
Ella Enchanted

You cared about Laura and Kelly?! Bride war are 2 people, its exactly the brunette and the blonde. No, I was a short hair? I just broke up with Adam I think, transferring the last 2 or 3 months. (to City of Hope).   But I never had a contact with them, you care about if they doing anything behind? Ashley all that? I never had a contact so there is a brand new UB facebook. None of them your height thought. Kelly is taller, then Laura and Ashley is my height. 

No, I am not planning to see them, of course not.  Its intuitive you think I should, or its your Breeze mall 南京店 or how I got a news you going with the typhoon in Japan all the way to north?! There is a trajectory of that typhoon ~~ and every ship on the map doing this left to right, running?

Breeze mall 南京店 looks like your southern most, the line to reach, not all the way here Hugh comes to typhoon shade cover and he never leaves....out of this Sakura Clear Card to the Northern Star. The first otter whom saying all that, the senior officers if they plan that, that should be the line. It will be 10-15 mins bus ride. No, no metro. Its an easy ride. 

My sensation would be that senior officers every single day there with Hugh, but I keep seeing these youtube clips, its at Eastern Area (they go there to eat). They suppose to leave that line? It would be everyone running except them. 

The lyrics ~~~ you like the song ! 

I think you will always be the people's princess and the people's Queen will be. Its how they say that in English, right?  No, they shouldn't be getting that, 20 years ago, they suppose to settle all that, including the "return" parts from Mummies, they could tell that. 

If they go after 20 years? Its expired. Scott 3000 pop corn money, but Loving the Silent Tear her mother was 2011. I told Jonathon or twitter all the UB, so EF or UB in 2018-2019, it wasn't expire to Apple Scott, the demo crash and the airplane crashed in Ohio results in another 8 people dead. 911 was not a full 3000 people. 2996. In 2015. I did tell Rebecca that time, she stop emailing. 

The real legal battle there? King goes on his own with that, I am not his anything, of course not. Don't care, don't know, don't talk to me. There is a definition on the homicide, all my birds are suicidal every morning ~~~anywhere, except here. Camillia is a new congrat England Queen, they work up to that points, so I believe that will always be real.  Don't ever include me in any of that....not really.  King has to look after both you and that...Meghan's feeling also, because you are the new people's princess, Duke / Dutchess. You all have a serious implication in that Star Trek stuffs. 

I would tell King to read her biography, it was in our Barns & Noble, I give that to James, that time. Its the movie: Click. He recognizes that book is real, or she had a best friend, and he knows, or your husband knows.....that movie inside, that person is not me. She looks like Kim.

To me, it looks like a mature movie in the TV itself. The book?! You could all getting that book 20 years later from Barns & Nobles? King remembers whom she is?  I would say you guys get one more biography that time was on that same table, too. Hillary.  The biography with her face that time, I didn't know there is a Legally Blonde 2. Okay, one more. Your Europe Royal blood line in the pictures illustrate book, not in the biography session. But that might be many years down the road. Its at the history session. The portrait history book. You know how people shopping in the bookstore, where they stand? To get those books? 

Yeah, you ask Barns & Noble at the year UB undergraduate time. 2003-2006 May. I don't go that much those book after that. If you can get the catalog.

I think they all gone back to the normal life, anything in the past, don't think, don't ask, don't know....other than the King goes forward that on his own. That is his decision in life.

The song....the wishes ?!  (I mute, or pause, sorry)

I am not the Christian. I can blank my head....the first time intuitively knowing how to do that 2005 /2006, and then...5 names mantra, but I wasn't doing it right until Thailand, or later on. I keep reading on and on. Except the wishes that part. Correct, the magazine would be all of their wishes parts. I think...it was the enlightenment parts, not the wishes part, so I blank out all that.

Enchanted (2007)

Carrie Underwood the song, Enchanted that John Sheppard. I understand it now, all of these?

Sailor Moon? 

20 years, I cannot tell you anymore, 20 years ago I never even speak to them like the best friend, the text message, you mean? It didn't exist. The English conversation doesn't come out of my mouth.

I have never talked to Carla, face to face, not even how are you.....one of those. I never talked to Connie neither. You count per word, or the phone call, meaning with the telephone numbers?!  Can we have no more conversation with this anymore?

I watch youtube.....the castle, the fairy tale. Enchanted (2007), the squirrel, that is the 5 Lords reviews in 2016 summer, cut in half. 

The pumpkin cart, Cinderella, the Carried Underwood that MV. That is the Enchanted....

What did she says? Shane, the Blake Thank You cards 2014 Hollywood Reporter.

Its a whip in my hands, I don't think most people understand, a whip in my hands, you don't believe it.......my tears with all of these. You dare all continue, this Earth I will split everyone in half. You imagine how beautiful this will ever be, the end. Don't ask, don't tell, no one volunteer per word....how many words I written here, you imagine its free.

No, American is the American land things, you all ... England world. 

It could be all of their legs keep cutting in half, those tales included. 

