
The map on the Y, is like those accessory website, or when you going it down. Y9 to Y11....that website says.

I check the door knob, that is where people usually be parking will access. I never had a car in Taipei. Buddhism in Wiki is American English, that 10. For the hand craft accessory, right?  Which religion you picking? I already throw my magazine a lot out. You know what's in it? 

Today...is that the day you feeding each other mouth's on the cake, or your best friend supposes to come in? My video...here

Included? and by how, I mean I trying to ask....their flight in delayed?  There is a lot of the places they make the cakes, but those are not the real food. 

一之軒    時尚烘焙

I am not supposed to be hoovering ( BTX ), you seeing anything take off....like the apartment 10th floor, those are all hoovering....means. I am not suppose to be hoovering at all. But like your 50 phones in a box, like you imagine if you all going to Japan together for 7 Harry Potter, how to sea navigate back to England, you and your .....England that side (King + the Prince + Upper class), that routes are similar to the title of the Pirates of the Caribbean, you check the movies title and the location on the geography. Your destination is in Japan, I understand (?).

That route since Spain 16th century time Portugal, and England is famous for....How to travel to the oriented. Not 100 cakes, but you know these bakery is with the name here. 

These best friends in the girls, and in the guys.....

The coffee shop or 3C, right?

Whatever these video looking like ...the food, or the coffee creme, those?!

(Are they really from them England, those Prince + King, flags all those ships outside ...any coastline those? )

Star Buck you know what you would order, right? Similar. I usually only get one, the double chocolate chips frappuccino, not a real coffee. But these bubble tea shop.....every one of them you need to tell them half sugar, or half ice. 半糖,微冰 ( few ice)

  • They have this full sugar, 3/4 sugar, 1/2 sugar, 1/4 sugar, when you reading some of them.
  • Full ice, half ice, 1/4 ice (few ice)

the double chocolate chips frappuccino

= frappuccino 那個巧克力上面 (有 creme) 的那個大杯

(large cup)


(the recipe this called that bar code ticket, that's fine)

Right, every kind of the bubble tea, its all their...different kinds of the ordering. Right now, the current youtuber, she opens those shop, has these creme all the way to your mouth top. Their age people. 奶蓋 but I am not sure its every one of them has that. 

This is where you going ? A 13 that way? Not yet 11 oclock, its very hot outside.

You looking for a skin product every single day? SK-II, Wallace is advertising, sometimes this Breeze behind 101, that would be A8, A9 those long walkway, during like less heated autumn, or the winter you can walk, its right outside those walkway.

I figure it out, this is what you intend, and guess to do? I never tell you where?

You eat that 2 meals a day???!!! No more dinner, just the lunch? With the light brunch the fruits...other than the coffee, or the icy drinks? Too hot here. 

You two really have no Panda's issues?


PC 3C 光華商場


You get the laptop, not the real PC, I assuming...or anything to inquire, but the same. You prepare 1 or 2 hours to stay there and install all that, but that outside in that building should have the food, I just never ate there. No, there is nothing around there. No. Outside, no.

Its very hot outside, she staying in today?

If she walks toward the same place yesterday, on the way there, are all banks or the building, its all the people selling the lunch time, she gets her unbrella, and not to faint, that is 10 standing human might be in the heated there selling the lunch box, almost like the idea of the farmer's market, looking, but very very hot, she gets inside that Family Mart better, and get some drinks. Around here, no bubble tea. No.

She can get that milk tea, all that.

MY TV so I can tell what you all be doing on the TV. Lunch or the news.

On the water fountain there, you have a near Family Mart (you seeing an unbrella, you purhcase), then you walk toward the yesterday that park area, those are where people selling the lunch, not sure they literally still doing that, but....autumn, winter, spring time, other than now....Summer. I never go out, right.

Your foot massage, or the hard skin? 腳皮?

The Italian pizza that street is the fruits and the night market

The other side of the Post office, you walk like 2 or 3 mins pass that, that is the massagist place. Or your hard skin on the foot? or foot nail, not sure the hand nail.

你們這邊有做指甲? 腳趾夾跟腳皮? 手指夾?

You over here has done nails? The foot nail, or the foot hard skin? The hand nails?

這邊有沒有十張優惠那種? 他跟他太太兩個 全身按摩

Is here having 10 tickets special those? He and his wife, two people full massage.

有沒有時間限制? 今年? 

Do you have time the limitation?  This year?


I want to think, how many.

What do you usually do with these cakes to take to Japan?

Your England ships + Ireland Ships, because Shane they aren't for real, those commanders position, so isn't me. None of this is real. So if you do know these, you can smuggle all of their family + the General, the middle, lower general, to lieutenant (up, middle, lower rank) all ranking personal, that one general including the whole pacific ocean has one.....that you should be in the bookstore I told you.

