
The battery

Testing 好了

他們算學校靠近,很多商業,通常學校 UB MD 系統制 system.


They are near the school, a lot of biz, usually UB university this MD system.

I can have the education system, I don’t want to participate their kinds label, you can talk them so worsen, and public made enemy. Until they are legally prostituted. His name is Stephen Tamang, exactly MD hired name. Legal database has his name what he up to.

What happened ?

A lot of the social case lets say we move them out, about 1000 people believe those website MD or their voice memo to get near. Their look or one another profile.

Cannot move him out.

What’s before Frozen his previous employment. 104

What’s before Frozen?

Ella Enchanted.   ABCDEF…he is using the dryer now, raining outside.  You know the gun man is every witness of per account document, he = Tamang. 

And you report works ?

I only know it’s per account to tell someone, I never participate a real project in MD director those jobs, but what should be done, I just tell you it’s per account, so, no ! I don’t know what can be done. Keep persisting to report and per account label. The elevator keeps going up and down.  

You probably never be with Shane?

I have thought about that, it’s if every group was supporting factor of the society I will be very happy in life. American someone wish that, and for some reason, everyone has to put up with those junks year by years, every vent, whine and complains, the life is not fair and everyone got hurts.

The judge wants to know Tamang side or whom ?

fr    7/4 UB fire works South lake Greek Zawanna pillar, the big stones. He makes me to memorize the declaration of the independence 

We depart r, he drives I drive already, the UB traffic was jam up. He does his driving with the truck. 

fr o zen 

oz en= trio. No, never been. It was William I remember down walking steps that sign.  That’s more catchy than Trio, my neighbor ? That’s not good !! The elevator up. Time to be home.

Zen, my mother sailor moon has a hobby tall. He is a yoga teacher not a zen priest.

My brother paid now for my mother gets more tired once per week to exercise. She must go. 

No one thinks it’s a road … z e n.

Behind us, the castle. I took the photo coming out going in, the end of z. We say there was a bomb up there ? That’s the end of z 

e straight that bagel place was 50NT lunch box or 60, around APO to hair salon Mia C Bon, back to …here. No….the Diana that road down basement. n is coming out forward  3310 Pillow Case Up, 東帝士 their parking lot behind until the orange tall building.

Zawanna told me to…. Sorry.

Yep, of course I am sure. Shane got here. I show him. We hold hand hiding to walk in the hood. It’s per witness account !

It ends at the hiding parking lot behind here. It’s very hidden…it’s a while. It’s just an exit. I think …it’s one of these structure there combine parking lot maybe. England supposes to be here, maybe they are so bankcrupt, no one knows every structure building here. 

If Tamang is a white giant truck, the height to round about. These places to bike….probably me. He lives here, if he knows per lane. Because behind that hiding exit parking lot, it’s not a truck height maybe. Kinda blurs. If they gonna flight here guards? You should torture him as your tradition…. I think he does on purpose my middle here, one side to another side. And go further to knock the table bang down. So psycho.  He has some implication…every step the way. Tamang hasn’t be that courageous everyday on marathon. None stop since Chinese New Year, in-law, her with the kids, us, and downstairs.

1 to 10, 11 of us. Continuously on that killing our head plan. Per degree how to bother my head or her head.

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