
好像是他太太要殺了他跟他的兒子~ 臉書的數據 It look like his wife trying to kill him and his son, the data !

這上次我寫的中文是講英文樓下三樓還是哪一樓的女孩子~這每一件事情是不是都是真的? 我跟水瀨越來越投合那種? 比我看到更嚴重那種 !

The last time I wrote in Chinese or speaking English the downstair 3rd floor or which floor girl~ is that everything correct? I am so becoming like these otters, those kinds? It becoming worse than I ever seen, those kinds?

我媽在照新聞 ...大 S 是小S的姐姐,48 歲,冬天這個流感跟這個肺結核 TB 合併? COVID 19就是肺部的 lung 對吧 ?

My mother is taking the photo for the news....this Big S is the Small S's sister, 48 years old died, this winter flu with this TB combine? COVID 19 is the lung, right?

世界衛生組織 WHO

World Health Organization (WHO)
https://www.who.int › teams › covid-19

TB and COVID 19 (來源:www.who.int)
Both diseases have similar symptoms such as cough, fever and difficulty breathing. TB, however, has a longer incubation period with a slower onset of disease.


I just thought the Chinese words they look similar to me.


顛掀 是這個字? 前幾天我有聽說,那可能是真的,日本太冷了 ! 年紀過了 40 就跟我媽當初一樣,我以前聽說 40 幾歲的女生,我就覺得她們跟我媽一樣,就是小孩的時候概念 ...大概是漫畫都是 17 /18 歲那種。

身體代謝下降 ~我媽有說 60 跟 40 有差得出來,她感覺的到 ! 我其實每一天泡在水裡面....很久,睡覺很久,現在起來才會變成這種模樣~~臉呀 ! 但是我有想過我 25 跟現在,有多少不一樣,男女生的那種熱~那我想過年輕小孩 17/18 歲應該更熱那種。

Korea Youtuber.....the girl taken the photo.
韓國 Youtuber....女孩子照相

Sometimes the guy and the girl isn't thinking that much the same, you know that?


You need to tell every little thing to the guy, especially the physical body as a women, and as on the platform as such as big and grander population people watch you a lady gets on it.


I go to the news

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