
⭐️⭐️ Hi ~ Westlife and it would be the American SA, or you are one Shane’s all SA? ⭐️ hi hi hi hi hi !

Hi left, hi right !!


Kian, very reason he got recruit was not because of the movie from the very beginning. He had managed the 4 music bands before, the other day you heard I was talking to him. You are all new rising new leadership, no more Justin, Nick, Brian….( NSYNC, 98 Degree and Backstreet Boy).

You be yourself, you don’t feel fine? Like Nicky !!? None of you getting married with me ~~💝💝💝💝💝 Being nature yourself …not being the leadership ? Hi left, hi right ?? I am just a regent ~~ hi right and hi hi left ~~~

Or you want me to remember what the phone calls supposes to be? The musician supposes to do ? The pitch, the beats, the rhythms, the lyrics, the story board, you cannot talk to Shane, talking to Kian? The correct musician’s jobs?

Is this Zawanna last time this Avenger new lists getting into your head, your brain, and your soul ?

I remembered ~~

You care about it

They are all the Justice league and you like those photo looks and the inside movies? “Someone will always be higher than you are”, if not the age issues. 

I am not talking. Not talking to Kian, that’s what’s I mean, the music business. 

You have a business you built up when you were younger…or you started differently. I spent time to understand that. You had a singing pitch to stay in your jobs with your agent or else you got fired.  Is that real? So after the boyband tour… I am not on your any news, I went to school. 

This talk suppose to be from the American President. I can sleep until they get here or they travel to a different site and they talk. But it’s something bothering you. 

No  they all have to be the leadership and do their jobs. I have only my mother as a job. 

And make the money, in my own space from home. We have a COVID 19 pandemic situation among the humanity. I stay home and sleep, got vaccinated. I listen to the phone, my sibling are in the overseas. 

We pretend to …be together? With all of you ?

Okay, you are all outside on my facebook ! 

I was talking to Westlife. My phone !! You believe this things ~~

Someone knew oter in the books. So we were not the voice phone talked. We all get near and …Not in person, no. This movie gives people a sensation and you didn’t stay home, you have the Friday evening go out and go about your business. I am home sleeping. My life sounds right ?

You all groups since young so you as the everyone group, you all together as a whole group to the table and talk before ? The groups interaction ? I am guessing. Like to paint, to draw, to read the newspaper together and talk about the per segment of some …these paper indicates that means to you. The photo or the print-out? It can be from the movies.

Do you know whom you are partner together and your which side of the President, can be separate or joints together to mutually discuss this movies content til your heart content, those ?

I go where ?? No, you all as you are.

I have which room I go ? No, not the court room. 

I didn’t see your name in the movies, you are?

Until that happened, I can sleep and by myself?

Or you know I suppose to be with the stage or the sequence or the children’s photo ?

No, someone has to call me and literally tell me. That day, I communicate. 

Do you know the first I talk is …the animal or the human? You know it for sure ?

If you each or combine to control my life…you all discuss together to control my life until that room, not the court room, I go where ? 

Have we met or I talked to you each other than the Westlife, I have the Earthquake. 

Yeah, you all go first, your side combine whom gather you all. 

I stay on the frequency some other things to some other people. 

You like Shane ? He holds the microphone not Middleton here or in Japan or Mably? 

Never gonna be me Anna, not …with that Title destine like the China TV says, no. I am passive !

Do you want Shane asking you all together, I take his lunch boxes and the water with me. I sit down there, Middleton is Vice you all?

You cannot go to your company ? As the same groups, as the same formation, to the same company leadership you already know and sit down the nice office chair and the same table and the same talk?

I think …that’s the idea.

I think ?

Shane goes to work, I am home. My jobs is wireless seeing no human until the presidents come and they arrange behind. We both join in the conference room, as the participants with the rest of whom, assign to that room.

Taipei hotel venue would be Shane and me. Westlife others they live in Ireland. Shane lives here with me, I haven’t met them until ? I met his parents first ? The hospital ?

He …has works with Westlife or just Brian from Backstreet Boy?

So I met Brian ? If he stays here to talk with Shane then two people at his…?? Parents if they both visits in the hospital? The guy-to-guy and stand there to talk?

Oh, you mean…me?

Do you mean I don’t trust Shane?

“Koni gi wa ~~ “ “Kon Ba wa”


Nothing like you see or imagined ?

Me writing on my desk until Shane put some food or the drink back home table, I prepare the food on the behind you can see, he walks up….and wash his hands, and he eats?


He puts his music on, I go and get 5 shipping paper boxes ……I explain to my side of the 200 worlds, not the straight talk to any music works. My world. This feel real?


“Shane’s your foot ? Hurt ? “


I buy these instant microwave food for 200 worlds in my video to show off ~~”Shane, you back ?”


We pretend ? This is best I can do to show you what it suppose to looks like !

My correct folders after the folder’s world ? https://youtu.be/UCPVK2CN8Rk?si=51_vTOMpiY1LMaCs

2 sides line up   https://youtu.be/GRxwSSk0Xlc?si=zDGGr_XLa5KKgg2i

I didn’t show these on my video, the real life?

The correct TV looks …correct ?

I need to go to sleep or on the phone ~

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