
If you know this is where you live, you just figure it out the transportation.


Anywhere in the United States. From CA, to NY, or Maryland. Is there a reason you cannot live in Washington DC? You don't enter the court room everyday, right? You like to see the judge every day, or they told you coming back in 3 months, the next court room date set in schedule ? Similar to your local court so you stay in Maryland, or NYC.

If you are on the budgets, you seeing these bulk buying things in Amazon. In the grocery store usually the organic store, they have these clean water, but maybe you ask the Wal-mart whom carry these filtration water in the kitchen at any home. You fly and you land, that is what you all do? One person?!!!

See these coconut bottle are made of the glasses. 

You buy that in the organic store in 2 dozen, I am the girl I used to do that. The bayleaf to put in there? But they smell like the coconut water, you have to know how to wash the glassware ...keep rinsing, keep drying on the airy kitchen for 2 or 3 days until that smell, you let the guys know its stain on the glasses bottle, you keep rinsing. Not a huge amount of the soap, not really. 

So ===> You go to the organic store, you cargo that in your SUV behind, you ever done those things, you carry the case in behind your seats, one person, you as a girl doing all that? Not the guys? You one person running in Maryland I guess.

I got my vitamin + the tincture (immune system), and I get from MH or Amazon, there are difference, I know how to do that? When you traveling or land back a new land, your immune system has to keep boosting. You and that one guy together?

I do a lot of those things when I was in America, I got here Taiwan these German multi-vitamin, those are also good. 

So these you don't buy from the Amazon. You cargo directly one time you go to the organic store, you shipping it back ONCE. You set up a home there for 1 year? You sure you staying there forever, the same location?  You prepare to move, right?

Dr. John R Christopher Bone and Tissue

This is the external application, for the knee. You scoop up a big amount, Scoop it up, BIG amount with your finger and put it on your knees. 

And you took those internal capsule, or you open that, to swallow without those container, or you open that to make a paste, all over your knee, the same. 

That is one external and an internal application. I do that for nick.

For the kids' formula, you just tell them to open their mouth, they won't know the difference.

"Nicky, open your mouth, or Kian. There you off your day, get out. Here is the food container, wait in the car to eat. The lunch or the afternoon snack."

MH, they....have you to click fine to go in. Right.

The oregano oil: https://barefootherbalistmh.com/beef/

One of those application has a herbal spray, https://barefootherbalistmh.com/herbal-sprays/

You are not comfortable, its only for me only....Me, me me.....that nick guy too old, he already tried. 

I tell you what I can get in America alone, I used to live in America, you just use the Amazon, fine !! The filtration water, or whom order those clean water to drink. There is those filtration shower water head, in the organic store on Maple, UB there.....the showering water filter out the chlorine all that. 

You have the money, you spend on those details things. Nick gets up there to hook it on. 

This is you and your mother?


You have to check per plaza, their shopping things. 

This is for Hugh?! He gone to the night market, finding the food, those? 




I don't really go to eat those things in life. 


The beauty treatment


To pretend to be in the beauty pageant. 


Far away to hear you ~~~~~

This is not you cook for the King and Queen?


You literally to create a HOME?


uh.....we are a little bit different, of course. 

The pot lock? You are all each other in-laws and the England upper class


Tourism: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-ppnRhZca34

So this is for Hugh Grosvenor ?! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/uPKS14zFeWM

I told Astor the first time we met, its for my brother's room. 

Whom gonna do that? 

He has a pet: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AqtoJ9znoRM

So, not those houses?  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_eQk_vU8AJU

You mean you move to America?

Is he going on the commander jobs to the future these ligation will becoming? All my photo header facebook, all that? They eat the meat, the military any iconic ~~~starting on Earth.


Not the raw meat. 

Okay, when you indoor doing all that.....that oven will become too hot. You know all the temperature things inside your home, its warmer, but you staying at home, that things to cool off, or why you use a smaller oven talently ? 

Sometimes when you develop a habitual life pattern, its with that guy. 

The physical contact all that, included, the mouth hygienic, all that. The body fluid, or the alkaline statue, not too acidic all these meat, or too fast to eat, too hungry to eat.

