
Niko And....that is the road if you take the taxi often....left to right, the same (towards 101)

They have the cake too. 

順成蛋糕 忠孝一店

I seeing it from the outside window, looking in. The first time. (you want to literally doing that often...in life? )

Are they all fat? I didn't buy to be honest, to tell you... the salty chicken I bought, they told me. But that day I don't think they have it. 

No, not random eating. Me, no.

No, I have the money to buy those. No. The pictures is down down down down down.

22 pictures below. Very clear. Cheaper because that is the bakery selling. You don't sit down to eat somewhere. 

But these were not my diet, not when I grew up. I ....when I grew up I don't give a damn to those food. Why? They are ...those ugly Chinese New Year cookies inside something round, everything is round round round, I hate it those flower design. They put a ink on the top of those things. The kido, those time. No, those are not the food, I keep saying it. 

Right, I can buy a lot of these, wrap it correctly, for Nicky and Kian in their luggage, the first thing they land down home, they have something on the table, the plate inside, they seeing the food to sit down and eat. 

You all don't have anyone wrap up your own luggage, my mother does that when we immigrant to the US. I grew up older, then, now its me and my mother, that Tina Jojo or Pang, to be honest.....my mother is smooth those things. 

So the first thing from the outside window in....

I know they have a lot more Danish blue round tin top those gift box. Not exactly looking like these, but Taiwan, they modify a certain dessert, I know what they look similar.  No, I don't eat those. Japanese sneak, those chocolate long thin pocket? 

Is there a reason I cannot tell you which direction?

No, straight, that traffic light, away from Niko And.....you keep going to Mc Donald last time that long escalator to Lotto 1-10, you will walk towards it. But on the way there, you gonna see 新東陽

New East Sun.

Not sure, they should be still there. Again, its a window looking in. 

There should be a balloon place in TTK ( 頂呱呱) - this is which direction....no Mc Donald for sure. 


You have a basement walking in the bookstore, more near, if you walk carefully. You going it down the stair, no, its fine, its good. What? Every kind of ....small little things, and your night ball 


Do you have those kids whom play the night with the fluorescent light on it, glows those bounce ball?

(You know those rings are below you, the last time you were looking at it?)

TKK is at Niko And...that 235 immediate traffic light to go across. The first stop you coming it down, walking more, and the first traffic light you cross. 

The 新東陽 this looking in, on the top should be the "Welcome", but I am not sure what it is now. you seeing a parking lot from the basement coming up, a very small lane, to walk in the open air, and immediately like a corner table you seeing the window, inside are nothing but the meat flat.

You use those pressure machine, to flat all of them.

Its all transparent glass window.

I didn't see it on the map anymore.....

It will be perpendicular to Niko And...that traffic light.

But if you just did keep walking.....there was an Pane.

(Pane Andov, you know this name? UFOlogist) 

On that crossing road corner - you seeing the bra? (the vendor)

I found it.


Beauty cherish smell nice (fragment)


Its horror, but that is very expensive. The small tiny things. 

Spicy that is SUPER spicy 麻辣


Medium spicy.

I think they are all very fat, to be honest. I bought it once. No, of course not. I got told, once.

Because... I found out, at indoor one of those bus terminal inside, has one like that too. 

This is where you can go underground immediately. You go down, you remember all that ring store you can find here? It was the Romance Journey (Victoria Secrets), it was 10 store literally all on the ring. Maybe you care to see where you are right now.

Its too hot outside. TOOOO hot. 36 c. Your body is 37 c, you know. Go down there with the air-con.

That is 6 years ago, these rings are not real, it will turn black.

No, I was careful, you didn't watch that. Starting Tesla (last one 1st....then....)

This would be you remember how you get in Niko And....that exit down, its almost the beginning of this underground, the 1st ring store or the physical which store....I count, the session by session. (Is that near the bathroom?)

This will take you to the escalator up (you seeing that 1-10 starting at Lotto), here below, somewhere has the seating place, you can seat? Bathroom too? Right now its 4, its very hot, you all can wait until 5:00 is better to walk, tooooooo hot. 

That is a very long walk, you gonna pass that escalator, a resting place (eating place)

you gonna walk some long walkway, all the way to Sogo old or new. Its a metro line. On the Top, if you paying attention to their announcement board. 

Beaming light those.

Shanga la ??? something.

Okay, you go above the ground, one of those store air-con??! Yeah.

Sorry, you are in where? Taipei station those hanging cloth you touch? The necklace, correct.

I saw 2 of you those hot air.....too hot outside. You cannot breath.

The bounce ball glows at that flouscent lights. (Twilight)

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

My mother bought me the latest new, our time now. You ask the bookstore these

The video below telling you how they glow. No, the ones she bought didn't glow. I just put it in the night light stand here. Nothing happened. No,...not those kinds. I remembers. 

Is there something about this? That will be in the 80s TV here.

Its called the 夜明珠 Those glowing night Pearl. Its not the real pearl, but that is how we called it. History


You thinking what to eat tonight?


The second floor of that Taipei Station


The chef on the wall: https://aa0811.pixnet.net/blog/post/154565105

That is the 2nd floor.

小南門 ( looks very very much like Chinese interior design, the line and curve)

The 31th photo.

炸排骨  (fried entire plaque) 

蝦仁炒飯  (Shrimp fried rice)

雪菜炒肉絲 (Snow veggie stir fried thin bar meats)

魚香烘蛋  ( Fish fragment bomb eggs)

鳳梨蝦球  (Pineapple shrimp balls)

牛肉炒麵  (beef stir fried noodles)

蟹黃湯包 (Crab yellow soupy dim sum, the dumpling looking)

豬肉蒸餃 (pork bamboo dim sun, the dumpling looking)

(you and her, or you take it back for her) 

糖醋魚片 ( sweet and sour the fish piece)

You just ask them if anything adding spicy 


外帶是 ...之後就可以外帶 ! ?

Take-out...its after can take out !?

You can look at it.

I read here.

She is ....resting? Eating time yet?!

茉布里廚房 MB cafe brunch(寵物友善)

Next by Mos Burger. 

On the park you turn right, you cross that too. The hair cut place, you ever been too? You can go now, or you book an appointment now, and after you eat, you wash your hair or cut your hair too.


You want to cut or trim, and book an appointment, after eating. Wash and cut.



The neck massage 

You see the front below the mirror, that 5 or 6 options? One of that. Maybe 20 mins.

oh ~ so you are walking next by from 3C?

No, I sleep home....

Maybe you have too many of you, I don't know whom else are on the road, all that.

oh, this is the things you eat? Flour and water those? Pan fried.....Japanese Taiwan here looking? Hot iron the animal shapes? 


Right, you found that Y, 3C, those small gadget. Its better there. 


I think you both going to the real estate, might be thinking....to rent, to eat the fruits, and all these 3C to put at? And cook yourself? 

The cake place....you mean one piece, not those whole cake?

The birds quack quack....no more eating the cakes? But here are....all these cakes looking !

Watching the video, you all eating~~~that's fine. 

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