
So continue ....

These useless scene people, you know my mother has to wire me the money, and that is one year normally saying the tuition  (not just the slip issue that simple). Its 2 semester makes one year, but UK, you imagine that is 4 years to say the Pharmacy Top 3 in America. I hate all that, to be honest.

What I want to say.... ( my head tempo hurts)

okay, remember now. Every useless guy or the girl make my mother the only savior to me that time, its this banking routing idea. You never require to seriously looking at it. Its your check book. In America, they do that, the first time I am in the school to learn all that. That is from Taiwan. But I have 2 sibling, so my mother's load is to my grandpa that time.

These are not the family introduction me to any of those...for sure never gonna be that Adam. I need to one person making it in America, 1 person me. 

The break-up, you saying the God's religion all that faith issue? I have none, but I cry, I cannot eat and...where is that dining hall in the Young Library, or which one sounds like them.  Behind them or near by them.....only UK because its Kentucky, they carry that food. Its a green wraps.

I forget my words....not the faith issue, not the tear, it was the tear. Its the psychology exam, my foot got hurt, I drag all the hill, all the way, all the stair up, to take that exam, its my 3 credits, per charging per credit the tuition slip bill. You don't understand it, or that Eben will never understand it. The tuition how do they billing in the regular university? It has to be 3, but its one per charging, you have how many time table willing, you can fit, that is 12-18, limited or less to say half time students, not the Full-time students. 

What is so important to the useless human.....(my 2 head tempo hurts, I eat I feel better)

Just remember this, I hate....every human bites what the zombie is made for.

3 credits its a class, you can only take 18 max in UB. I forget the UK. But this is the new technology when I get in the UK so I am more smooth in UB, I like their technology from the first page I seeing them. I want something new. UK doesn't have the technology, they have....I personally will tell you....

.... because the Top 3 Pharmacy school in the nation, 

Sorry, this is not the movie related, what was it about it again, I hate where the Sailor Moon transformation, I cannot find it the last channel play list, it exists? 

My brain comprehend that time is limited, they pour in the Top 3 International, that is the American university, they might be really really really Top 3 Pharmacy school all over the America, I am telling you !!!!!  Not the technology, THAT.

Its ONE Bachelor degree saying the 4 years, to say 12 per semester to make 24 per year, very very framed reason you will graduate with the GPA ON the transcript, on the billing, on the mailing to the graduate school. I am doing ALL THAT is next 4 years, I have a future to sound like the One Life Time Plan. I didn't know it will be ending they all UB which life time in one time, its "planning in advance" must be since the high school last year. Something adviser in UB is different. I have none in UK, they are too big and spreading everywhere. You cannot make it from the foot walking in what? The mountain hill to where?

The library !!!!!!!

I have to show up to the tutor I pay per hourly. 

I have to email these which professor the humanity. 

You know where is UK police car to the campus assault reason to spell Ella Enchanted, one useless bf? 

The roller blade at night to those road lamp from the top, that is how you stay in the library to 9 oclock !! And according to this medical club, its a pre-med, its 4 hours studying the first I ask him, I had a headache at the night sleep, I change my major next day to pre-pharmacy. 

The birds say I cannot tell you. Where to cross of, BIRDS?

"I had a headache?"

Shut up~

Sorry, the UK police car, and the police, you are not on the road, where they all will be seeing we buddy 6-7 Asian girls + 1 guy walking to the Italian restaurant !!!

It will always be....in America, I am the international students, to imagine.....no more host family pamp, that will be "on the road in the wind." you spot where is the police car, but they cannot access in the mountain range hill every side routes. Its....too spread out, and too big. 

The useless human, I remember now. They are all the Asian short girls, I have no future. not those major, the hotel management?  I need.....

To get to those similar to UB Dean's dorm, we were assign to the international dorm, and next by, its Rebecca told me that Laura looking like girl, she has those white friends their height, eating in their cafeteria inside NEXT BY us the dorm is theirs. WE have none. Its funny....they go to Wild Cat.

(I have to email both Rebecca and Adam unlimited English draft 8 hours per day, I don't leave my IBM computer, it was not a real PC. )

5 days + 2 days weekend. I suffered. 

When does Ella Enchanted movie? Maybe the second semester. I cry, so I can transfer, MY tuition slip if I get in, it will be next semester I move to the new world, including the dorm life. But my uncle flying in, my mother email me, so we sit down 1 meal. That is my 10 weeks City of Hope, you know the peripheral the Mushroom Professor just....pick me in the 50 states university students to ask me? My English, or my comic book sense? UB Evolutionary biology was the 200 the mushroom, the mushroom, the mushroom !!!!! The Fungi in the wet moisure world, I hate those textbook or just by the sound of it.

They are the medicine or the research. 

The Amazon forest !!!!

No, that is not them yet....no...don't remember. 

That is the Ella Enchanted time the movie, it should be ! Laura and me walking back to the dorm, so that is the KFC, I was the vegetarian, the Mac n Cheese + the potato wedges fries. I am always the vegetarian.

The psychology class was me breaking up with this Adam, so I fall at night with those 5 girls to German whom create these recipe party. At night, someone from UK had a car, coming in, and pick me up, I cannot get up. Don't tell me the prince charming, my next day psychology exam, I say hi was a short girl. She coming in the UK traffic light system was......UK they design like that, she didn't live on the dorm. I think I might still remember that textbook from the psychology - the general psychology, its your front lobe, or your side tempo, my headache any side, and this reason you saying the 佛洛伊德 even my middle school I know that name just not in English, there is a reason to say the brain development was the psychological reason, not the memory issue, whichever this theory developed....their office hours.

