
🍵🍲 When you grew older, you have your parents and your next by, and your kids + relative or in-laws. 🍵🍲

Like running and keep running scenario.

I always think ahead, or prepare ahead, or see, or rest, or lay down to keep sleeping whenever I can. Close my eyes anytime just sit down and rest. This entire Buddhism 10+1 only I exist, or 194 only I exist, or even just one America, only 1 me. So I cannot die. I sleep good, I see good, I maintenance best, anything else just say it.

You thought about the life philosophy, imagine is one thing, the actual getting up and bossing anyone around, I have only 1 here. 1 far away. Mobile. Like you buying 3 or 4 people's food and back up, the container, seeing where to purchase, what things to Daiso, all those small tiny things to make a handy ?

Some people lean on the wall, and tired on the concrete, its a hard to sit on waiting......a bottle water + a sandwich, and a cushion?  or, everyone sits and watching these piles of the luggage, you all bring, no one moves, you all on your phone, or these luggages.

I go and buying everyone's food and bring it back. I know how to order, anyone like the order on the food, on the tray, to the food court, those small tiny things? Open your mouth and yell at that person, I need......"10 tray these and 10 drink after....and now I need....1 to 10 plates to fil up?"

"Move it !" 

I did talk about it, I did. I was told, long time ago 2021 maybe? or also 2018.

I see what, I was describing......now, I am guessing?!

This is the female panda


Some cooking tips comes from these spice or the culinary herbs (or the culinary spice), you feel easy to look at it? If one day some of you have to learn, just not right now? The details such as transferring of that hot water boiling pasta, you let the water keep running, that sink.....the water pipe don't break on the hot water?

Some one you need to create a menu? 


You guys are the guest house?

SMCH 36 or when they live in the mountain ridge where the typhoon got destroyed, the middle ridge 1 oclock to 7 oclock.


And that one day when the kids me, Tina, and Lucy grew up, my brother and her the same age, was a baby age....so just me and Tina with Tina's best friend. My mother and Fanny (her husband), we were not the indoor, its all the tree made under, the very very tall tree to BBQ.

No, not this complicated. Taiwan has these modern method, you get the brick all around, and a net (rectangle), some kindle things, looks like Hersey's chocolate in ...the shape like a poo, so that tip is for the fire. No these are not the wood. You put the paper, and the wood in, that is the BBQ.

Correct, in Taiwan, I know where to and ask where to buy all that. In America,....I am not sure. Nick has...those water area behind.

I would wish more, they make it to Dr. Bing. For whichever reason to show up in the D.C those, near some committee board. But....those times anything of that is forgotten, the lab procedure or I found out, the human cannot follow a lab procedure. 

You need to make a lunch.




The instant noodle variation: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/H64rsCrJm_I

The students eat the instant noodle.....??

oh my God !!!!


oh ~~~ That is the 13th century when the book publishing comes to the real world.

Emmanuel Publishing House


King, your mother is looking for you. I didn't read his name this morning. That is a French name ?!

I heard the Taipei they all have to go there by themselves.....

I think I stay here, warming....these birds don't stop every day....forgotton me? 

Next- you back yet?  Hugh, its dark now. 

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