
Washington DC

I cannot talk about ?

1) BTX 

2) Music or Ella Enchanted 

3) The exotic traveler or VS

4) The otter is not a species 

5) The sky cloud 

6) The movie or the TV or Vartan 

Etc etc …

Well, my family is the handicap, the capitalism society just figure it out the way. I do Khan Academia 10 rudimentary subjects.

You mean we are the same ages or you are 16 years old those ? 18/19? Like I used to be Ella Enchanted time? Sex, bf or the guys touch 2000 times they themselves or the girls 2500 times? Hydration like 10,000 times Vitamic C and L-lysine …washing bathing sleeping another 8 hrs 

Those handicap don’t have a lot of words but …my mother says or my aunt will say sometimes. Find a way !!

This world …you know as long as you using that IQ, and what if there is a darkness? No more this kinds of all worlds set up the Justice league? It’s just the paper writing in English in 10 schooling 4 walls binds and no look required.

The last thing I need is for Ronan to go and yelling at anybody because I never say a word at him, that's the things? The Christianity on the top, when all of these finished? He is not a monk, but they probably stay near their own bank sounds never that Wing or never that Dean, whatever their habitual things try to-do.

The heaven culture when Babaji goes home is different, my home is nothing in it....for now. I cannot really answer you the world has only Heaven no more a very heavily bind the physical universes all military set up - the classify.

But this world, I don't think the military is a common concept or a word, only in America, and particular in the middle-west, no money so join the military and get the colleges tuition paid and find a job with a better statue.

If somebody is 20 years older than you, it means just find the way to continue another 20 years that's it !

My birds are looking for me.....

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