
Hugh, you are.....those are the bubble tea.

If you buy four, they will give you those thick carbo benearth, you carry 4 back to the taxi and get back to the hotel. The cup hold below similar to the Star Buck they do those.

You ....all looking like this Pang, Leo, or Austin human, one of those traveling along to Japan from here at least 4 hours flight, your ship won't get there...until next next days maybe.

I have no idea what it says. 

You gonna go to the furniture street, this blazing sun? Under? The pet shop near, and that Panasonic store? ? You can take the taxi there, correct. 


The end of that furniture street. (I want to go to the furniture that road END THAT 基隆路 END)

He knows what I say. 

You get the taxi from the receptionist that door. He gonna turn around to 安和路 U-turn.

你 U Turn 在這前面紅綠燈,這安和路下去第三個紅綠燈就是文昌街,右轉,開到底,那就是基隆路。

You U Turn, at this front traffic light, at this Peace Ann road continue down to the third traffic light, turn right, go to the end, all the way THE END. That is 基隆路

You talking like that, or, that is what they understand like that?

You show them, that's fine. They understand it. 

If that is the 光華商場 ( 3C that big place + the building? )

You go to the fountain that side, for the taxi front.

你開敦化南路北上去光華商場,前面一直下去是仁愛路圓環,現在這信義路不能左轉? 原本那邊有復興南路我知道,那你仁愛圓環上去左轉北上的那邊是光華商場。

You drive this Amazing Road North to 光華商場,this front keep going will reach this 仁愛 circle, on the 588 that road cannot turn left now? Originally that 復興南路 I know, but this you going to the circle North up, and turn left, that will be 光華商場。

No, you need at least 6 or 7 stop going north on the Bus imagine that on that road and turn left at least 1 stop.

Or if you use the other side....no, I think that is faster. Amazing road is a lot better built.

oh ~ that circle. Its just half of it....when you going North, 

If you coming it down, you say 市民大道轉哪個右轉會到仁愛圓環,那個敦化南路去遠企, 敦化南路你走快車道,遠企在左邊。

The higher sky very very tall with the pillar if you observe that is 市民大道

When you are on the 市民大道,you turn right, get to the 仁愛 circle, get on that 敦化南路 to Shangri La.  You go to the fast lane on that Amazing road = 敦化南路, the hotel is on the left.

Don't worry about it, you put your seat belt on, behind, that's fine. That circle always do that.

No, the taller guy like Mark, or you, .....+ 

You all just hold on that top things when you are in front of it. (always put the seat belt on), right now the behind Taipei also need the seal belt now. Behind, you also just use the handle on the top, your height, on your left top or right top near the window to hold it. 

You mean that circle.

Your best friends coming?

The girl-to-girl...you literally eating like that?  


The guy-to-guy, you really doing that to each?


Isn't that Gosling?  Barbie's that actor, Ryan?! 

Olivia goes to evening? Doing her hair, not you 2 gone out....


Or that is...???! 

Freezer behind is the ice cream. The hidden ATM, there.

You can seat, those are the table, on the cashier left side, any? Not just the front those window seats? I forget which Family Mart, I went to. 

You have a pet, I think....the rice cooker cooking on the ground. You both cooked? To the pets?

The taxi to go to that Cheesecake A 13?

The receptionalist that side Taxi.

前面 U Turn 迴轉安和路,一直到信義路右轉快車道,我要去基隆路左轉,然後第一個右轉下去到 A 13 那個對面停就可以了,A 13 在左邊

The front that U-Turn, turn around on that Peace Ann Road, until you get to 信義 588 that road, right turn on the fast lane, I want to go to 基隆路 left turn, and get to the first one right turn, all the way, that is A 13, that across is fine. A13 is on the left.

hahah......its not, all right ! Too fat, ...okay.

Your foot walk too much? Your shoes, or your socks? They have the bandage in there, the Family Mart.

No, Japan, they talk like...

Ko ni gi wa,  (How are you, greeting)

Cow wa ee   "cute"  (but loud, exaggerating )

So da s na (to the otter)  = "Its like that...yeah?"

I land by myself, I can read some of the Chinese words, in writing, those are the traditional Chinese. The subway included. I ask the road to get clear. BY MYSELF. Not with any of you, this....best friend the coffee shop.

