
So is Harry in San Diego (Panda mother playing with 2....smaller Panda + the slide?)


Those ship trajectory, you are shaking, Harry....you want to tell me your brain, every frequency or brainwave to your brother, or that is whom, and whom are these grand kids? Not Fat Amy at Orillian, or Muskoka, or Barrie....?! You need a passport to go to Canada, you already know that from Meghan traveling, maybe that Yellow Prince that was Bieber.

You deciding the freedom chase how to drive up, or bus up?! Many cosmetic smuggling the money was from Fort Erie, lake...or the border, other than...its just 3 bridge I think for the civilian. Its by the greyhound bus. And why you don't just flight in Toronto YYZ? You got caught before in Toronto Airport?

2 Harry, or that one in the hospital window with my photo, one in CA that has the hole in it. 

There is the parrot keeps saying "want to win", you are? One of those? That ship travel is not long to straight down ...that is a curve trajectory, from Taiwan other than pointing to Haiwaii...right? Imagine the latitude, curve down? 



So you believe your father lied to you, right? There will be people daring to do that.....I don't think he lied, Harry. If he didn't lie, or the media didn't lie including you probably mean someone lied. You don't want to find out, if something is real.....how real it meant...friends mean? You have a law used to be to restrain on these media because of your mother when you two grown up, remember?! Other than this Harry Potter and the hole inside your brain? One clause to another? Right?

Panda, the car arrives.






Baby 2 twins








Someone's phone calls.












Coffee: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TB3ziokCgTY






URL: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Qh1Tn8gDmvk


You all watching on your own.

Middleton.....you have something to say?

I think 80s Full House, they kill all of them (the bird quack). Not even this my father may not be my father, because they knew about that thumb on Tesla's finger. He is... I am not sure whom these people are. I have seen some images correct. He looks like my downstair neighbor taller. Shivering those....

I don't really know which things are real on my side. No, it would be HE decides or something related, but I am not sure. I just stay away from all of them, I feeling better at it. 

There is a certain ingredient, probably they ask the police better. I seeing too many things, maybe the police some of them know for real. It might be I studying all my classes in the K1 - K6, I don't even know what happened to the world, they moving out Taipei, and I studying in K7-K9. Those kids are not doing that to grow tall? Having a stable desk, as a kid, not to moving all that much, a shower, a bed to sleep, and the food on the table, or the laundry, to study....!!

These people....no one studied ! As a kid, how much do I understand? To study !!! 

Its about them, or how the typhoon ends up?~~! I think that is real. I could see it the west side Japanese tie the boat, they speaking in Japanese. I see what, I tell the worlds, unless.....you would be????  Is this right, we keep using the otters to see? or the Panda.

(lay down)

This is not about me and your 2 kids?

It will NEVER NEVER NEVER...happened, if those implied to whom, King's original wife, don't even think about....I will ever see, hear, know, or even inquire whomever, you alll......related to each other all together, FAR AWAY from me, other than waiting....the sunrise.

I would just tell every human on any side, stop !


I go with Shane, not going with Khan ~~ of course not. 

Can I see aura? Connie's parents, that side has some Italian looks like their Pope eye sac, meaning blacken all behind, one of those Pope. They eat anything in that religion reason, I never talk about it. oh About Ella Enchanted? Not where you about......your Hugh and you table?! What does this Hugh doing??? You all together?

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