
Isn't that ....well, the military almost like the police?! 軍人類似警察對吧 ?

They have to wear the uniform, those are the military? Like if you go to the police station, its full of the police uniform daily your eyes looking at it. So if you seeing the military uniform like Thor, or the regular marine similar idea....the control panel, our right outside, or the Earth-celestial......its just, the lawful uniform in a different district, right?

他們必須穿制服,那些是軍隊? 如果你去警察局,這都是整個警察制服每一天,你的眼睛看著,所以如果你看到軍隊的制服叫做 索爾,或是一般的陸戰概念 ...控制台,我們正外面,或是地球天界...只是這法律制服不同區,這樣對吧 ?

The most civilian ....its me. You understand what I just tell you, human police (your ear microphone loud) ?

這大部分的公民 ....是我 ! 你懂我在告訴你什麼,做人的警察 (你的耳朵大聲麥克風)?

cannot type in Chinese 不能寫中文

You are the things I don't understand. The living room its curtain shade, so that is in darkness, without the TV noise, I am happy, or my mood will get worsen. You do know that, every journalism people extract the news might be 10x worse, than it really airs for 5 seconds, the running light below, or side by, or the captions, or speaks in the flying news?! But you always put the wrong things anyway....so, you already deal with it.

(The birds talk, I told the police your representative from the South, that one man he was involved what, the black gang, that is worse than they reported. )

Your brain cannot register, or you don't remember I say that the last time? The human dresses the causal wear, not the Black Ops, so I follow what I got told. That time England about to die, so I don't dress the black anymore, something happened, it was the pink....dress shirt on the road, in the bus. I just gone to the bookstore.

I didn't describe to you each and  very time on the road blocks, did you say your jobs suppose to be the police? Do you know the American regular human is the civilian dress-wear? On the road, in the school, outside inside the car, the normal place other than the Pixie at.

Is that the same nick since 80s? Dead or alive in that Full House means? The same photo?

All of these TV doesn't have an uniform, the orc. Prince Royal all guards, they are you the police the same? ID those badge like Conan those? When the cartoon is the cartoon, no one says the detective is a police, its a detective to the 12 years old kid.

The SG those are the uniform, but those are sci-fi, the girls we don't watch it. 

Watching the movie is real, or watching the real life walking on the road is real? You ever contemplate the reality in the true sense of life?

(I cannot take the nap, I am tired.)

If I describe to you, you have a building structure, unless you walking in behind that counter, you will never see the office, or the room, that seeing the officer walking back and forth and all that. You can only see that if you are at the border, they know what they look like. But those....are not the real police as if or I get used to. You all have a different color of those.....t-shirt, the man will only wear the pants, you all very sure of that.

In front of you, me.

So if ET records those in front of them, doing the crime, and they record, that is in front of their faces ! Legally, THAT IS WRONG.

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