Washington D.C, I do that myself. I lived in America, for a long long time.

You really need to be here, cooking? HERE?

五金行 ( similar to hardware store: 5 gold act store)

水電行 ( Water, electricity store)

You seeing anything, you know, you used to do, you know you can manage....indoor, living and breathing in 1 day or 3 days...all that? Next by that Italian pizza, I say the Chinese menu vegetarian, right next by, its another air-conditioning fix place. These 2 words. (right next is the breakfast place)

Now, you know the Peace Ann road? Between the second traffic light and third traffic light, your walking nice weather if were in Autumn, the winter or spring, Shane.....its 3 Mattress store.  (2 sides) - correct, you walking back and forth. NASA technology if you lay on it. 

No, my mother probably knew you are both here. That Loving Hut Pillow, and the sheets, you want the spider man, the cartoon, the flower, the plain, the pale white, the light yellow, or....all that in set. They have nothing but....just like you seeing outside.

ALL of that, that, that, that.....all that.

You gonna wash it the same days? Orange that store coin in, you, or both of you? 2 sheets?

We use the comforter the wrapper outside. Meaning the comforter you sleep in it, no sheet, but below, that is the 4 corner wraps sheets. They design like that. Not like the American those 1 piece, its 4 hook in wrapping corners sheets + the pillow case.

And, you fold your laundry before? 

You and her. 

Together....8 sheet, those?  (The birds keep saying Ronan, Ronan)

Did you get on the phone to someone correctly, you do that in China, or you do that in Japan. Without here.......let's say you imagine you shift your cake ONCE to Japan, you return to China, one of those scenario? 

Because you doing that in Maryland? All of these ...bringing in the paint brush Home Depot to built your own interior house in Maryland, do you know why I seeing that? You have a winter jacket and the winter boots on? You understand why I am seeing that? 

Here I just hire those workers to do every jobs, other than my mother to maid. She got those bigger bucket paint, for those smaller white paint....because our wall, or the stair those side, she cares about it. To brag to the neighbor, one of those local Taiwanese things they do. 

You two playing the basketball....passing by that high sky with the pillar below, or....you join someone strangers to play basketball? You Hugh, you can use your finger on that basketball? ( Screaming) https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iIxHTCofkWU

Do you call your mother, when you decide to get home, this China, Japan or Maryland, Washington D.C, on and on? You have the butler to be doing all of that.

I mail it to you. 

You are the gym Olympia...I understand that.

You are not the gym teacher?

The English and the gym teacher from China.


You will be teaching a class?!

You do that to your uncle, or your father too?


The PC games? My mother says she remembers its 2 hours....if one day you imagine is to get a real PC. It might be a lot longer, because we didn't install anything on the PC side for the computer gaming. You getting those quadruple processors, you ask? 四個核心的處理器 (玩遊戲的)

Those processors to play the games, those PC?

The water heater (The thunder is now, on and on)

The battery is right down stair, that 7-11. You give them a bag of the old battery, they recycle at those, like my wireless mouse. 燦坤 they have those wireless mouse in some styles. 


In the night market, those one side 99 store (right), the 3 floor store (left side), they sell those ....every kinds of the plastic small zip bags, you always need for every kinds of the stuffs. Me I had one to recycle my mouse battery and some other battery, too.

You want to bring your battery here to recycle? You can. You can just ask them if they recycle in your Home Depot those.

She and her best friend has the first broadcast?


(I have to wash my hair and pillow case so I can lay down....my nap time....schedule is no more) I have to clean the floor, and this floor mat in the bathroom. I have the women period, ....finish but things have to scrap and washed, those green things without the yellow sponge on the top. Its for the sink, we have this soft water or the hard water. I was asking you before....You thought about putting a sink in....one of those things, AI Toiletry, all that.

The floor we have those dog bone floor mat, for cute. My mother bought those things, so the beneath this stopper, to stop slippery on the marble floor, is shedding....I have to clean those up, seeing it and clean that up, hair dry. Those small tiny things when I turn on my light, not my curtain....I want to lay down.

A car not the motorcycle?!

You have more brands than Tesla?

You went to the dentist, and that thin pizza places? 

