
I see otter ....


okay.  No.  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/RFplcstjZmE

Mia???????????    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUjlBP5gUrQ

Cooking? Seriously? He says or Mark Westlife they meant? The Hunger Game, the Eternal Love? Of course not. He was in the hospital. 


The hall of fame, what is this?

I think.....they for real has a real TV job, like their newspaper said, to be honest. That Kian and Nicky, or you seeing JC used to. They all did went to the platform to continue their own career path after separate, because.....we as a fan, we buy the album. That time has no Itune.

The album was their only together time, and I keep seeing them on the real TV shows, that means they go to those Ireland or America working schedule by the season. You don't know the Ireland, but for America, Melinda and I used to watch their TV schedule.

Is this the 3 weeks ago things, the long time ago, that was when their mood turn to Mark, all that?

With Hugh, I have to speak this parrot on Taiwanese langauge......metro touring, and every military running about the same time. I have a job ~~~ other than their seasonal TV debut time.

I think Mark is a gay, and Europe might be very strong on those? I actually stay away from all of that. I need to finish anything I am doing right here. Those....I am not sure. Being polite until this Youtube on my front gone or the facebook? But correct I went to Shane, not Mark. I would not think anything of that, no. The royal family they got married, maybe they just talk 2 people talking. 

Definitely not talking about, you mean I go where to ask whom? 

I think......isn't I have the American side where I used to live, that was where I am from half of the man I used to be? They have an election? The UB or Peyton these otter.....what is the UFO with the green stone in it? Brian with Mark those.

????????????????  I definitely never think of it. They might, I just go away without it. I didn't really believe every newspaper. I don't think about it. Not really. Its not about Mark, and not about them. There are the 3 kids involved, definitely not I would never think about it. I stay far far far far away from anything of any kind near all of them, to be honest. I am like that.

They are in the music world !!!

I don't want to talk about it ~~~ I don't know whom they are. I drag that Shane ~~~YOU, outside !

SHANE  (2 weeks notice)

Lahiri, you know whom that is? Yogananda's grand master, his master's master.

In Ocean 12, the father's name to that police lady. You read the wiki. The name is Lahiri.


Why I have to stay in that conversation? 

I think talking to Shane is fine. They talking to Mark or Kian.....one less thing I thought about the gay's culture or the guy's real world to be honest, for me the idea. So....until Shane shows up, I ask him.

You all like about Mark, and another side you all like the Prince, that kinds?

I never think about it. Never ever.....

The ancient Chinese drama - those combine = the white robes?

MV and the script all that?

I think I always say Shane last year....I never say about Mark thing I talk to. 

What is this? I don't really like any of this stuffs to be honest ....the white robes that is my side of the TV, that is not all the way to any of their far away Ireland or England TV.

This is wishing them to be together? No. Mark....he is really not what he used to be. They were those royal family useless human going home best, staying with their parents I guess, all that, whatever. Their IQ is low to keep a newspaper laughing, its not real. Just a mediocre family. They put to work, and leave them alone best.....how to earn a living or get on a project to put through the task to keep the IQ or not keep the computer gaming, all that. Someone else were working on them. 

They are all dying out on the TV or the newspaper, to someone like me....the dead is belonging to the dead, nothing else to talk about it. I don't care about it. Those things, too long ago million people's jobs you are betting they were the mistakes, whatever.....all these you imagining, or the life they are or were, or anything in between. That million human life or the souls after life.....you bet on the democracy world laws or that congress is very useless.

You cannot modify that million people's life x 3 (1900 time, 20th century), to modify in this 21th century. They were already dead. 

That is a very very very very very bad karma, because no one knows where those 1 millions people gone by, starting from the beginning. You cannot interfere any of those turn of the century, or the turn of that wheel, any of that, because you never die, you never talked to them the soul after, where are that 3 millions people gone to? With those congress those time, and?

I never die ! oh ~ I am so sure of it. Of course not.

You wishing all of them dead just like you wishing everyone around your life dead too....don't read, don't know, don't care, don't associate, don't go near. Whatever....I already know. 

I want to go to sleep. I may not get near them, they never required to show up to be honest. Shane is one person make it here, I don't care about the guys that much. I already say...all these movie, here, and the interior design and money BTX. Anything else...I will get closer with Shane, not ....if it is real, a guy or a network like them.....I look at him, I look at my jobs too occupied inside some of these. I think they are all normal inside their world doing their business. But that is - the music world.

I already repeat to them front and the back about thousand time. I AM NOT IN THE MUSIC BUSINESS !!! PERIOD.

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