
In general subjects, your cooking water, your filtration to boil that water, or that is different from you carry your water home to drink. Like me, or my mother uses those Brita.

When I got more the man power, I switch her drinking water, or some of this habitual things.

But let's say cooking for the bf or the husbands, + some friends. You need to know you buying would be

  1. The cooking oil. Not the methane. The cooking oil like the sunflower oil, or some olive oil.
  2. A spoon rest at, or the plate, like me easy thing, or those wooden spoon, you don't scratch to the button of the pan.
  3. A design trash can  a. Where these plastic  b. the fruits waste    c. where the real trash bags.    d how you collect everything you coming from outside to inside the home, or Asia home both the same.
  4. We can getting more fried food easier let's say we crave, so I don't need to make too oily the wall, but still you need to get the  a. the green scrabber.  b. Taiwan mop absorb the water   c. Sun dry easy like me, my water sink in the bathroom, that means your plastic zip bag, not directly at the sun. Those Asian hanger.
  5. None of this is the cooking measurement how you run some of the very very very details things.

You determined, this is one guy seeing or they all living in the same house, because America you all doing that, you can see all these AD houses design, so you must to put more food, or the delicate to Costco, we are just the downstair each other apartment separated.....here. So everything is 7-11, but let say you seeing this a very simple meat can, or the tuna can. Westlife. Shane is busy on the phone, these Nicky and Kian some congee.

That is a soupy rice 

a. You always wash the white rice, it won't matter its short or long grain white rice.

b. You always wash like more than 10+ and scrap both hands, because I myself eat that.

c. With some Chinese green onion, or some brocolli washed, lightly boil.

d. The meat can + the congee, if they feeling their body not well, need to lay down. You check their sweat, change the sheet, change the towel, washing them....So 

When you light boil anything, that started as the methane stove, to boiling the water FIRST.

(Am I counting as the whistle blower for the fire department? )

e. You can lightly boil, such a medium or a bigger plate, that brocolli is one bunch, some carrots thin thin thin slice, it could be just 3 piece of very thin slice carrots. The olive can open, washing washing washing, soak out some of the salt out (just the facet water), all the salt will drain out of the olive. Not as tasty, but NEVER those too food industry used salt. But you display that on a bigger plate. They are from Europe. Some wash and chop fruits, some display carrots, olives, light boiled broccoli. Get some lemon + the water, meaning do you know how to squeeze a lemon if without the electric. We buy the juice outside. Or one of those remedy, a spoonful honey, lemon and salt, swallow it, your throat. 

f. So you make sure the guys ate those congee, mix all that abcde, + the medicine that is for the flu, or the throat hurts. Tell him to get up and take a shower, watch him, and put the dry sheet, or pillow case change. So he has his shirt all changed, and new t-shirt he can see where they are, or I buy here, I know where. I prepare for their back up, the taller guy......one size. In case they travel, or getting some towel. 

I probably meant you know that is what I mean, right?

That is before you cook at home, or prepare something for one week. You have to go to work. 

The cilantro you don't eat.

The parsley, the Chinese chive, or the American green onion, or squash ?  The rapinni, or the kales? We have some other kinds of the green vegetable, and most of them are chemical residue on top. Keep washing !! I shake them in the big sink.....but that is a very heavy water weight, none of you built up.....20 years gone, you know what time this is now?

I am not even sure you are in balance well, or your eyes can see.

I need to lay down a lot, but when I stand, I watch where I need to go and stay in the kitchen?

okay, okay, we buy the sushi outside. That is 6 or 10 for 1 guy. Boil the dumpling from the purchased bags in the Asian store.  You never prepared a squash, or the zucchini, with some peas beans, some coconut oil

Or you use the olive oil on that stir mix vegetable

Then you make the coconut can creme + the lemon grass, you stew everything else the vegetable all in it with some soy meat. People eat that is to bite on it, or feel the texture how to eat it. The mug bean noodles.

Those things....I don't think our outside here doing that. But that is the simplest things I ever made. My mother ate that. 

We have the curry powder, not those brown curry here (only we had that.) Just the regular curry powder. Anything to stir fry, that gives 7 days a week, everyday is something different. You know that?

They can eat those roasted potato, so that has to marinate almost very often in the morning or at night before we sleep, that is in the oven. Tomorrow morning he just put in the oven and re-heated it and eat it?!

No, here we only has those hash brown made similar, tars? tattor tots.

Maybe here all looking Asian, so....they keep seeing the American food, that type. Outside or you all seeing the foreigner's food type. But in America, you all need to manage those houses inside whomever to make a few meal together, and eat a lot more healthier.

Your parents not telling me you coming all the way here to Flower Thousand Bones are like the outside space them, its the Zen cooking lesson? How to calm your mind? 

When you peel a fruit, or cut a fruit plate, on a Museli breakfast with the soy yogurt, that is America selling that. You know how to open a soy yogurt, that lid? 

You know how to tie a plastic bag, or something close it....with the confident, how to ensure that is the trash can not leaking the water? What water that is?

The flour + the salt + the water = a dough

The flour + the yeast + the sugar = the pizza dough.

The flour + the water + the baking soda = a type of tiny puff bread on the stove.

You eat that with the hummus, or any thicker dipping, whatever that sounds its in front of the guys. Even the mash potato they dip to eat that, the pesto sauce from the jar. 

No, when you have the groups social occasion, its something extra or different. They having too many meeting, so it looks to them the same? 

We have the sour cream in the next by market. Maybe those eat with a lentil soup. I never cook that...to be honest. 

You don't do everything all at once ~~~

A bowl

You need to put a soup in it. If you make a soup .....what things are in that "what size" of a bowl when you purchase it? 

There is a sticker below that bowl.

There is a sticker on the avocado and a banana in America. 

You guessing maybe when you dump or pour the water in the pot, and what things leave in it to cook them? How long? The steam coming out of that small hole design on the very top, or you always always always open that lid away from the rubber touch...that thing cannot be on the methane fire here....HERE....HERE

I am believing they feeding each other's food or the cake, so isn't serious to look for a place. Except that methane things......

Those 2 gone to sleep??~~~~I can go to sleep ~~~~!!!

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