
If What?

If they are like your daughter, Princess Diary, and stealing....and aging to next 20 years, you never look face older like inside those movie.

You mean Princess Diary (Parade, Breakaway)..... I have the other channel on Australian Open under the "Law" playlist. One day those England royal human goes back their happy day happy world, and far away from here.....all these 200 military talks, or the 10 Rudimentary subjects these few days? One Ella Enchanted. 

When Ronan the first time stepping to the US, maybe the millions military Orc will blessing him welcoming him, too. He got the family, you know what I got ? They 4 got ashed in the airport on the Boston trip, because that was the first time I leave home and I cry on the airplane never stopped. 1 year before EF, 3 years before UK.

Once the dream makes them true, then go home! And I am home, finished talking. 

We all have the sibling..... and? The mother, or the uncle?

I had a First Life eon ago ending up here.....NOT a flower sucks me in with the whole wide world for these prophecy end-time 2000 from the Bible, isn't it? Or that is Harry Potter broom stick, so there is a Babaji's whole world, magic ! 

But none of those are the original like Westlife making their MV?

... ... No.

You know, that is a clan of 30 family + UB + UK, throw away for 1 Shane, or 1 Babaji, or those Ronan near by, Nicky all that. So the buffer time was that.....Neo (Khan Star Trek cut in), and when the home can no longer goes back..... I did get back home here.

But.....the last thing anyone to imagine was the Star Gate Atlantis everything surface up to the ocean, and that was TSMC from my cousin where he ends up

I am hanging on the top, or Westlife each of them hanging on the top, how not to slide it down.

If you live your life....almost just how I describe those playlist 2013-2021 I stop making the playlist, to all ending up on my website and the lawsuit profile starting written up.....some human will tell you, a lot of these things are the least to be worried about.

My heart, for example. 

That doesn't look like Ella Enchanted....those. Your brain, or your mind.

Why don't you focus on Celine Dion, she is not feeling well, but that broadcasting opening up all channel, you sit doing nothing, or you get up to imagine how you finish your undergraduate or the graduate school time when those days or the hours per textbook was a BA or BS major to choose in America? 

Westlife MV, Bop Bop Baby.....

Maybe I am a little bit too occupied to have any of them coming too near. They probably have those sligo Lords of Rings to these MV how to sue each other in the real court room 20 years ago. I know nothing about it or they were suing Simon or Keanu all at the same time, those news, or those accident. Any public figures behaving like that, they got lawsuit and get to bankrupt, too. -2014 the lotto message. I invented all that. 

They hired the professional.

Am I going to? No.

But those you written... just www keeps it?

I have some times to rest my head to think about it. Maybe I come up some other arguments and all that.

You are not talking about the movies, you are talking about the system!?

Technically...I got a name in too many these movies, but 1 is very known, I didn't need to immediate notify all sides of people what I am up to, but it makes everyone's life a lot easier, but the things were, the best correct time I can do that, was 2021 starting. To actually WHEN the official seal to stamp on it, I am not sure. My video ending up online was 2018 Jan. Everyone by now knowing, I have my years to calculate just like my life to survive my money you mean the finance be sorted included.....

How if you and Shane purchase a new house in Ireland, pretending?

We both pay half, and if we lose it? No, we shouldn't.....but that will be just 1 home lost, not other people doing the whole rental flat those, it will be the entire community disappeared investment, all money and not able to liquidate, probably those are their words to say it right.

But does it affect to your any business, not you, him?!

No. Most people whom lost everything can still smile going somewhere.....

I understand ....

You mean those photo location at.

I didn't say I don't see how far away I am, they going in the DC district all by themselves.

What if you going?

Not at this time, you mean I am beside this Shane, yeah.


Nothing happened.

That is how you going to Washington DC?

I say that too many times.

Does Shane or all Westlife need help to go to Washington D.C?

They are the guys talking on their own.

And what do you do?

Eat next by.

And you join those conversation?


If you do go?

Correct, I just look at them talking on the long table.

Okay, then pretending the president call ALL of you all in all together, the UB or UK.

Not really.

What if the smaller groups those Avenger?

I am not in it.  They can get to know each other, its just 1 girl. Lee might know whom she was?! You do know why or how the reason if the president calling them with the congress behind knowing that, so its the entire congress wants to find out, so the president accord with all that? So, each of these movie, Dean or Wing, they have to go alone. By themselves.

And you don't need to be there?


So they really going to see them each, 1 person alone?


Do you know why you going to Washington DC? You don't do ANYTHING?

Do I know, you ask me do I know why if I gonna go to Washington DC? I just answer you, not at this time. 

Are you going there for Ronan?

No!  (Why this Ronan is everywhere?)


You know I was saying Shane, right?! They all standing there, you think they look at the same personality there?! Its SHANE!

Babaji comes back and deal everything for Ronan, maybe. I am just busy with that one Shane.

Shane wants you to go with him there?

NO! He goes alone with Westlife is fine, or by himself.

Is there a reason you two are not together, together....he is at Washington DC by himself?


You are here Taiwan home.


You know why I tested online? Its every 6 months, I put my head outside the windows or my hands to smell the air....what to do the next 6 months.

I probably meant how you file your lawsuit all that in the Washington DC...

Of course not.

And why not?

I am the writer, not the lawyers, I said those are to test the water, and my air. You gonna use this X Man Future and the Past? You are not even finish your undergraduate school yet, you finish your graduate school and then you decide to go there. 

We just curious, what's for us and all that included.

Is you all buddy those friends gonna be Shane and Ronan switch, Ronan keeps all of them, and you keep 1 Shane?

I think I keep all of them + Shane.

And Ronan?

He says hi !?   ... ... Ronan is one of those, we all live on, and he for some reason aging and die. Nicky and Kian has to die after, like we all live forever, and he Ronan when the times come, he has to go first ! First to go, Ronan. His character is probably like that.  We holding his hands all around his bed side, and said those prayers, and send his coffin, what are those Western World does the custom, and the whole nation weep, and we all stand next by, one of those newspaper to finish ~~~!!!!

So Ronan is not going anything World Parliament Religion?!

I forgot, those Tesla material is the classify nature, he.....stays with his bandmates. Those are the main stream media. The less he knows, the better for all of us really. 

So those are not going to be anything religious, their Washington DC?

Of course not, they are the popular group in Ireland, the pop star !

Can the religious people go to Washington DC, for this, or any of this?

I would not put the God in those, I say the System Domino issues, I could see it me myself is in the diagram, you know what I drew? Inside the circle ! Me one human is inside the circle ~~~~~!!!!

Is Princess Diana if she comes back, she goes to Laura, Kelly those places?

She?  Kentucky is blue grass the tobaccos places. Probably stays away those England upper house ladies, and gear to some of the American local religion and all that.

She be successful doing that?

Of course not.

Is the ladies issues or the religion issues?

Ladies I think.

There is nothing there.

Correct. I think she needs Chars, there is a certain pronunciation of the name, Charols, somewhere I heard about this so many times, she wants that one King faithful whole life, those kinds.

She does on purpose or?

Those worlds are freedom or the free speech, or the free choice with the coming it back power, but probably she just needs that away from that world.

So it won't be the religious practice her 2 sons?

It would be Charoles....everyone disappear, she and him. So its ...not that original purpose, but it is.

She believes that, or she is like that, and you agree if that would happen?

Definitely not. I will tell King it might be like that. These are you all day doing nothing but in thinking? 

You know, here, is not like Europe those military you say.....200 countries, and moving across these Pacific Ocean just like that you describe, or we say, or we buy supply and all that.

Yes, I know.


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