

我剛剛覺得太大聲把電視給關了    just now I think the voice too loud, I close the TV

坐在那邊吃起司    sitting there eating the vegan cheese

黑暗裡     in the dark.

那不是 ....緹娜的好朋友,杉杉來了,是我爸的朋友? 凡爾賽玫瑰,國王的情婦? 在 Celine Dion's 歌曲很難過的那個,這個是曉薇 可是緹娜只有一個好朋友,就是 Elon Musk 的未婚妻,跳中國舞的那個多少億的中國,一樣是律師在香港的丈夫,一起澳洲臉書的結婚?  澳洲大學

Isn't that....Tina's best friend, 3 3 comes (Boss & Me), is that my father's friend? The Rose of Versailles, the King's Pink older lady pink 26? In that Celin Dion's song, very sad, that MV, that is 曉薇 ? But isn't Tina only best friend, that is Elon Musk's financee, dancing Chinese dance, how many millions or billions, that the same lawyer of the Hong Kong husband, together the Australia Facebook got married? The university in Australia. 

太生氣,太大聲音了電視 ...不想看了

Too angry, too loud the TV...don't want to watch


That names sound familiar. 

曉威就是長的比較漂亮的那個,可是之前還有一個~不是高氏那個女兒的 EF Carol, RC 就是 regional director 我天花板炸下來了~~?

曉威 is that looking better prettier that one, but before, there is another one ~ its not that Tall's daughter, EF Carol? That was the regional director, my ceiling top bang sound.

小鳥在講講講,我說那是地區性的人員,以前式不是未來式,句法弄錯了 !

The birds talk talk talk. I say that will be the regional director, it "was", not "will be". The grammatic error.


I often seeing the human made me mad, your often on the road.

這菜菜是不是提娜的好朋友 ?應該不算是,是 26 的那種傭人,類似 Karen and Ola, 她們以前中學時期,或是 Laura 魔辣公主 (改電影名字 ),她們好像在中學時期,就是這世界的人都覺得自己是女孩子很帥,有更短腿的去遞小字條過日子的那種,漫畫呀 ! 人生呀 ~ 收信件那種, Vicky 以前就是我跟她對寫信那種,沒有網路 ! 網路開始我就是對著全臉書講話我高興~~懶得寫字條那種找字體、還是這信封等等等 ! 因為這 Laura 我沒有那麼認識 ~ 但是這提娜,或是我高中我記得,有人是路上學員自己裡面,類似革命少女,她們保留這種字條,叫做未來物種的 26. 隨時傳喚或出現幫助人,個性沒有用的那種,但是那種校園很小的世界,是這些我點出來女子對自己前半生有保留的...每一條後路 ! 我說戀愛~我不是叫她們去拉扯他們的心 1 年前的事情 ....

Is this 菜菜 Tina's best friend? It shouldn't count as, other than the 26, those maiding...maid. Similar to Karen and Ola, their past during the middle school, or Laura, the "Devil Spicy Princess" (they change the movie name), they all looking in the middle school those period of time, let's say in this world people thinking they as the girls, are very handsome, or good looking handsome, so those shorty legs passing the wordy letter notes to passing the calendar dates those kinds, the comic books! The life ~~~~~ its to receive those letter that kinds, Vicky and I used to pen pal writing the letter those, no internet ! The day the internet starting, I open my entire facebook to talk I am happy~ lazy to write a note for the font to find, or the envelope to write...etc etc etc! Because this Laura I wasn't very very knowing~ but this Tina, or that my high school, I remember, some kids on the road going to school, they find each other, similar to Revolutionary Girls, they preserve or they keep those letter notes, called the future fitness survive the species 26, any time to call upon, they show up servant or maid, that kind. The personality is useless or weaken those, but for the small small small tiny school garden, pavilion, or school court yard, its these I call roll number them these girls, to their first half of life preserving....every backup end road ! I say romance ~ didn't I say they go and pulling their heart 1 year ago, those things.....

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