
The Valentines Day, me and Shane.

He doesn't know whom that is, but assuming, its me and my mother. Today we have a conversation on.....yesterday thing, I told her. She kept screaming at me A or B, but I explained to her and I am her daughter. She has to go out, so when the air more fresh, she calms down herself in thinking. At home, she plays her hard knock walking. He got irritated. 

But assuming anything of this right and wrong to the future points, we have nothing to agree upon because I refuse to get my head hurts, and I can just get up and leave...the money can pay, not I need to show up. I am still her daughter, she knows why. She was in it, and I was affected by.


Now This Game...

You are not my kids, but you want to pretend you are my kid, or not that a husband can be eating a meal on the stair where the drop of a rock, to say...its her cooking, he likes it. How do you be a stranger, to be a friend, and saying to the daughter, it was a no meal kitchen, the water pipe is on running? Everyday too hungry on the logic, someone knocks the kitchen to say a table is a meal.

So these are the legal paper?


You know this thing by heart?

I don't know how to explain to you, but if I write these, those legal court have more people more professional understands how these description what to do on that every step, or even the police. But I cannot describe to you why or how. I told you that before.

But this is not entirely a lawsuit because he has no money?

A lawsuit mostly is the police to pursues the social injustice, and America does that very well. Here the minimum has. I just away too long, I have no idea.

You can describe them, but you don't know how to proceed on that details?


The judge understands what that is?

This...might be the police has their lawyers, or the public prosecutor for the injustice of the social crime, or some urban planning happened to pass by, or 200 countries, one of them hear about this case. You want 1 lawyer to know this, they know how to put that on the side as the proper logic.

But this is not exactly the lawsuit paper?

.... Most people cannot describe nor find a correct public lawyer.


Like only me and my mother knows, he bang on his head over the ceiling is right below me. She made that, I live above it, my bed.

Someone asked both of us? We say, "Oh ~that ceiling?!"

He tried to fix the light, or wireless someone's phone or the hard drive and now its evidently he remotely steals or remotely to plot someone's life inside the apartment to the outside, or the accidents to fall near the windows all of that.

Everything we know of....he checks his phone strangely, and someone next by him found him is a hecker all that is irrelevant. It may not have any outside where people seeing him with a phone to say open the app, or the what how he steals. We don't know which equipment he got. This fabric things he does.

But let's say the medical bill comes, or he calls the hospital himself he needs to be admit to the mental hospital, how much it costs, or his wife and his kid needs him, but he cannot make it, he found all of these details.

One day he comes with the bill slips, saying that is the head injury, he was born with the conditioned, or the fabric thinking was proven the worth there is an IQ. "Why me, why this time, you doing this to all of us the family, we lived here."

It could be any excuse to push that buttom of the door bell and ride up once the elevator, and he got throw outside the door, its behind the metal frame door. He seeing the home he used to live, and never again going in.

Pretend, that is what we aim to that future, there is these scenario.

His phone is still capable of all the stealing !! That is one free door to entrance, riding up the elevator. My mother doesn't care about the hecking, or Tina doesn't or Pang is not here. None of those are relevant, no one gathers here. No response.

Then what not?

Nothing. Another day passes by, and we don't even process this, there is no relevancy to say a lawsuit, his bill is he paying for it. The hospital charges on it.

What is that to do with....any of???


Let's say me and my mother fed up each other's lifestyle, but she knows 10 years she won't see me. No one bothers her the next 10 years, he keeps going back 1 time 2 times, 3 times abusing this elevator.....she likes this place, so...he is the only thing she sees. One day she calls the police, and he got jailed, for any reason she says that's enough.

If I never show up in that 10 years, she won't even know I live or die. 

That is a jail, that is not a hospital. 

Okay, then what if she dies in 30 years. Then, that is Pang or Tina retired back....again. He harasses this situation just like my father. But this time Pang is not like my mother, but he had heard. Everything his mother told him. Again. I am no where to be found. All of them know I am like that. Pang is this, Pang is that, he cannot handle any of this situation, so the police called or by that time, the lawyer has the records of this person.

Isn't that just a very simple social case?


The theft stealing and harassing case?


And that's it?


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