
Your time schedule is when you land, many people want to see the King and Prince William

I think that is your diplomacy parts in Washington D.C

But you realize your only jobs = get through that paper works why you ending up in the Supreme Court there, or just the dinning party date to say talking like UK those social garden party? You cool down 2 weeks, to realize next 6 years on legal battling, you prepared for that? Including to re-locate? The King. You realize what that is, other than the regular diplomacy in the real time? Seeing and meeting the diplomats. 

  • Seeing and meeting the people
  • Supreme Court in America

That is your only jobs there in the Washington DC, right?

No, I think just the King, so you all going back to UK for some times. You have a lawsuit going on to end up in American court room system? You know what that is? 

To engage a court room battle, you mean

  • You want to make your point, or make your vent with England PM or American D.C 
  • You want to win the lawsuit, the legal battle between the civil case I assuming someone owing you all money, that kind.

You like that life in America, and why you need to return to UK, you have any legal battle court room other than your parents attending you other than in the State by the time you all entering upon in America? Do you think your brain is normal, functioning other than mental + air pressure on your chest? So why don't you be beside your father to attend the doctor other than anything else happening in UK?

No more that history since 1066, you reading that history well?

Is Mark an icon, a try-out, a tested time, other than finished until both arrive in America, and that would be last as duration he himself alone with that King, by how? He cooking for himself, and none of you continue that diplomacy in America next by him. So you are not planning to learn anything when he is alive in America, you gonna do that alone when you get to a certain age, or when the kids grew up? 

Why don't you all just drop anything in UK, any court room drama you say the PM or the court system or the citizen, none of them are friendly to any one step you put yourself inside the court room drama without your father's consent?

I think it just one Mark near by, along King's side, but he is not with him. He is....watching or staying in Washington DC, by himself? 

What do you get in UK court room drama, to be honest? How far you think in years you will succeed your mental IQ to the disable function in your chest felt? You think your IQ getting through that every step in UK court, not the America court room?

You knew, you knew, you knew, you felt it....

Its all wrong, so why don't you stop, right now? Drop everything, be a numb, air balloon loosen sitting next by your father in Washington D.C, just drink those kids beverage in those chair, no more life air, stay there whichever watching him, seeing him, no more talking, shut up?

You have no more stress to see that legal door, you fear, or you frighten, or no results to tell your father? It looks like you both cared about how your father think of you, or even those Step-mother or pinks, or anyone upper, waiting anxiously how far you can push? They know your IQ will never arrive? Those are not the lawsuit, I say that again. I already told you many times.

Why are you avoiding Mark in Washington DC? Things are fine in Europe, just not those congress floor near by, and you 2 are not the icon, people wishing you well?

You coming in, going out, seeing your father, playing the game to your father and then drop that Mark.....you seeing something better in that Washington DC?

Or something doesn't go well, if be seen?


Packing....you need your stationary when you get there, right?


Something about the cooking, is none stop.


I did some thinking last night (I pee all night like those otter did, sorry. The warm water), why you getting this Mark in UK, not in Washington DC, and that is one Mark? But you say cooking would be 3310 that entire script, there is a cooking? Mark from Westlife? The eternal love like the English name.

And that is cooking for 3 3 10 means 6, for one ring, exactly like its planned? Lords of Ring? How you planning on cooking for 6 because Washington DC, I only see you avoiding that Mark, so you plan to cook in Ireland when you fly from London to see him and Westlife, whichever 6 you to go and cooking, you Prince William? You cook?

And Catherine gonna be Ireland PM, not Georgina that father, Nicky's TV wife, that side, to say the Tickets to Paradise, your father cancel the trip to Australia on the news, today / last night my time ? 

This is not serious what that is 33 1 0, one ring, rules the world?

How old is Hugh? Are they 2 or 3 people like I say, he often free period walking everywhere except the UK ambassador's program? That is 3 people I see.

Is that normal, 1000 commanders on the orbits, seeing you all doing this?

Your father talked to you, right in 2017 when this China Drama just aired 三生三世十里桃花 ? He remembers this Mark from the past, did he, tell me? So he is not entirely inept to you as his memory, he knew you had a Past inclination to say this Westlife? 

You feel stressful yesterday and today reading? So do you ask your father that is in 35 years, he will be gone, you have every freedom to do, not to do in these 35 years passing, your son doing it?

You rain on the Egypt pyramid? 


A young blonde kid seeing Max fan


I think...its me and Nicky (or Kian), exactly the stage telling the world, them Westlife, not 6. 

You holding a phone on Mark? Not going out?


I keep seeing these - the table display, the home to cook


You cooked? 

Do they mean California, all the kids? Your each other's kids, your father is seeing them in California?


You all want to do just one thing really really correct, all of you know how to 1) SET up all that 2) Land and know how to tell your staffs where to get, how to get, display the flower, and the table, or prepare anything in courtesy, all that.....3) ALL of you.

The food recipe, the Wal-mart in Washington DC, or New York City, or Baltimore. 

  • Set up the table
  • Buying the sets of the spoon / forks
  • Or you need to cargo these in the military container shipment? You have a sandwitch pressor in the luggage be smart?

Your father only knew I care about my eating, drinking my water, anything I lay down to keep putting the food in my mouth, anything one extra luggage means on the military jet ship deck.

One extra luggage means the whole worlds, how much you can put in there !!!!

The day I land, I have the buffet in my room....

No, I don't need to know the reason, I only help to facilitate that talk. Prepare all that when you land in the US, how to purchase, how to set up the table, how to bring the napkin cloth from England, and a washer and dryer? How do you cargo the entire England expensive dining set, just smuggle the King's need from the kitchen? A spoon and a fork and a plate ?

