
I stay home, Taipei. (I have a mother, a brother and a Tina Jojo)

If Shane comes in, we talk. He lands here, correct. 

If he or they don't land? I don't talk to them.

It has to be in Taipei? Yes. They move here, or one Shane. I say that for the thousandth times. - the otter tells you that. If I drag that Hugh all around, with all these Western food, its also telling anyone else behind them or after them, from Europe or from America. All the scenery supposes to be - ITS HERE!

So I don't care about the Washington D.C, those building structure?

I never say about Washington D.C.

UK has an alliances, and Hugh might just find out more from here or Japan, he knows which flight, he done that one or two times, he lives here. One of those 4 days visit, Friday to Tuesday morning, he took which flight to CA landing it back to Taipei which flight? The bus 41 or the taxi....his set-up room.

I didn't mean to say like that, but I didn't see him why he venturing that NYC anymore, with Olivia or his best friend, that 3 can all just land it back to his perfect 5 floor house, walking up or down their stair, everyone has one floor living in it.

Nicky without Shane, cannot go anywhere. Kian without Nicky, cannot go anywhere. That Mark is with Shane. Its Shane and Mark has to keep paying the food money for Kian or that one Nicky... I am so sure to get rid of him Shane, or them.

That is the Ireland one boyband, that is not the Ireland SA combine to the American SA. 

Relocate anyone, because you are all a pack....

My mother and me here are sufficient on a lot of the things. Very easy to acquire.

You think for them, or you think for your family, or you think for that one TV, whomever that is or with their family. They have the money, you do on purpose not to put everything just in front, this is WHERE YOU SHOULD BE.

Not the song, not the TV, not those short clips.....seeing the otter, seeing the news, seeing the current news or my facebook. The current things anyone cared about it. Not soaking just the TV and eat healthy, lose the weight continue, or warm your both hands and the feet all that.

My browser with these news are pop up, not easy to open and wait.

Thor ~~~~~~

You all have the budget to cook for yourself when you arrive, that is what it means. Hugh, you want me to mail you and Olivia sweater ? They are still very cold, Taipei is NOT.

They don't stay in the DC, they don't need to do these 2 weeks shopping and every day cooking. And Hugh just flying on his own, not even with Olivia and the kids? 

Shane's luggage I already say that hundred times, no more talking, so this is Hugh without them, he goes alone luggage? In America, you have to shopping for 2 weeks if you all staying there with the arrangement. He arrives on the weekend, take off on the Tuesday morning? The correct UK to US, that is King and Prince William, that 2 will be the busiest, the King.

You imagine things, or you asking them?

Shane and me, Mark (DC)

Hugh with Olivia (his best friend)

Mark and Hugh's best friend flying back to Ireland and UK. We 4 coming back to Taipei.

Westlife didn't go as a boyband, we go as 2 and me, but none of us were the American there living anymore. You suppose to get its the local American. Justin, Britney them or NYC anyone.

I know how to live in America, if they force all of us to go, okay?

I get a vocational house in Maryland, and I tell Shane to lay down, or Hugh and Olivia they stay with that best friend. I one person finish everything by myself with the taxi. 

Its just one week, or 2. I already say, that is King's show, Prince William, if he takes George or all of them together next by.

That is Shane (1 or 2 with Mark), Hugh and Olivia (his friend) + me = 6 people.

I know how to cook, no one needs to get out of that house until their family arrive, to a new location or the new destination, their parents pick them up to their assort Maryland, or Washington D.C near the guest house area. 

Wal-mart, Target, the organic store, the Home Depot, the Lowie's, if I got lucky to have a driving license, that is the airport rental car + the GPS. - The National Emergency time, I can do everything by myself, to pack up on SUV.

American has those cookies dough in the freezer session, the English muffin looking like bascuit, the English muffin + the blue berry. I used to put the entire things on the Pinterests.

  • I buy the Shane's pajamas, the laundry, or the dry sheet (the dryer)
  • The freezer session, and the root bear (with the ice cream)
  • A paper carbo (at the cashier), its for ALL the plastic plate, the utensil, and the napkin and the kitchen towel.
  • +the rest of the making food for the 6 people for 2 weeks, preparation

The potato, all the green + the salad container, the dressing.

Some artisan bread + the sour creme + chips, some honey mix (snack) + the organic nuts.

I Amazon, or the California somewhere I called the smaller farmer catalog, all my stuffs comes in !!! Happy?

The sundry tomato, the macadamia nuts, and the raisin. 

Its a ....my foot = 1 feet by 1 feet box. No, just the macadamia nuts. 

UB, which one of you stolen my last 20 years facebook, where is my catalog, to the California small farmer? 

No, I buy those ACE bread (6), you know one tray, you slice in the hand size.

Then you make the real sandwich (in half of the full baguette) 

The tomato dice, + some basil + onion or avocado after (baking it warm) - that is one tray on the common kitchen, they immediately have something in their stomach. 

My neighbor was an Asian near James house, he has those giant basil ground where he hides the vegetable. The American basil. Finding one of those Asian cooking stuff, he was the chef for up hill that restaurant I think.

You boiling the pasta, trim the broccoli, and those the darken color tofu in dice +the dice carrots. Its mix to give a bite texture to eat it.

No, you can leave that on the side, everyone just have the white gravy sauce, immediately in their stomach, has the taste, has the food with the white long grain rice.

6 people, immediately they can take a shower, nap, and when I get back, and a tray in, they get up, they have something to eat. I lay down 5 -10 mins.

It might be just 2 weeks, we have nothing else to do, we all coming back Taipei, UK or Ireland.

I can call Feel Rite about Tofutti....everything in D.C or Maryland? Maybe NYC, the Murphy's laws those apartment building, they walking?

"Hi ~ I use to order things from you ....."

Next - something is not right, this is not about how you all making it for each other, without me and Shane, that kinds?

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