The court room, on the left side, somewhere there.

The bike ...on the pedestrian, you seeing they mark on the ground, ALL that is the biking go on.

The baby store? Your wife wants 2 kids? Across the hair salon places.

You need to go to the bank, or that Post Office the second floor to fill up the form?

To Japan


You guys' friends already land? 


To China


Taiwan eating expo, that is the meat expo in August 2nd to 5th, you are seriously ...


Probably finding a place better, too. No. My mother goes to Mia C Bon, there to selecting her white rice branding. My house only she eats the white rice, that's why.

You need to keep your rice in the fridge, in the container, too. 

The elevator top is the SOS bottom. 


You guys....? Graduating? The final photo shooting for the year book.


The otter says fish - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8IYYHThUYlE

Sogo, you can get the fishes, or those existing Sushi, and some vegetarian those ...my mother bought them fine, they prepare each day, those. Not the freezer session, the food take-to-go those things.

You know 101 basement, that big City Super, they now have those lunch boxes you can selecting the food inside the glass panel. The combo. Yeah, I ate there, once. That was new 2 years ago.

這是怎麼挑?  上面那一排跟下面幾個?  手比給我? 

How do you selecting these? The top that whole line up, and below these = how many? Your hand gesture for me.

I think its one of those on the very Top, 1

Below, you selecting like 3. That will be the AI video in my short clips. The exactly the same place, right. I think its in 101. 

You are in 3C and going to the Taipei station? Or this is you going to the Taipei station again?

And this is the food again? After those enchanted effect in....anywhere?

Y is more near that 京站區 You know they also have the Star Buck on the first floor. The door from outside coming in. The same ground floor.

You want to go to yesterday the same? They say I didn't order you the white rice?

  • The 4 season beans, 乾扁四季豆
  • The regular Hong Kong style those salty eggplants. 魚香茄子
  • The write rice 白飯

That sounds right, you only order the 3 things?

宮保雞丁 (chicken )

Those random to take the small dishes, do they still have that? You have to walk around to see that? 


Do you still have those small plates ? 40NT each, they have some other green veggie.

If you and her drinking the soup there, both of you.....

The sweet sour or clam (ginger soup)? The price difference. 50 NT or 120 NT, on my menu here. They might be a lot higher now, that was 2018.

酸辣湯    Sweet and Sour soup.

薑絲蛤蜊湯  The clam soup

On that corner, might be the same name 小南門

This is where you seeing that sweet things in A13 next by the Family Mart, you gone to the bathroom in one of those walkway. 

Are they exactly the same name? YES. But this is the dessert part.


Its at the corner. Anything you see in there....its the sugar water soaking those as the traditional Chinese dessert. When you eating too many meat, you don't put all the liquid down. Its very hard to digest. But you are all super dehydrated, those are the sweet and some ice in it. If you are on the period, NO. You just drink those warm soup. Today we have those very red watermelon. Are you on the period times? Our news here today.

Its a horror. They open the giant watermelon in 2 sides.

Are you allergic in peanuts? 

Why are they exactly the same name? ! 

You want to eat the same things from yesterday? You make sure its not on the period dates. And that is 2 location you seeing on the 2nd floor. Its the same company called the "little south gate".

You can order 2 of that home. Its sweet inside your room, to get hydrate. After you eating all that....not at the dinner, and not on anything near the period or if you get pregnant? 

This is the thing, anything of this restaurant (the dessert) this looking, anywhere, in 101, or in any other mall normally...it will come with this 鍋貼 the pan fried those dumpling looking but its long. You want to order that and the dessert home? Later you got hungry? 

And they are in 101, you know the Mango ice place? You stand on the right side going in, that is where they are. You want to memorize where these 2 locations at?

So too far? ?~~~oh, you keep walking on Y?

Then you go to 京站, you still have to keep walking, you know that?

Or you want to look at those exit stair, going up and get the taxi, and go where you eat anywhere? No, I personally haven't done those exit...maybe one of them. I am not sure if the taxi can stop at those slow lanes, too many motorcycle, and its hot too. 

I was checking the bus stop number and where they going. 

First boy school, or the first lady school.

