
Mark's song (yesterday)

I know. The lighting. The actually lightening above the head. There is some 3C store just nothing but the phone case. Its nothing but per package, like plastic hanging + a case inside. They make like that, and they put a lightening on the top. It was in K. I don't think its there anymore. 

Earring, 1st one. Normal people looking at the middle. Those kinds. I am the 1st. Tina, Pang.....Niko And ... 2 pale stone, 5 or 4 corners, flat. 

(Eating my mother made dumpling, and dumpling skin, small.)

64.05 Kg, still going up or down, up or down. Right, I know I Ching stop at 64, right.

I used to tell you UB, your best time is Sailor Moon exactly all the girls sit on the table to gossip about these 3C, I saying the exact things I used to say, to everyday. America is very rigid harsh human like that Dean will only becoming. Taiwanese local...I cannot put them here, because.....whatever that reason. They all really just talking more like that Elizabeth. (Taiwan Youtuber), so they are not learning the Mandarin or learning that local Taiwanese. You need to watch yourself, not blending all that.

And the summer is very hot, all the south than us, I don't know how the world just dying all out with this Climate Change, but as long as in the retired mode, here are all the food, some one can acquire, when that 80% time, its just an elevator going up or down, and the plastic trash eat and dump away, because most guys just dress those tank, or shorts, or the sandal without the socks, you didn't know that is the only life....whichever kinds of the guys, they just all behaving like that.

They are all celebrity or having the family background, so I just don't really encourage with all of that plus this methane gas stove. Movie: Burnt, seeing and looking inside, and actually at home, someone if more people putting in a smaller unit, this is an apartment, they all living in the house. It takes me 3 or 4 years to breath back this high rise building, and I just kept sleeping. It wasn't very oriented for me, but I finish these parts of that very early.

I haven't own a home completely....1) the tax, 2) the parking lot concrete, or the grass area 3) the per monday trash cart, 4) the roof, 5) the inside per square meter cleaning, or the carpet replacement or cleaning 6) the car, the car insurance, the car licensed plate, or friends buddy to help each other.

Here you could just....mean you are God you yourself without any of that. Without a friend for the rest of your life til the day you die. A maid, and let's it, you don't obligate to go to any senior housing when you making the enough funding to livilihood or see things around. 

In the blue book, "The Conversation with Yogananda", there is a story about the Master

In the Indian Bible, Gita. In the Indian aryuveda..... 1) When the God / Master covers the maid when the lightening strikes  2)  a coin story from the Master given a servant to go to generate to the next next next destination...(SMTV)

That space and time story.....you all drawing your mind to Legolas into deeper and deeper darkness front seeing all those people, Rukawa in Slam Dunk with this Shendo. (The blue line, the second stop from Taipei Station, Take me To Church, Hozier, in English) 

Seth, Dean, Bill, Silas, Patrick

Shane's position, Gately not there.....JC and Justin inter-changed.

When I land, I can only cover one next by, to raise up my head look far away North West.

This is what you want to see? On My Own.

The tea place, it was Venus Restaurant (the eye laser across window), I dress this girl's dresses. (In the video), they make 2 to that Tree Road other than the Amazing Road, between Niko And.... and that Maria's bakery (順成, Danish cookies), 星餐廳 ( the similar dim sum places ) I sit near the window, on the back, near the bathroom. 

I just happened to find this picture, on the magazine

站區 that is your 4th floor or B2/ B3 all you can eat (you probably cannot read), around that escalator, walk around, that very big place. Its quieter away from a lot of the people, but they always full in the weekend, or the busy time. 吃到飽 = All-You-Can-Eat, but I don't know how they define that, I just pass it by.

You know what is a System Talk? During the COVID 19, or during a concert, or during a period of lasting 3 to 5 years.....The shut down to preventing the System Talk, those you know?

The City Rise (below)


Too many things happened, I cannot reach that far to care just the diet issues, and....this is the interface line where MD 6+2 meets MD 4+2, MD 2 TW, MD 12345 to make MD 30, for these 20 system subjects people to enter this zone.

1) One Earthquake for 6 months, all around, 2) Thundering....

I don't have the strength other than cover here. Until a certain American military they reach here. It isn't everything real, not as the Ancient idea, its just a lot worsen in the modern all high tech will shape into, into the far future. 

You realize, you looking into a monitor, no longer the movies, they are the alive people. 

Any movies that someone you should know how you seeing those movies inside...if on your own.

The Master and Disciples stories are irrelevant, but there are the books, or the ancient parable stories, it was on the SMTV, a lot of these stories or the sutra, or the doctrine. It refers to the teaching, and Babaji told you that. The teaching. What does Krishina told Arjuna.

You seeing the monitor, you seeing the far distance geography.

You seeing the geography, you seeing the movie monitor inside, you seeing the Harry Potter Dumbledore's office those mirror water inside - the Black Water ( Matrix, Black Water; the Red River Manga, Black Water)

What does Babaji told Yogananda

What does Babaji told the one (before before him, so Yogananda can exist)

What does Babaji die in 1984 Feb 14th, says.....all the letters, they used to be on the public space anyone can read it. Every word they saying to the disciple, including the Great Master during this WWII, during that Spiritual Gem.

One person meditation, no more group meditation. Anything related to the war at those time, its the only reference to any war zone laws or the curfew. You didn't realize that, you didn't think.....you wasn't careful. 

You aren't learning anything to last the next 1000 years Bible crafts a story or the Silver Millennium, you mean....you just die, you mean it won't be jumping the timeline for the next 50,000 years exactly the China Expo told you the theme songs.

Next- you just want to know the sequence, Buddhism in Wiki is American English, that 10. For the hand craft accessory, right?

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