
What did I read this news, lady? Your ex husband in Chinese words? Before I go to sleep?

Lady.....the actual words precious husband, not pass-on husband 先夫

Do you mean the 先帝? The Heavenly Most (King of Kings), this words how come becoming a double

Earlier this morning, there is a way how to write that (from the middle) in symmetry too....upside down, do you mean otter?

Ronan, too. He got a number 1 in 1999 saying Nothing At All, it was....on JC, today's birthday. Happy Birthday. These have anything to do with.....my seeing everyday here, if my killing lists were not 1 or 2 or 3...you want to know today this morning new plot?

Where the Earth to be? To the ball central in the middle point?

I need a chocolate ball 金莎, Hugh, that is in any 7-11 or Family Mart can purchased, those....Earth enclose, is that the German chocolate?



                                                          __ here draw a cricle


                                                           O  (enlarge circle)

Maybe like a full symmetry. Like a cloud those.

You use the Milkyway. At 2D, I want a 2D flat, says 11 o'clock. Now switch to 3 D, turn that ball 1/4 right, the Earth is 11 o'clock again, one more time, it will be 1 o'clock. That is where the Earth is.

And lady....you suppose to learn Mandarin, not Japanese? 

This is a song, this is a biography. 

You dressed in a nursed uniform, that is in the book?! Lighthouse, that Inelia Benz girl's movie? (With Michael Fassbender) - It was an educated women during the war.

This is real, or you are just temporarily on this you sleeping, you are not the twin, but you are somewhere other than....I imagine you did those microphone's holding jobs, not here, right? You use the England timezone, those to get back and forth doing things on the camera? When you wake up......in the morning.

Sometimes, lady. The guys lie in one thousand ways in their own funny behind, not necessary they saying its a hug, or a kiss, or a phone call those. Other than....

You are here, so I tell you. You also going up or down you yourself, but many before you all doing that throughout all their life. 

This would be 3 or 2 days ago, my head was hurting bad. 

His father also has the news. The award....the metal ! The metal award ~oh !  I think it written Janet, not Janes Austin. She was a poet, not these contemporary ladies.

Her name is not 莫文蔚? Janet? China Welcome you.

Her name is Karen. oh ~~~

My side news.

Samsung's phone to ebay sale ! Its a yellow ! 512 MB - the gift to Olympia them. 

American has a gold - inspired by the Harvard Twins? So this is nothing to do with your ladies standing there? I saw someone's eye through, it was real. 

The typhoon is formed, not here. Its going to Japan. Almost straight up ~~ interesting ~~~ anyone (should fold my newspaper and dental floss my teeth I ate earlier ) you ever seen a typhoon looking like that? The Earth is not rotating, that is what it means. 

So the movie Harvard Twin is not the movie, its Mark Facebook, the Social Networks, in it.....there is a twin, they are a venture capital management company?! oh ~

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg

Interesting, his middle name is not Ellicott isn't it? That would be .....an Ellicott creek. 

2 days after, so that is a 2 twins .....we have the 1 typhoon right now.  You don't see anything form on the map, it didn't happen


Down on Earth out of my desk counter....there are 100 human from UB x 2 their parents, at least 200 human knows that is the Ellicott creek. Is this things to report? I should say 10,000 trash I generate before I got here, or that is 200 years since the constitutional? He will say I done on purpose all that.

You know, this Zawanna and Thor politics never ends..... do require to report, okay ! They, too.

This Heaven space my head is hurting. This things mean to them, how do they describe them here on this China Thor's picture got acquired from, or that is the China Youtuber, one of them describing those New Age term.

How do I make them only BTX system data, other than that, including Tesla? 

( fold my newspaper, I hate these things) 

Back to Earth, conversation with...

Hi ~ Why they keep making me eating this ice cream sandwitch or the ice cream on my first period day? 5 months already at least? 7 months this year?

News I think Hugh they move out? So my address new location for their taxi is wrong? Do you guys get the furniture yet, the dishes or the plates those? Yesterday you all don't seem to be in a hurry ....the chicken drums those maze running things. You are not literally run, do you? Like I seeing it inside? You have an eye glasses when you go outside? Yes and no? When you get your wallet to her, inside, you have no eye glasses, you know what it means?

oh ~ This Joeman in Chinese is Tina Jojo's real form !! 9 Sisters~~~~ he uses drugs with....Lyla. His car AI in America got hit in New York City (The birds beep Jo), the whole car got panic. There are other people in it? 

Who is Jo?

Tesla Cybertruck accident, Elon Musk deny yesterday on the TV news, but below ....here is the link. Costco Taiwan selling Tesla car. Its a link below. 

.... ....I must be dreaming Babaji says don't talk about these. okay.

okay okay.

Olympia news. There is a bubble tea pin, here

I read it, the JK Rowling. 

Don't drink too much those things to be honest, anything else I don't care about it. 

(news read) cannot concentrate.

The women's pingpong, it's the man's pingpong won, right.

A lot of these Olympia ground walkway, I feel I seeing the Science museum in my eye frames. Freak out, those are giant to run on it. Is this AI China Kitchen Olympia? I keep hearing these because they delay Tokyo Olympia, right?

Next - This is about China, or ? No, you military going to China. I saw it. The American ...

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