Long time ago, the lineage after the Zen passing it down the six Patriah. Today "Something Gonna Give"


Keanu, Nancy Meyer (the producer of Something Gonna Give), the daughter 26....

KR, NM, 19 Anita.
Her original husband were her enemy, in those 123.................456...until that 6th. He has an IQ enemy, too. He was a retarded I think, illiterates. 

2015 in Watermarke, Irvine.

I got a new otter yesterday, they 2 lean back. Literally fall back.


Taxi: 台北市松山區復興南路一段39號

你可以怎麼去復興北路 (走市民大道右轉 ) 微風廣場在左邊

Breeze on 復興北路 (north part of that 41 ), Breeze mall on the left. 

Side by near, you can choose. A hot plate any veggie or the meat selection or the hot pot, right next by. And then there is a cupcake.

That is a chef does right there. 

In there

Trine & Zen 崔妮傑恩

They are separate, those are the American style those luxury grocery store, glass inside to select and weight.

和砌鐵板燒 = Hot plate

On the left side of Y. Only that side I think I get on the stair to see what's out there. Coming back direction walking back. That side.

Its on your way home.

How to get back:

走復興南路左轉 信義路快車道,這是單一方向往 101,我要在敦化南路轉右邊快車道,你覺得是信義路的慢車道那就走哪個你知道的,我要去遠企,在敦化南路的左邊。

Go to south of this road 復興 south road, left turn on the 588 fast lane, that is one direction to 101. I need to turn on 敦化南路 fast lane right side, you think this is 588 slow lane or which one you know, I want to go to Shangri La, that is on the left side of the 敦化南路。

If you want to go home, you can. This is the rush hour, though. 

22:02火鍋 微風廣場店

That is the hot pot, they all look a little bit different. They got separated. They used to be....something next by that hot plate.

Have fun eating !

Normally they just come in....eat, walk, see...jump in the taxi (or else), you know all that already. I cannot possibly cook every single day. 

The escape route, right.

I wake up, I eat popsko. Too long ago, I keep eating the small container. 

The vegan one, so...its not really the ice cream.

Awake....you don't eat a lot at the dinner time?

I didn't really think ...the guys that important. 2 weeks so far you seeing some of this. I had too many desktop jobs here, so I stop going out in a period of time, Westlife shows up.

Maryland would be similar to New York State (New York City is one of the city inside the entire New York State itself), Maryland is Maryland state. That would be Wal-mart, Target, the regular mall and the organic store, they are about all the same everywhere. The district being divided before they built all that. Its not that difficult.

When you are younger, you are among your own world, your near by those leadership.

The home cooking. Just you going, or you help your sisters all of that?

I probably gonna go outside a lot more, once these paper works are not pile-ing up on someone else desk, my parts and all that. They suppose to file for me, all that included.

Taiwan we can drive to, or have the driver to drive us some places, Shane they don't just cage in around here. I don't really know. I just sleep for this year for now. It could just be me, walking around.....

Sometimes, I stay, you know how these are in design and if someone could read the words, or read the description, and I know those parable, or the details of ....every story details, or the basic idea....I found out. By myself.

No, I am not sure Shane. I just go along myself. Sometimes things like this, you breath, you stop, you buy some drinks (I don't usually eat, its very fat), and you think about. You think about what to do next. My mother can be busy on something else. 

If I can go to those mall to eat, I would? YES ! Of course, after I slim down, right. 

I walk. Where you think all these routes you both going? I started it when I was very young. Tom Cruise I saw it. Yeah, the outside and the inside. Today is the first time you walking up, out of the air? Its not very pleasant when the air is suffocating and the heat too great. But when the weather is not like this.....I can work for a living for myself.

They say, you want the bubble tea? 

You can stop by those bubble tea vendor, and tell them to stop, and you get your drink in 5 mins? No. Okay. Those things, maybe you drink in the morning, not very digestible. 

Yeah, just walk around.

You cannot picnic in the summer, not here. ... you know how to use a stove?!

Make a Taiwan fried rice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In3om4uLj7k

You doing the cooking to end up in Maryland? 

Next - You finish walking, you just get the taxi and go home. 復興北路的那個門在哪裡 ?

That door to that North rd, where that is?

Do you see your egg portugal tart there? 葡式蛋塔

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