
You seek Heaven, that’s what I mean.

That’s long time ago, I see judge impaired with the friends. 

Now it’s void. empty. ???

3 years ago, or 6 years ago. I was threatening ….that Supreme Court that one time.  It was how they die. The police pull their friends or the car safety, the judge dies.  ??? Too long ago vision.  Maybe they don’t exist, never true love means. 

His mother keeps horrible things here….

Something everyone crucify harsh cruelty and be honest. That’s how they got pieces and confess the truth in life. 

  1. If you just do what I say, the nails on the hands and the toes. Trim well.
  2. 2 arms forward in that hot water, 2 feet in, you can be naked the upper body no water, just 4 pawns, feet pawns in the warm water. 

That’s the answer I think.

If you sleep well, rest well. You want those per date Friday nights get a brand new Facebook, dates, per date, per kisses all that…you pull or push your heart 1000 times, you have a resistant when the karma falls down all from the top. It affects you, let’s says you go near a talk, a call, a phone. And your works is not as diverse, 1000 people you cannot fail your jobs humanity those. 

You care if reply, you care that fantasy a kiss, or a touch, or be seen. So you doing this per Friday night dates. It’s a culture, it’s a belief, you tell everyone you needs to relax and a date.

Movie: Valentine’s Day.

What if the movies airs again, you gonna regrets. You get to that time then you regrets. 

Right now you can exam that regrets with some information leaking. You calibrate the math. Like 100% or 1000%. You don’t cut yourself deep, it doesn’t exist !! Push and pull 1000 times on different guys or the girls ? You get rid of that facebook you don’t see.

Your heart, your physical heart. 

It sometimes really really affects you. That person done on purpose! You think none stop on it.

Let’s say Ancient Chasez would be today’s Chasez milltary that look term. Or even Zawanna. 

But they are none reachable. 

So, if you place a girl or a guy in America near at eat out, you go out. You still enjoy that night out.

That look, that scene, that spread over leaking classify everywhere. That’s not your immediate reality result. Your true heart, you love the boys or the girls. You go calling like me per message sent per night, per moving heart in front of their eyes and sensation, per heart beat how exciting you see this person.

Very rush adrenal those.

Per heart beat, per blush face, per heart tremble not cut it off.

Like the movie. You want that movie be real. Those. 

You can say, I don’t want to see this movie, one date. It’s an eating normal not cutting each other in pieces arguing on a movie ! But your deep soul, it might be really a novel. You want to fight on. 

I go rest. 

I am right, the system. Right, I only believe what I say. 


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