Its mine, 2 sets, King and the Queen, they use that. 

You can put on the airplane where you all seat, just in the airplane hallway, those are where the luggage can go? 4 luggage just daily use of the cup, plate, spoon, milk bottle container, or anything you use in England?

Is how the girls talk about the recipe? The guys help? For all the guests invited to the family home?


You have those giant stainless steel, the commercial kitchen used, or just even the giant pot, you put 5 boxes of the eggs to boil, another pot of entire potato bags down, you just rinse the outside and peeled them. That is 2 pots, you waiting 20 mins to boil.

When you seeing too many people, no matter what, you put them in the fridge, its a left over, someone came in, its to open the fridge to eat.

Those push down tool for the potato? You don't need to be perfect, like somewhat chulk. Just press enough, you don't need to be perfect like the mash potato. Those the same filling for Samosa. Its to fry. The Samosa dough is very simple, its just the water and the flour. The same those ASMR people use those deep fryer.

  • Let's say you chop some potato fries length, and soak in the ice water, dry 10 mins, you can dry with the lid down (those ASMR deep fryer)
  • So then you done your Samosa filling, one girl doing 2 things
  • Another guy wash the salad from the container and drain from those tool, dry dry dry.
  • Someone peel the cucumber and dice the tomato + the mint leafs or the basils.

These few things on the table, its a whole day schedule, you going in and out of the door, you have something inside your mouth all the time, when you feel like. 

You all have to make it as the whole family, or the VIP guest invited, the King's friends now matter. 

Do you eat Pizza?

You get those bakery fresh daily made like 10 dough, you press down, and roll it, someone put the topping and leave it in the oven, you will have whole day on the pizza, running in and out. You put the 5 dough inside the fridge for tomorrow. 

These dough other than the pizza, you can do those Italian pod with the vegan cheese. You fold it to put the things in there, probably a lot more vegetable and the vegan cheese to melt. The pizza and the Italian pot looks the same to you? Is that what you called that crossiand? 

Even Hugh's wife has to present among you? One of those days?

Cooking? Every girl does a little bit different things? I do the soup?

  • The salad
  • The soup
  • The pizza
  • The fried food
  • The fruits and the vegan yogurt

Write down the lists you and your guys have to shop in America Wal-mart? Or Target? The table crystal set. The spoon and the fork. I found a lot more things in Target. 

The small pot can fry just 2 people, how many do you really eat that? 

Once you fried a load, you can put in the freezer, you come home, you turn on that oven for 5 mins, you defrost that Samosa container in the morning, so by the noon time walking in, that can be in the oven.

Everyone takes a shower and change the cloths. When you finish the shower, you might go to sleep, you take that out put on the table. You get up and you eat happy. Its right in front of you. 

You don't have to smile at the people, or the restaurant to hang out any friend.
And you have no worry that food, so you get up and you eat. Its the food always there. 

You have the personal time to sleep, to rest, to be alone, and eating alone. You have to get on the day jobs every single day. So sometimes the personal suite, you just rest and eat, when you get up from the nap. Its quiet.

These storage container, its the food, you just given to everyone, they put in their fridge when they coming home, turn on the oven put that in. Finish the shower, each can eat or sleep, but you know the food is ready.

The first time in the England Hotel


uh....isn't your grandmom says the entourage? You, which you, 1 person landing where? 1 person?! Each of you, the guy and the girls separate, that will be 8 people, and these are the Camllia traveling with her kids to imagine, that is the guy to cook? The publishing kitchen book, the Parker?

uh...that is not Silicon Valley, China, and this would be Thailand? Japan?

You don't have the entourage





The guests, not you literally traveling there.....to cook alone, sleep alone, eat alone, those kinds? 

Like the least thing I drive the airport rental car for a month, to say where the Wal-mart or Target in the Washington DC, or New York City, or Baltmore, the table spoon / the forks all set. The food stocking from the breakfast to lunch to dinner, or the Amazon ordering because I have the credit card....They buy bulk, that is one month all food stocking shipping in 2 days.

The organic store - my vitamin, my tincture, my vegan cheese, or that is Vegan Essential, the shopping cart safe in America. That is one address to be stocking up every food inside the cabin, one person's job.

This is what you mean you doing things?

These are not all you things you suppose to do from my Pinterest?

The UK upper class would be your parents with the King, right? You all kids Hugh's age, or your kind prince age, all Duke, the kids from the parents, and you all serving the tea and the food with everyone King invited there in America?


Your intern, see how your parents do that once, in front of you and you will remember that for the rest of your life? Copy and paste your memory?

Sorry, its 1 person eating or 2 plates mean? You doing on your own entourage?

You taking care of you yourself alone?


Walking in that Baltimore or Washington DC, that is what it means you make it on your own?

The kids, and where are your parents? 

The skin cosmetic?


You don't eat the whole Samosa like one day disappear, you have that everyday, you mind is not in stress, the food disappear out of your mouth ?

The bf?


The gifts: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/q_NH5gnoG4I

That is in Chinese, the Chinese cooking here again. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xeqnHeywfP8

These are not for the monks, or the China official?

They eat the garlic and the soy sauce, you go to the Chinese store to buy them, its called the Asian store. Near UB, I know where everything would be....I never been to DC to live, or Baltimore. Those are the condiment you have to purchase, my mother and me. 

If you generate just someone looks like me and my mother, the mobility, the shape, the money I pay I guess, and all the driving included or the eye sight. Its the family pair.....me and my mother.

I put some stuff on the facebook.


Next post, go to sleep. My voice is changed, I called Kian and Nicky already. 


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