I want to know the only most cruelsome methods to every human suffering on this planet, that is very clear, nothing but continue bombing killing the mass, and torture, until you understood....its American you mean you are the American, that every word you will register in the ends of all these. 


Just keep smile-ing, I don't know where you come from, or that case is worsen, or England all Royal keep smile-ing until every blood be split. Tesla quote was 100 years ago, that Earth be split in half. Its mermaid treasure hidden stuffs. The human doesn't need the virtue, just rebelliation to use my head to keep hurting me. 

England and American behind military supposes to be the cruelest factor of this entire world fate, until all things be clear and done....all of them only choice is forever cut their legs in half, bow, kneel, flat. UK and UB. Anything extra word to talk, just.....until every 9 generation someone keep relocating and disguise, and run, and hide....until this whole worlds nothing but blood splits. In the name of the religion you all daring to lie...because that is the human being...smart!

I understand all that very well.

It will be? Only 1 me, the rest die, correct.

The things you asked "if".

When they get to Washington D.C? They will probably all be separated in their time, the year, the location and the extra-curriculum that brought them the meaningful 9-5 projects for the next 3 months, the temporarily meaningful projects, or they were always on the meaningful saving the worlds, priesthood program K1-K10 growing tall. 

I had none, they all have....wishes and prayers to redeem life, so better.....cover all that with the meaningful wish fulfilling jewel. 

Some of them born.....the red neck or the white trash world, meaning the money is not always well maintained. Like driven. If you give someone a project and he is driven to deliver the highest yield to say 10 millions dollars, or 1 millions dollars to start, it might be none of them like that. 100,000 dollars, those starting.

Laura is not. 

The life philosophy, or a heavier religious belief, and all that. Never sci-fi, never Star Trek, or the material science, the capital sleek. 

The personality defects. 

These people too far away from the friends home, and sitting next by those smoke and drink, or drugged. Adam!  She may not correct....the bf's home or husband or her own community family all that, they live outside the town I think. Adam will be going to Louisville, and UK was in Lexington. 

The family makes her feel that is the traditional belief. A nice girl.

SMCH? The whole wireless electricity generate database is every word about how Great this Era looks like she is the...comic book stories, in everyone's eyes. Except the distance, and the actual paper written down, you mean transfer all that?

oh ~ If 2014 I have no shame, that Simon or Lauren, or Keanu to spell the comic book every domain photo arts to sound like a ONE forever happy ending with a few tears inside my tear glands, I never stop doing that to find life purpose to those weak and vulnerable human race...except....Everything Fame to glow, to glory, Blended. King's supposed to married to. Austin's mother has a motto in those wealthy worlds.

Make every fame sounds perfect at the social occasion.how much worth they all believing it, per saying per hearing 2014, if......it wasn't starting all nice, anyway. 

Washington D.C?

No, its not fake. Its actually very real, right.

Most people or I assuming they got told something, just how many people in a) The double things they play b) a meaningful project on the side  c) About their family dilemma, or the private matter to speak, other than to the judges, to seek the medical help, or the finance, or the business. 

They formulate all the backup things, their IQ is not high, so...the least they can do its to plan and write them on a piece of paper, what if this and that. They do hear what I say, or asking the professional. 

They have never met those people, you mean they met me?!

When Snowden was fugitive 2014, the Congress has a few man shows up. A several. They suppose to get to them, in the evil side of that Legally Blonde 2, these presidents....faces are a lie, if they just read Snowden's every news I guess they American doesn't know what they put there. But UB is not going to get there, to those. 

By now, those retired, might be some newer ones. I think some of those might be real, too. The president not necessary to be real?! But before before before....all that. Its the Mushroom Professor looking I think or similar. I keep seeing the duplicate like in UK, not just in City of Hope, so...I thought was normal. 

They have no student clubs social skills. In that entire environment, you know which argument they play doubles, right?  Even in that most IQ simple and required to proceed, they have none. They flight in, and go out and left to go home. 

Correct, if I see Michael Vartan that Voka things with CAC, and....a lot of these Obama looks like Ayo, all that? I can assume something is bad, so...I stay in-room. I will tell them what I want to do, if that wasn't double or planned, all these TV means, I know exactly what they say, or inside. No, I am not sure. If LST, that is Babaji's position, you mean Nick? And 2 Babaji? I think that is 2 more, because on the red carpet, that is from the Earth photo. The youth Babaji and Handikhan Babaji.  None of them is the looking of Mahavatar Babaji? 

They will all feeling like that song, Ella Enchanted, they don't know how to talk. 

They....need their father and the mother to presence, and they carry the talk.

You know why they show up in the DC ? You done so many run about these Royal public duty?!

( your Royal family that side doesn't count, your staffs does those things)

... ... they are excited, so until they get there. 

If ...6+8=14, then 7+7  isn't 49, that will be an X, not the plus sign.

But I have no reason to do those talk. 

Yeah, you plan, but I have no reason to show up there?!  Its keep saying double, everywhere, I have a 2 planet if not 2 worlds I imagine that is the worse or worsen means. 