Inside these ships, they can contain fridge at least 1 or 2 cakes. On the table near by, they can keep 5 to 10 cakes. I was told can be 20 -50 cakes even, one of those inside. So when they arrive to Japan, to go in-land, they just from the ship to the venue, not even finding a GPS, or a Japanese name or a wiki name, or got lost on the metro, and keep walking those younger military girls, they don't know how to do that. So no one leave the hotel venue other than return to the ship that one day, or 2 days they staying around there. No one needs to leave. You understand? 

Its can be just 2 or 3 ships England + 1 Ireland ship leaving from here to Japan, but for your entire units, whom furthur your progress as this side of the military force, you all look prepared your stuffs, and a lot more efficient to leave. Those youth don't require to-do anything other than show up those days. The boys or the girls

No, the extra, you pass by near to those ships, whom next day arrive, or continue to stay, whom keep coming. They are not from here, Taiwan. Any of those ships on the sea, you don't need to know where they are from, you just tell them, they keep that in the fridge, or on the table. (The ice cream cakes are in the freezer those ) 

+ those boxes of the napkins, the plates, the forks, the spoons. The plastic those package + the candles or the lighters, the plastic knifes all those in the same sealed package, you get it from the cake catering store, this is the bakery has a front store.

No, you say, "No, this is what we got, what we are told, that is all that left. That's all. No, we don't know the other things." 

No, you are just a civilian, don't try to be helpful.

1 week pass

2 weeks pass...stop, no more cakes, you mean? That is their problems.

"My cakes stopped..... " (smile, continue talking)

No, if the Royal from England they come, no, you go along with them. They may not be as prepared that the first day if they ask you. If not, you go along with the England Kitchen. I meant....the above paragraph, if you go alone one person, for some reason, you just show up by yourself there.

I just said, 2 England ships + 1 Ireland ship, that is only 3 ships you going, Hugh. Not the England all of them. 

He Panda talks like you ....

If you are told to do that with Prince + the King next by, 3 of you in Japan, alone. You know what to do this time?  + Olivia. 

No, they have at least 2 upper class came in, run about, I don't know if they left or they came in late or those Irish, but they do their civilian things, on tour, not on eating or the shopping 3C routes. So....if, that 2 upper class got found, or 5. They make 10 staying in Taipei + that Patrick upper longer hair, that man in Green line last stop, quiet there. You 1 + 1 Prince William waiting his father to arrives + the American Presidents + the Congress.....

You can just stay in the hotel. He should be having his own interview while he there or travel with you to China, and you come back to Japan hotel waiting on him. 

WE have no space here.....

Are they cousins? 

Is he a writer? Some writers have these, must be a brand new house, no one ever purchased, those......in SMCH her career books talk about it. That is the river up stream, he doesn't know, that map.....The original, the origin of that River called 淡水, your last stop in Red Line to sight seeing the market, and the river goes into the ocean. That is what you sight seeing for from him. 

I told the military to drop a....drag a 8 swimming round things (the water park in my childhood), that small tiny....which line, next by green to yellow.....whichever small tiny bar, is not tiny 20 steps, that might be 20 miles away.....to drag that swimming safety things all the way to the river, and goes down with it. That probably breaks the laws, it will never happen, but I told them. He can reach to you at the sight seeing, bye....

Usually the 6 Star hotel inside has a service.....

No, no bubble tea around there. All the way to the night market, correct. Family Mart has those milk tea, jello yogurt too (not the fridge, more those open you can see it freezer, its on the shelf, you don't need to open the glasses, those....often have something light. The fruits inside the yogurt those. Its cool.

The orange color or the red strawberry color (here are all the yogurt)

蝦味光  here

乖乖椰子口味 (coconut flavor) here

Thin or Thick 北海鱈魚絲 ( North Sea, fish snow as a word, then fish strips)


No, you don't need the fridge for these. You asking them if they have the rubber band. 



Behind them, all those coffee machine. You drink those?


Brazil Rose Diamond (New)

Single Latte.  單品

經典美式    Classic American style

經典拿鐵    Classic Latte

特濃美式     Especially thick American style.

特濃拿鐵     Especially thick Latte

經典冰磚拿鐵NEW!   Classic Ice Brick Latte

PABLO起司拿鐵     Pablo Cheese Latte

慢煮焦糖拿鐵       Slow Cooked Caramel Latte

蜜露珂娜膠原拿鐵     Honey Dew ca na gel Latte  

泰式厚椰拿鐵   Thai style thick coconut latte

燕麥奶拿鐵     Oatmeal milk Latte

西西里氣泡美式    Sicillian gas bubble American style 

西西里咖啡   Sicillian Coffee

鮮乳坊A2β酪蛋白拿鐵   Fresh milk A2B egg white latte


義式濃縮  Italian concentrate

美好分享壺  Share pot

泰式厚椰可可  Thai thick Coconut coco.

醇黑厚可可飲   Dark thick coco drink

畬室醇香巧克力飲  Fragment Chocolate drink

Even I can try the coco drinks.

Next - Him? I have no idea where he is. 

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