter is mumbling Neo? Shane?

They are hitting people, but they are in the legal lawsuit over the divorce. Its a lot a lot of the money, my mother just by hearing of it. She acting like that?! We are here?! We are home, Shane ~~ that is what it means. 

3 days ago, what is 3 days ago?

Justin, your height with Brian ( Backstreet Boy) or Nick from 98 Degree. You are all American.

Shane is an Irish. He is just by himself, like wander somewhere in the lyrics. I am here walking, so I told him to join me here. That is very simple. The food plan, the living place. Hugh was already here. They aren't talking but if they did come in like these otters say?

He lives not very near the West Hollywood, where JC walks, he knows where he is.

The orange country its where we know. Me and Hank and Shane knows. Tina has the problems, but they are on their own with the judge. Its just me and Shane.

I just written for Shane. I have no idea how these houses 4 side walls everywhere got hit this hard. You are not mentioned?  And you all want to tell me, you Justin didn't get mentioned? In that lyrics? I have a problem with 1 Will or 1 Mark LOTR.

The smoking bubbling everywhere since before Christmas?  The Merry Christmas pages, here?  What did Hugh did to his father? I have never asked? I need to be here, probably. I will tell Shane that. 

Justin (Timberlake, or Timbaland, not the shoe, you guys are the friends?))

We live that....that is a water pipe I told everyone in that park behind, its not part of our property, its near by a walking park, has that water pipe behind. Frozen, that 2 joints to make an ice bridge, that is the brain function called the synapse. I told Mark LOTR, or William, the orange juice or the vitamin C.

That is where me and Sayer talked, or imagined what he did or he shows me some place. 

I asked Shane, if the orange country, is just right north of Irvine Spectrum. The Lake Forest is southern than that.  Not the ET road, but El Toro Road. 

I lived there.....my first Iphone was Hank told me, I returned him back, I got it from that road. There is a bank, there is a Home Depot, that 4 by 4 I made for AGT is from there? There is a library card, there are these HSBC, and the mail office, on that same road. THE El Toro Road. Its all on that same one street !!!

Laguna Nigel, they make me move like the 4 or 5 time. Tina has the second kid, George. They also moving 3 time at least. 

Hungtinton Beach, the Laguna Beach. I live southern part than the Hollywood, of course, that is all I ever know? 

No, I told Shane.....he found out something yesterday, so he froze a bit whatever he heard, today I told him what about UB near by, Williamsville and Amherst, but...I thought at least yesterday I told everyone, you all, today I just first telling him, but telling everyone in public now. I have a situation also. Here and there in this city, I went out.

『 Mention in that lyrics? 』

Menton is near Nice, France. That is Moracco. Actually, they are confusing me.

In Europe Albert II, the King of Monaco  ==> his wife

And south Africa, its called Moracco.

She is the Olympia, the swimming team. The Cinderella story of his father pass away. 

SMCH gone to.

My mother has to call me, the birds outside.

I have to go to bathroom, and the water engine, my neighbor, or the birds kitchen side calling Ronan Ronan, is that Kate, or is that the front house, those birds calling. I have to make my bed. I forget this morning. But I have to typing, too many situation, I cannot move away from this desk, Justin !!!

Now, my side of that balcony, the birds are calling.

Here is the video from the facebook. William, you all go to the facebook.

I don't even bother to finding the link, its very busy on my keyboard, and Shane is on the phone.

I have to watch the news here.

My elevators hurting my head, my left head eye behind.

Do you Justin and Britney wants to come here Taipei, there are the news, and here are my food. The bagel and the vegan cheese, or you all eating the devil eggs. I only make it here....

I cannot show !!

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