I don't remember, all of those classes are giant like UB. I never had a real friend anymore. 

I say useless...its ...probably worse than I can describe it to you.

  • The City of Hope
  • The Top 3 UK Pharmacy school, so I continue in UB.

No human goes to the school, I don't need to tell you.....the graduate school is not the undergraduate. You serious or you fake, everyone is not going to make it in there !  Its not the movie, its every single day on the time table. 

I remember this English 2nd male professor. The hair and the beard too.

Its in the movie, I remembered......His voice is a little bit 沙沙的

He looks like the lion king's head, the beard.

We social every single day, next door, knocking in, and here everyone is?! The girls.

But we are going to be separated if we don't graduate !

Busy talking, and they cook too. We all going out to eat on the Friday night. I went to the UK volleyball team. UK is one of those serious in the basketball in America is giant, just not the volleyball. Now you saying this Olympia from Taiwan...not China, its America I think they exist. 

You know how many things you do in one day, + walking on the mountain hill side, up or down, and going back to study? I NEED to study in the library. 

Now I thought about....the security issue, your dorm, your desk, your wallet, and the credit cards? Jame's house or Marley's house, the students I never thought about this intruder all of this news things now. When I grew up, I never thought about it anything else !!!

That is the Ella Enchanted?!

I didn't even remember Laura !!! She is just taller than me somewhat.

You live in the Western worlds, or I just move to America trying to say the immigrant? That is the TAX ID reason me or my mother, and find a car, get a license and work like my uncle says. There is a NYC residence issues. Tina just got to those ESL, or something my aunt, but my mother cannot trust Tina, so I handle it.  My brother just got in the high school, he asked me the chemistry question.

Did I say when in UB I got that 2004 going the discovery? Give me a reason to believe the Top 3 in America literally speaking I forgot that time, UB is not a thing....and where I am going other than similar to City of Hope, but I hate the bench research. 

If I remember all that now.....because they coming near, I remember I should say that....

I didn't even watch those movies, you know that?

This trailer has anything particular intriguing? 

You know this word intriguing was a Standford Asian guy told me about my presentation, he plays soccer, the last goodbye, the last 10th weeks, my money from my uncle, so I have something in UB to live and breath? I never gonna make it in the PCAT those per English words to read or study, or the letter grade in ....anything else that is not in chemistry?

Just to think about it, I got mad.

The Ella Enchanted trailer 

I took the National Chemistry exam, the PCAT is the national. UK Thinkwell, or the UK Pharmacy is the Top 3. So that Franac building...10 on the address what was it, this transcript or the destination, nothing will make it except keep going at it, I wasn't that smart, to believe the English grade is going to the PCAT? The Backstreet Boy?!  I don't have a life plan, I finish the school, I tell you.

That is.....okay, do they say me and Thor looking alike?

You now know my high school? UK has no student activities, the Wild Cat, that is NOT the student activities ! SAT 2 for the California State school, not those Harvard the undergraduate degree. So in my high school, I take it the same to the next level, its the students all activities that register inside the school. 

With the state tuition, my per semester actually budget if my mother were not that loaded it up, its less so much less the tuition slip, and they UB actually got a CD for UB Micro. VPN, every technology I see. Did I say Sammy used to be, next by Adam, but he left to go home and invented. So the Laser inventor (my Hebrew letter), the Kryon 2004, my starting year in UB 1 year after, it was....he is a Jewish.

There is too many things, I don't know which one to tell you.

That movie is a fantasy ! There is no Prince in the real world. Not those outift, NEVER be the singing, not the fire place, not the wine I hate....those called the kettle. Keegan's nickname in APO. You asking him better. A book throw away in the trash can with a head sticking it out....is that how you saying that in English. That is how they saying it, right? With a head sticking it out? 

Irish will never speak in WHAT English. 

You never imagine that should be a National reason, not the Slam Dunk.

The national competition score, or the National entrance exam. They even have that? Don't you feel....they lie to me all the way since the high school?  The American?!

Just look at it, I am so mad. 

Sorry, I used to have, these movie video to tell you a seriously Ella Enchanted those year in combine supposed to be, right? I seeing so many this music video or the movie clips.

Ending Ella Enchanted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2wwmzbxwN4

No, that is dancing, singing, Hollywood culture. The Disney, those? My face don't look like....the eye glasses, okay I remember now. JC Always.

The Make-up? This photo has no make-up ...do I use the make-up in UK? Dancing is not a real world stuff. oh ~ They are speaking in English, the next clip.


Those kinds of the English, the outfit !  I won't understand a word she sings, her English is clear, though, just not the lyrics

You want to speak in Ancient Chinese or the Mandarin, pass a class? I have to pass 20 in the regular university?  So I have a transcript. 

JC Always


That is correct.

These things are the performing art.

The performing art center. 

The vocal skill, the vocal range skill, the music / the musical resume must be Broadway, and has to by New York City, one of those avenue except the 5th avenue those? Upper The town would be Julia music academia. You know the Julia? The private university tuition and the Jewish world behind? When is this major I pick: Chemistry, to where the National Score ranking coming it down, I will have a future, other than THOSE future? 

And the Silicon Valley? I wasn't gearing up to anything in America, just the school kept me tie up....but there are a certain thing you wish to see? I was too young, I didn't know anything in America, live, and breath, eat and exercise? I wasn't eating healthier. 

I talk enough, you all can sort your own movies. 

I only care about my score when I have to go to the school. 

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