

Right, that’s your most immediate reality.

36, 30, 40, 45…


Someone in the university turn you down on the school campus to another league of the intellect existence …or the business console, we aren’t that kinds of the existence or the console not how I feel like. 

Aren’t you sipping yourself through every international issues starting at the refugee camp, live or die those campaign advocate and make yourself seen at this UN junction time with Kryon, the correspondent to that each nation’s world citizen and call for the action to all that president ?

That’s a right thing to do, right ?

You are busy, that’s what you mean?

The outside is all the motorcycle sound when I have to use this interface….

You want to say you were an A student on the retreat 15-20 years ago. I did heard, not just Heidi’s Victoria Secrets on Usher to what’s your name those shoe lace says.

Are they supposed to talk like that ?


These stories… some people telling me something or I ran out.

To see, and to read.


If I tell you it’s as long as you did screw up k1, you will tell me you beat up someone before ? It’s on the TV? In Vietnam. You just want one answer? Correct. One screw up, the society uses the tax payers money just keep dropping you believe the bubble of the fantasy dream but they trigger the legal action to push and pull your heart as long as you dare to Vola.

So that’s hell, without the karma?


I didn’t think I should go to hell.

You want to ask me things don’t mean you go and believe them, your short circuits are the most immediate problems accumulated worries, the water pipe, every center a residence calls, it’s all pile up the paper to say…you aren’t the most immediate person to be contact with or be responsible to. So they can put a Mario but you are pulled by 1000 problems over 40 years experience.

  1. Someone pee and poo at the center yard, the dog or the human
  2. The electricity permit, they want to come to tear the ceiling roof off, only steels stays there stands up.
  3. It’s ilegal but they let you tear down they say time, Taiwan.
  4. American FL dump swamp land, you had a French pseudo name not a French padicure …on the newspaper. Short hair blonde. 
  5. Every food has a hand glove issues if one contraction virus you worried. 
  6. You cannot afford or those drivers go on 80 mph with the pets cages metal cling sound together.
  7. EU are not all the same language not really in English
  8. The climate change isn’t a business people want to hear about the …Eben those does.
  9. Many people say shout my appearance, your dog teeth you did pink dye on his furs pimpo and your teeth after. 
  10. I want a certain, but…it’s they say it kinda say it chase to be said.

You rush up to your head over heel in love, laying down the bed to check the phone message, those ?what’s Nominji’s story or they are more immune those ?

==> anything this Reptilian ET says the Mario Super Bro movie, you have no 100% focus to stare at. That kind?

Me if were looking at it without that Nominji? Are we together behind?  

I had a PC and a wall behind this PC and that’s not a human and my mother is not a functional mouth mother without a father, the single family the single mouth….

Well…  your body to feel, and someone responses to so you are very exciting….the new love air sent. “What if.”

If I = 1 human can be facing a PC and a back wall behind a PC to pretend that talk forever and be sent to the hospital, I feel my ego be damaged or humiliated not as real but less problem. 

 But then all these faint air be warn sounds never left your back head… but you like those feeling, it’s a fallen-in-love identified feeling. I mean if talking to Anna and Nominji those girls with all these hidden issues they done this to me, none of that sounds right if our age reserved…

Starting 1986, were your years, my years

Then you Anna your years they watch and compare.

Some of these things I did think about.  What if I were them? Being a disciple again, those ?

Imagine the applause supposes to belong to you the only dedication to the Buddha if he has the name or not you ever named…I taken every precepts to trash back in time, those are the karma.

To accumulated…

They think of me if the same age in discussion, I think of them or some to imagine he or one of them believing in me.

        Cross off….         

If I had a PC and a wall, telling that Dean, “20 years ago…you know Lee didn’t get killed over Interstellar or those will after you and Justin and that Jonas is nothing a piece of PhD works…SIlas hanging on this video over an 3 stage Ancient Chinese saying a heart.”

That’s 5 guys you thought we talk like the friends on the hallways of a college dorm or a school walkway.

That’s no longer a Nicky by himself host a gala MC, if that’s a microphone job like Ryan Secrets or you heard of that guy. A guy holding a girl’s hand to up on the stage, he just doing that to every Ireland female star.  That’s the correct picture?  None of that is 1-10 if I say it’s 4000, over 40 years. You have a Mario Play Station !

My high school. 

That time, I care about this jean pant.

3 girls 2 guys, these video amounts.

You seriously care about it?

My mother or whom this is in their 70s or 80s….they take a picture like that with the Asian


I think it’s those symdrome no motion on every direction the facial or the limbs moving.

Scared black dog, I am not emailing him. 


2 otters video  - you care too much ? These things ?

I have to backup ….the organization.

2013-2020 DNA genetics are all creation under God’s kingdom define and …they live and breathe on it !

No, I done about 5 discs…I have to stay home and she runs about before she gets busy this virus today and tomorrow in the sky, did I tell her ? No. 

That was like I visit my captain, her Liz rehearsal in Loving the Silent Tear that day. I met the Perfect K5/K6 those perfect near by. It’s called the obo.  The 2 stairs opposite then each other not like the Princess Diary. The movie scene Chris Pine and her engagement ring talks. The opposite means, I walking away, he goes to another door, see behind, that’s the door. I come out…toward the right of her. He was at her left saw, and before I step down the stair, he calls me.

It’s other than the regular school formal bag, it’s a memorable bag 101 in the maroon color. Adam Levine.

中山女中紀念包 101

Bonnie’s story - the Broadway show in the California - Loving the Silent Tear. The stage those …. 

The ending song. Uh, the guy cannot sing, the blue starry, the very ending appreciative letter and all these mental nick is now, I didn’t tell him, I shot those down ? He knows that was from me or they lie to him? Can he still remember ? The red panda is doing what upside down and on Olympia ring hanging up ? I shot those things, he supposed to be told ?

Which one to shot first ? My mother is 5 cuts?

Are they supposed to be the surgical cut ? Not with exactly I said a washing bottle, not drilling the head skull those and what did happen ?

What’s a washing bottle means ?

Someone they go to hell with it, that’s what it means. 

I explain, every time a surgery performs you want to stop 1) the blood bleeding, understand ? 2) stop the pain being cut with the anesthesia.

That’s always always always, but…they already be very skillful, meaning if just outside the skull, you are not touching any brain inside, it’s washing the skull plaque outside.  You have the room temperature the bacteria flying in issues so open, wash, sew it back. 

He done like Prince William, that’s a vitamin C shot. That’s …a piece skin outside the ear behind. 

Not waiting at the surgical room outside on his own better ?

Are they finding it out, not too far is the lymph mode. They access the information I tell William to try or I feel…Hugh’s too. Why are they so edgy this.

Access that meaning…the patient tells them, then observe them, the kids tell them, the teens tell them. Analyze and re-access.  

Diagnosis right, but…what I tell them last time the pamphlet the America medical board annual banquet …front desk sign in book. Isn’t William can treat someone on his own arm?

I have to …64 kingdom bio them these species …back up busy. TSMC leaving yet ?

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