
I had a bird outside commanding …Ronan Ronan

What I gonna do they talking to Ronan?

Body of Lies

My brother used to drag Barbie’s hair when he was a baby, and he plays the Sailor Moon. He loves. 

You look at all these film, everyone looking at it. To someone whom could articulate in that real life someone hope you know what you doing, if you really train into those jobs, alone, going those jobs oversea….it’s not so home boys looking. Maybe in these kinds of the story (my mothers throat )

Something Thor?

A best friend, a partner like Pokémon guy Jonathon that movies ? The Indian wealthy boys. 


Astor (W 2 world interrogation in the basement ), like TEsla and Astor is the best friend. 

His name is Ferris? Tina’s …Tesla’s first investor …that bank director (W 2 world, that’s Ferris looks like Astor)

That guy would be Eben = W two worlds, interrogating one.

This film. It’s this guy, arabic. 

Kail. Keanu, which the one ?



Next line conversation in the hospital bed that conversation. 

I think it’s Astor, but I don’t know which one is Astor. 

Harry Potter the highest hang = Eben, a sword is to ….long Buttom.

Which signature file is him, the Pirates of the Caribbean?

First 3 hangs ? My brain that simple…the highest point …the giant girl Simon’s first gf ? Sinitta ?

I think it’s Earthquakes, you knew Eben was for Harry ?

No, the birds say it’s a guy.

Giant chicken (loud loud loud ) That would be ….Ms Congenality 2

Craig Ballantyne ? Why he is a giant Sinitta means ? He lives at mid town Toronto north of that Kenshington market MM at ?

Movie: Trick or Treat, Scoopy-doo 

When I am in my heaven everyone is kind, those Heaven. Whenever Babaji calls me. I go and look at the things in the Heaven’s sphere.

Your best friend no one your classmate you don’t reunion anymore back in your college school? They are soften useless. Those ? Your facebook? Tamang used to say he wants to stay in the school forever. You use your whole life in the education world to becoming a king, why not?

When I use those colonix on my facebook, we just forever never meet ever again….and it becoming true. No, I found that myself.  When everyone in fighting 65+-70, then UB draw a line, that’s the end of the conversation, everyone calling each other stupid. 

When I am in my heaven everyone is kind, those Heaven.

If we die? They are the wild ghost or the hell those ? I don’t focus on them, I won’t know. The consciousness. The Congress needs to find out all that.  I would tell Peyton gets 1000 classmates, I have a lot of those power to sort junks. Get it first on the facebook, you will feel different, he will feel different. By the feeling. You can always delete them after. 

These stories are a lot of friends those. To the girl like me, the relationship is not always the immediate things and every girl will say their mother don’t mean to them? That’s not humane. But…my mother has someone…she thinks about and get rids of the other junks and she does. 

Your father has a memory. The ending of that 2 days ago film. 

Today I was going to tell him about the new lady he met in the Royal channel. 2010, La la…land she speaks of 7 children ghost always with her in Taiwan. Adam Davis asks the Sirius 7 sisters are the 7 days periods. Ella Enchanted Prince Char. 

You think UB them, where I found a Heaven’s book, everyone shut up until …when ? Or else I make you pay dearly those ? The Mummies is the Book of Life and Death.

I Ching is the Book of Change.

You want to show off….that’s more than a whole UB community to show off their parents. Their dad like your dad new venture ? This movie is like everyone study a history, a cartoon, a conversation dialogue.  None of them getting along with each other that’s why they are not all together to their own facebook collection. Getting along means standing next by or eating a meal in front of you trying to say why ends up each other’s facebook or saying that’s the classmate you remembered?

No, I don’t always stare at your dad’s channel, the Royal family channel, no. But I see things or when it will come near, every time you care about it? 

She looks like and sounds like …one girl I used to say her story. She finds an older guy, from Japan those tall girls looks like her. Those type. She looks like China platform one CEO young recruit from England ABC height 2010 those times. The job seeking. 

Those kinds your father look at, likes the older guy. Is there a difference the girl’s type likes the older man? Oh yay !! He just keep looking that type. I would say they all look like her that type until he finds one just like her. That type. 

He can just ask her to for a date, “can you tell me everyone sounds like you, look like you best friend girls like you? It’s for me?”

Nick does those talk.

They all groupy meeting the king in the palace !! He talks to each. 

I haven’t been home for a very very long time. Really, to return here and my family still there so I take care those things not running off every excuses I would be worried too? I am highly organized. 