No, if for the animals and the Earth sphere all that....right, they put the money or the task big responsibility, I know what to do. The otter or the Panda you mean?  But some other people willing to put the money and the time on those they themselves. 

My brain is not their brain in UB. 

I think its they all single going in under I say (a) (b) and (c).

They...believe they are the major star in the movie itself?


Pretending me and that Indian general, one Kail, and one Zawanna, or few others. Each has one staff with the high Corperate values, so you saying the Trump or Harris relevant side, no, they find next by cabinet people, to sit down, per flow chart to talk to us.

So pretending, each of them + one personal staff / maid, or secretary outside the phone, from Maryland or NYC, and we all shape up going in. They each 1 person grab someone...to reach one congressman, or through the senator, and last, we have 6-10 people sits with the President 1 or next day 1 more lunch or the afternoon tea.

Each of us grabs someone to get through a talk.

These UB and UK...I just say its the IQ problems none stop, their Thanksgiving, or the Christmas like my EF year, I was speaking non English.

You mean William, Prince Them all? 

In England those Cadrible design, the church giant hall, your different outfit to walk, Elsa or his father's sceptor. That's in England.

WE? Sit on the same table, you Kate or that William to open your mouth to talk? With that Zawanna Mission Impossible the Ghost Protocol, that? The England parliment, you all prince and princess to go, I can see. Those church all hall everyone near by. Are they the congress meeting places? Don't they suppose to be in those lower or upper chamber house, similar to American Congress they have their own building. 

I think...you all don't require to exhibit the IQ, but correct in America, they need to all exhibit the IQ before they can reach anywhere = 1 person get through. Let's say....you know how these Westlife or Ronan the escorting service at the door entrance way?

Smile, or open the mouth to talk? Those? The door-to-door sale, those?

So Laura or Ola those...its....very thin and thinly dressed someone seeing them to "come in" the house, all that. Rebecca was with me that time, so they can bring one normal looking human in, but they go alone, 1 person's show because they don't dare to partner to each other's BIG shot story....probably the lawyer telling them.

This is so stupid, I am telling you.

So these normal household in America, its the first floor residence home. They drive would be....they rent the car to arrive that household with the airport pick-up to rent, or from the airport rental service. And they dress those winter outlet mall jacket.  You know how the human at those door saying, "Come in"?

So that is 2 hours carrying a conversation to talk, or just 50 mins, to eat. After they took off their shoes, or how....they walk their way to the room set, where the family, or the kids, or some other people to join that household a talk. You seeing these, but they.....never does the student clubs to say, for the first time in their life, they have ever seen this much of the human to carry....ME every single day for 10 years these useless talk.

Shane or Westlife they have those contact, right, to go to someone's house to eat, their company arrange that for them, not with me tag in it.

"What is the current projects, you working anywhere?"

I cannot tell them I am working on the website, they will say, "Why don't you call the police?"

"I would have call the American president and never will I end up here, would I?"

But I cannot talk back....

You mean you all, right? Not them.

Personally.....I will tell you them never go near the Congress, but other than the flag chi, or the Nation's pride or the Nation's merits. Anything else other than the superstitious was, like I used to say, every lawyer background born in the family and start to climb up like the movie Barbie meant, to...doing you yourself a talk, them.

But....they probably just enjoy these fame statues or the paper works someone else written, and be too careless, the Congress can snatch everything from all of you by next tomorrow morning if that know that is the only reason they ever exist. 

Well, you are here to get near, as if there is a paper pretending I ever read, and give you some suggestion. Gaming PC asks, like Dream Exchange Games, if there are 4 nation countries and someone given you an advice. I don't know why or if will be, you all final destination is in Japan, but in Asia, or Japan is a lot more international than here.....some of those culture doesn't exist too much. 

It starts to raining here....

Sometimes the weather says something, so everyone waits, and if you all moving in, probably 1 month later.

You are the mother of the 3, so...probably the housewife. If I literally seeing a guy, that....is just the guy's front life, I guess. I by myself or be with another person, for the money, for myself, and for 1 mother, I do only just that.

Technically they didn't pay me anything these blog free information, so I do a lot more it supposes to be done, so there is a world running. But people like the normal household all need those bills to sort. I will get my money, so this one lifetime, my finger nails or the toes to the old age I won't get problems and how long I plan to live and on and on.

How is the Asian gonna process those papers?

Heaven ! Right....the folktale those books. The Heaven statues.

So they want you to be the Kingship?

...no. That is inside the Heaven, everyone knows the book, and so they finding they themselves the evidence, they becoming the Heaven those inside the book. They can see it.

No, not Simon those, no, those are the mortal with ...half devil all that morphy at it.

Heaven like?

In that book formation or the evidence they could tell from the TV.....there is a set of all of them being "Honor" to be.

And why that honor to be is not the democracy reason?

No, in Heaven.

Heaven means outside the Earth?

....No. I don't know how to describe to you. Like you know the Pope them have the saint? Worse in those degree. Like the ceiling or the sculpture. 

Its raining, I want to go to sleep.  I think my hand gonna hurt that day, seriously.

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