If you need to get near the guys, you have to soak yourself in the water, the physical contact, the physical water rinse your mouth, your 4 warmth limbs ending nerves to feel your circulation to stay on those North latitude countries. You are not here. 

Okay, I tell you what, if you follow these say, most likely you only be with that one guy, in one space. That is only 2 people trepassing that D.C, or Maryland. No one even knows what you guys are doing over there, just two of you, eating, sleeping, going on sight seeing. But the food at home, on the stove, to stew that celery soup, or the tomato casting iron? The Cruisine branding, its heavy, but there is a tradition people seeing a home food that is made in America, you starting early in your lifetime. You will have a second or the third stage if you depart with this guy?

Driving the car in America, its very very exhausting, he can lay down, after shower, and I am in the front seat, I am not tired, so I wash after, and heat up the oven, the guys sleep or nap after the bathing or throw his laundry. I close my eyes 5 mins on the kitchen counter?

You knew these a real scheduling in the real life? 

When you drive, its tiring !!! Any grocery shopping, one trip, its very tiring, one location keep walking? He is not tired, I am not tired? Home food made like I get 5 oclock, the slow cooker is all on, we get out by 9 just the regular plaza, no pressure, the food is already made by 8 oclock, he knows we unplug the slow cooker? You know those details in a house, all the details !!!! 

Before we all step out, all the plug -in, the stove is not on? The bigger stove, those kinds? 

You be careful, or I be careful? We calling you whomever sometimes over to eat, there is the dining set, there is the home felt, the things on the counter to put on your mouth, no pressure whatever you like to eat? You create that for everyone?

I think the life just sleep, eat, lay down, bathing....if you have a guy, you be with a guy.

You stock up all the home appliance, you create your career path, to save or to budget, you know what you spent, that in NYC that is 8.5% tax last time I was in the New York States.

Everything is going up including the gasoline.

Prepare early, get up early, or stand in the kitchen longer.

Washing, or soaking, and paying attention the details, how to use the salt, to rinse, to rinse, to rinse?!

Your soup is not too salty? The sodium content?

Push it down with the ceramic plates? The Asian ceramic any plates pushing it down? 

Those small dishes how you shopping in the Asian store? 
The heavy things to make that going down? 

The big zip bags, you know how to wash that thing and dry? You use a giant chopstick. 

Hanging....there to air dry over night. 

My hair is a reality check in life....what do I really look like ~~~~~~

2 People make the bed, and move the online shopping cart merchadise.

You want me and Nicky show up moving these things, the dad of 4 kids? Just one day, you have the home made? 


I make the food, or put those in the washing machine and the dryer? You guys finish moving these furniture, you can sit down, and eat all the things on the table? The water I give you 2, every 30 mins, a Coconut water?

Some snacks, some things here or there, you sit down to chat 10 mins? Going in and out the house? Or just go to sleep, when you all done, the food, the soup is made. You can drink a bowl, and go to nap and showering, all your clothes, I wash in 20 mins, those I read the chemists reading label....the washer and the dryers?

I do those chemists jobs do? Your towel, when you go home, or be in the car, its all washed and all set to go when you wake up from the nap. Eat and drive away. 

I fold them fine. Your pillow case, all things new you buy, and why don't you wash that at home? I cut the tag for you? 

Where you get 6 people again?

The Japanese steam eggs.


The wonton soup? 

What do you do in the laundry room?


This is a..... Prince William and King

Hugh and his wife + best friend, and Mark ?

Which one of you? The best friend?

The high school musical audition his best friend? oh ~ I remember now.

This is what you actually do in Maryland?!

               Prince William               King

Hugh        Wife       ?????             Mark

That is 1000 interview applicants in America?



Maybe just forget about all those guys, just partner with your mother, its governmental told you to fly, you landing it down. They may not be any good person, you saying cherish to do together. You need to know how to cook, and stock up things.

More like the National Emergency house.

What did you say?

Tesla merits, Rockefeller's merits, Sariputra merits.

Johnson Robert's merits and Katherine host Tesla merits (BTX merits) 

To stay in the family, the religious Buddhism Top merits, that is what you mean the National Emergency House?

I need to check my TV. The Edison's merits. 

Movie: Crazy, Stupid, Love (2011)

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