The Halloween with the dogs, of course not. 

Try the 7 sisters ? What does that mean ? 

Warden, that’s the word. Is our mall’s name ?


Vampire bus, Tamang and me went to a date, he drives. Far from UB. I hate Zawanna’s teddy bear. Carol them they wash those things, the teddy bear. Those kinds of the girls know how to wash those things. 

Is your mother this life was with Prince Philip, not lying on the newspaper ? Your dad is Prince Philips?

Then, it’s after life. Right now. That’s her real love. They found it for her. The ending of that Mission Impossible - the Ghost Protocol.  He makes her laugh. That kind. Just a little bit shorter. No, he is very funny man behind. With her. He is a little bit like Kian.  Might be Tim Cook right wing those. You want to Meet the Parents yourself? Your mother didn’t talk those things, not really. It’s exactly just that scene in the movie best. The ending you saw her and next frame. That’s it. 

Harry …

Next movie: Tad, The Lost Explorer And The Emerald Tablet.

Babaji is talking….to me. Waiting me…

I want to tell you what I think. In this whole universe, the universal police is the one …uh, near the veil, those. They decide you are in the hell no matter what. I think that’s the only truth. It’s very capitalism world outside and here. But as long as you have a character. A real sound character, these police universal they do what they want. Including that veil is blurry. probably no one believes me that. 

Your character, and they throw you anywhere they want until you corperate only their way. 

If corperate with the judge… not sure, because some universal police just by smell, they know you are wrong. They are all like that. I don’t really know the real police and the judge in the court room. If they read or they just go by their instinct those kinds. Not to say the universal police…or near the veil might be the Ghosty police.

They look at you feel wrong, then you are wrong. Sound, hear, see, show up. Because the police run around too. They don’t just immediate arrive at the judge and be told. There is a procedure. 

If I am a judge to pretend, then I might say, “No, that entire thing whichever things in the movie is all wrong. It may not be all wrong the plot, but this is …not humanity you say we live on Earth means. ”

They are very upbeat though, vibrant, has a vitality. Unless you guys want to see those and tell me every regrets with the TV to start. They hold the key of your life. Like the plot says. They hold the keys, not the story main character. 

The pixie is they see wrong, your outfit, your hair, your fashion, your pursue or the bags, or the language tone sounding, you are wrong. The police is they get a warrant from the chef or the court judge. The universal police just…you all be dead, finish discussion, they are the better class. 

I would say the police or the fireman ! True love in the house home, the guy or the girl both. 

They are less impaired. Like you rotate to ensure the house is not burn in the fire. A guy and a girl both not impaired.  I just tell you, you hide everything on your Facebook. You do on purpose to play fool. 

The pixie, the judge, the police or the universal police, those are the jurisdiction people. If you sit and have time in front not to run around, per word clear. I think you are on the drugs to be honest ruin everyone in life.  

No, I am not the police, but I look at you, I will tell you everything is wrong. 

The judge can be impaired too, they are a kind of void to me. Like they have the friends to go social but those are the fake too…that position, I am not sure. It’s people built around their life. I got told. Like …my brother. 

My brother ? Of course not. 


I will just tell you what I think …Real Love

  1. The spiritual master says Laws like Obama you all UB cared. Or Simon as a panel judge. They look at you dress up, a pursue, a bag to walk on the road looks normal those, may not be a contestant or you talk interaction…it’s everything you are, you are wrong. 
  2. The TV Conan says the main theme and all the detective inductive logic you love, you see, you find the police branches dad and their kids. Stand, talk, verbalize like the TV
  3. Legally Blonde, Congress is the modern represent only that. 
  4. My mother or Marley’s kitchen, I shut off for them. Many many time, my desk is right here. She in the balcony 2 mins, I go in and shut off.
  5. No, I don’t leave the house, we rotate. 
  6. I sleep, I bath 4 limbs, I go by somewhat the medical board, vitamin new age. Brush my teeth, wash the toilet, the sink, the facet, then …my eyes, my neck, all around this mode. 
  7. Finding the pharmaceutical creme. Those takes time to stock up
  8. Good water, the soup, digest food, 50% full. 
  9. Math, if you burn a house down you have enough money never run off. 
  10. Less stress and be happy. 

So….if I look at the TV as a job 

Written logic niche - near the laws

Not ghosty - near the National flag wrap up

I can only understand 1-10 and these points to see my jobs easy and safe. 

I need to charge my ipad. 

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