

I imagine it says standard ?

Eco- earth only, every inheritance money, no kids. Die on homeless. Animal worth, no human. 

Every trash is Taipei this small land basic 101. It will never be your business (show to me, consumer bureau. Her Youtuber 1) the public health factor wash kidney bankcrupt price 2) the plastic top and the cup itself trash fee handing like Apple all boxes. Every handling trash fees. )

You all love cheese, cake, jello, gelatin is made of beef bones, not the coral reef….funny ! Laugh. 

All the make-up per bottle trash, greys ET R groups show to me, that …whom befit. The classify gets that person’s day at.

I want to know your branding liking like my brother. Every clothing likes.

No music, I don’t want to hear a dust stirs up a space I see your eyes moving per daring muscle, not love not cared, not vent, not whine, not one air you breath you say you dare !

Money per expense. The finalist, ET. It’s easy from the classify.

Per creme, per lotion, per body parts wipe, per dime, says 1 US dollar counts basic unit. 

Water only. Diet only. Exercise or gym grades. 

Home lost court records, are you like Elon Musk.

I can eat the fish, you all shouldn’t. It’s not a liking, it’s…demand. You have a lot of liking. 

Not just the teens time starting. The day you are born. 

Per trash, per bubble gum, per artificial dye on the candy, per candy wrap cover plastic. 

Stealing, theft, year, your thinking and your plot, you sit home engineering stealing at your parents. 

You don’t have a standard in the legal worlds. Just like that Ola. It’s the white mock up witch laughing that Dr T, poor modest no one wants man. She killing for fun to say if she can get away, mocking people for real. It’s all… minority. It’s fun, no one finds out she is a witch what she is capable ! She is just to distract by Mat. It’s to mocking she can kill and funny no one knows. She is very similar like that Joann, but Joann is more talkative and open, she probably just tells loudly why she wants to kill someone, not like that witch plays fool, and wiggling the fingers he dies in horror, everyone in class cried. 

Because ?

She is from Rochester not from Buffalo. She leaves to Mat soon soon soon. The dorm and home, Rochester.

She thinks it’s funny !! No one knows she is number 1. That’s an Asian she never met the Asian.  No one will find out. It’s those girls play pocket knife at the attic the day light from the small windows and sit there and think, but those FLASH movie…..they think with the actual physical assault. Near the car.

She …does those if you don’t love me. She touches Deans 2 arms, so the below step dying girl or faint headache, it’s his caring betray shows to her and she tests you test you test you …so you betray and 2 dead it will always be the script. 

UB and UK no money.

I just talk like the human harvesting stock in matrix. Babaji’s refugee camp gifts what to buy, you want the item lists ?

Last time said.

She is a white with Mat white it’s a very proud white race to whole kids born. Sick inside, she knows that. No, she knows that’s not correct.  She doesn’t really …dare on actually moving towards, but it’s her.  It might be an accident and she kills all. She panic and she kills, Dean panic. 

She writes  a secret letter to her and to Dean, she imagine they will both show up in the middle of no where in the forest. No, Dean doesn’t do those small notes or letters? The Facebook message or scream on the blog, not those ….40 years old doing a 5 years letter written Shinyi that forest cabin with a broken mirror ?

She panic so she kills.  Like 10 years Dean….?? Where is him saying things to her? No, not much right  So she thought they are the movie icon. She does that all the time. FLASH, she does a lot of those accidental kills.

She probably has some other people to talks, how Eric sits next by her ? All of them go back to 9-5 fir another 10-20 years, they shouldn’t FLASH accidents kill. No, I don’t need to explain, but I know. It’s close they off better for 40 years. One lifetime don’t see don’t know don’t care. Because …

If they don’t go back and one of these 10 years, someone comes up a Kitty in a litter + a baggage or a cage and Dean seeing it in front of his clinic, Dean knows that’s not correct. She drives off. What does Dean do ? He calls the police !!

Someone is doing that ? These movies UK or UB might be all those the accidental kills. Not UK, McCreary High, that Whitley City. 

  1. Long time friend but …one day he says something, he just drop by. Once of the blue moon.
  2. Keep thinking but no one discuss that movie or discuss to talk about. It’s the Best Buy passing by kids buys a Frozen games Amazon, so FLASH, sit on the grounds playing the pocket knifes. In thinking in thinking …
  3. Everyone is on the ID building 9-5, too tired and go home.

These news…drugs

I watch 6 months since AI or 2 years ? The Earth-celestial world …Deep Water Base? They have nothing but the guards Dr Norman.

R or Grey are nothing but the military control panel and the uniform or the Tim Cook’s trash 

+ all human ALL the commander-in-chef aim at Mars.

Those are not the universal police on VS looks like me ? Why don’t you literally wipe out the human race like I say you should?

You doing on purpose to keep them? Or a reason to keep them breathing ?

There are the ninji tutrle kids green MD on my brother’s right hands. 

You have a reason to keep caring for these junks like SMCH ? The drug underground factory or hive those ? These otters the whole animal kingdom per tree included. 

They cannot shut up, why don’t you tell them…wipe out those.

These otter per Sunday on the Deep Water Base.

You seeing them....?!

Its the free high tech, the free human or the heaven human's staffs, or none human, but ET..its uniform anyway, and Grey does the paper office works. Cannot you ask them? 

The entire Earth, 200 countries, clear all those out?! 

You destroy all of them once, they can manifest....all by themselves? The current generation is the autism? Or you want to tell me the military engineering those drug underground factory? 

Wait.....too loud, close the TV. 



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