
Do you decide the original wood, those idea? Your closet is made of the IKea, or the plastic steel? Like behind me?

The humidity here.... The kitchen, my mother used to say, those. Your book room, your PC room, your bean bags, or the play station, and this one cooking table, or the dinnerware....you eat Mia C Bon, or hiring someone together, you squeeze yourself in the night market, when the weather is a lot more mild or you come back.

You done those flea market shopping before?

The kitchen soap, your bathroom shampoo, the hair condition, the shaving creme, or the razor, your face. Your cotton bar for your ears, the towel, the hand towel, the big towel, medium all that. Or the night market these vendor, .....the very first left, those are the Disney. Meaning inside your bathroom, you do keep those colorful, the towel to look more than the white collection?  Its a ....beach towel.

No, if you live near whichever 全聯, or somewhere, you just go back and get it. Going up or down the elevator, not Costco, you are not in the State, or England. Here they have everything you look for where they are. Do you have those Japanese pharmacy special branding you seeing the lady's uses? 

If you getting all these organize the first 3 days....by that week end, your mind is concentrating that one kitchen table, for some reason you need to cook and prepare the things. You don't put your minds everywhere. 

Your sandal, your Burkinstock sandal, and then the house sandal, the cleaning supply for the floor, or you re-done the floor, what you gonna clean your floor? The air purifier, the air-conditioning, you switch to turn those on in a different room? The big or the small, there is a difference.

Taiwan has these mops.....absorbing the water invention, your door knob, your kitchen counter, or any surface to wipe. Are you going to get AI toilet, you and Olivia uses that? I have to wipe that control panel every week, and the toilet its almost everyday.....

You done this things before, ever, in your life?

What else things you want to venture, by yourself, I want to know? 

I think you will turn into those I said....sandal yourself to the breakfast and focus on your computer paper works.....and you just eat-out, you know how simple this is.

Night Market

Those are the sweet potato ball. Night Market Sweet potato balls:  夜市蕃薯球

Near our police number 110, that vendors have the birds eggs 鳥蛋

The birds egg + cheese = 鳥蛋 + 起司

Stingy tofu ....you could see it from their advertise? No, itself not that super pungent. They give you some cool cabbage to go with it. you add with the sauce those

臭豆腐 + 加辣 + 加醬油 (什麼都加 )

Stingy Tofu + spicy + soy sauce (all added)

Its in front of the store to buy some small stationary all that. 

There is a foreigner, white guy, might be Italian, is selling those Tiramisu. Its in those freezer box, he has to open that to give it to the customers. You like those night market concept? You tell him in English is fine. 

Those shrimps, I don't know how fresh they are made...I know you look at it fine. In the middle of the both intersection road. No, I would not go there. 

You really want to try one thing, other then those above, I tell you the local thing. You go to the left side of that shrimp (in the middle of the intersaction), that will be on your left hand, you turn left the very first one, some people might be ordering seeing this old guy. You seeing those hot around plate, and he pull those flour tapioca flour in, and those sauce is sweet sour, with those clam idea things in it. 

The options he should have, you want the fishes maybe....let me see if they have the label.

Right, you pick those mild weather to go. 

通化街 - 興記蚵仔煎

Left 2 are 2 different kinds of the fishes. 

The seat you can sit down, right there, on his right side. 

On his right, that vendor is the vegetarian, you just ask Olivia, to pointing at the things she wants to eat, you both can sit down there to eat, all that.

They just all happened to be right there (same as the Stingy tofu? Correct.)

How far is the Tiramusu? Its should be keep going not to far in the middle of it. Its not a vendor, so you can buy that first, come back to the stingy tofu, and you and her stand there, and put everything on that table. Probably after 7:00


Not digestable, but they got the spicy things to put on it

You get 蘿蔔糕 I think you just eat that one thing, ....If those open can, don't use it. But if you seeing them add its. Just say 加辣 ( add spicy)

There is the dry noodles, 乾麵 I don't know where you can see that word, near by probably. Whom has those things, its just noodles + some mince meat.

Just don't eat those shrimp, the fatty giant shrimp, looks like the oven coming out. That's why they put it there.....

Why this otter looks like Wolf?



You walk all the way to the end. On the right, that is a store inside, maybe air-con, and ....you eat a correct fried with the uniform?

艋舺雞排 通化店

I told you, you will not be cooking anymore. 

No, you get used to that life. You don't need to cook, I already say......you look like, those ABC, every term, let's say they just so fast going in 101 basement or so fast into those Night Market, they already know what they want to eat that day, that night, that meal. The ABC guys.

I go and talk to Shane~~~ 

The Family Mart, they are all fine. 

No, you don't need to cook here. 

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