
Harry, you call your sister-in-law yet? With Meghan next by yet?

How do you do that? Bossing at them, or....holding a cup and calling Meghan a little bit wobbling? The help idea for Kate, her entire military to arrive there, the first preparation for the next 1 week at least to settle down.


Love you, Shane ~~~~~~

I told Shane, we plan one whole life time, I need the hardware store, and all workers, like, 1 store, 2 store, and next by or down stair, every name card. You never live that life, right? Harry? They sell the name card holder I think I show Shane or the police so many years ago....its an invention to my age, finally to feel, there is a name card holder as if I don't have a brain to do math, you think? Because my mother always carry the money like the staffs.

I used to memorize the volleyball team the entire phone number list, we didn't have the internet that time when Shane they show up, he was the leadership, and I wasn't near them, the girl's side leadership. 

I want to ask you, side by side, Harry.....does that has a meaning in life? Like the Heaven's time, those? To each human's real character of the past to make up the future? We whispering...too many secrets hurting me, that part, is that good to be at the court room session, you might be so long ago forgotten that past, maybe I take that off because it was your all time that time. Right?

The otter's groups feel "bitter" I don't talk to them, like leave a comment session, you think, its true? How do I find out? 

When Shane really lived here that day, there is the expo time, like the vegetarian, this is the real "octopod burn type" of the Japanese vender's food. Here, they make a vegan idea near the man's bathroom.


I can just make it home with all the money reason, its a smaller hot iron plate. He may not actually always eating that, but its one of the gadget in the kitchen tool warehouse. You know the Asia has this heptitis A, heptitis B, ...C....

Especially hepatitis B? 

I boil my mother's entire drawer.

All sea food are very parasitic, seriously, they research like knowing it, when it boiled, not the raw fish....its not the pathogen a kiss, or a hug, you are careful or you aren't careful. You trespassing those Bigger cup venue place when that subjects line are no longer the movie. No, you are in it, I can tell.

You will have some other subjects line when they surrounding you, or they already heard, to end up like this, and you remember that. Not particularly appearing to every venue ground either in UK or in US.

William and Kate has to put down a lot lower position in UK I believe, you and Meghan going back, she realizes some parts of that, or it was the once of the lifetime, it was the ruin of all her life....if she did realize what I said yesterday that written part, other than the "description" idea being descriptive. You think she speaks a better English, like a reading or comprehensive?

There isn't a particular damage done, if the judge regulate that court room power, but because no one will really find out other than the database, as if, why anyone would believe, the classify materials are 24 hours on per you existence on Earth?

We believe that, or only I believe that, you think? Harry?

There are 5 kids, are they going to use the military laws, the immediate execuation phase? Say it, Harry? Like....William got a new title 6 months ago must be inside the military, to that account 1 or 2 yesterday, Harry.....that said she did comprehend, not understanding ?

As if me and you in a vaccum bubble, you sissy sassy this Asian Pacific for a cause

  1. The UB 100 people is not the real people facebook, doesn't exist a bubble close gate if were.
  2. All court room line to that UK 2 + local court entrance all bar down
  3. You manipulate 3 royal family active duty member to say princess on the newspaper
  4. And what if twitter wasn't yahoo.com.tw, to say .com Google blogger
  5. All Asia is quiet without a noise meaning the personel.

That is 5 bubble close in, no one knows, Harry. 1 me turn around to talk to you Harry in Japan and if no one knows, you are too busy trespassing to understand your venue big shot circular crowd of the black tie yellow light venue, it was your voice on high forgotton the time to go home, no more people all around noise, except Meghan has to rush in and out, and she doesn't seem to fuss neither, like you paying her, paying the food somewhat, and like I say 5 giant bubble close in.

  • No one expect you all girls you be the Prince Harry, all Google Review is a void.
  • All ladies all world has to be killed by you Harry we cannot say a word or your family member this terrorize action.
  • No Congressman or those venue security to imagine a swing door.

You think of you yourself of another copy.

Nicky and Ronan, both red hair is on the rise. Those are the real things, right?

Ola, Emily, or Dean those type even Karen or Melinda those kinds, Jonathon included is those microphone to scream if were to the public ground in Washington DC any table.

You, Harry. No one sees you in Orpha interview, seeing only you, the mouth, the ear, the nose and the FACE. You and your father's has the skii....face, on Jones bill with facebook. No, its not related.

Yesterday that one write-out....to this one sheet, together, you just 1 person too important, anyone cares? You think, Harry? Its very very quiet, just 2 of us' world, you and the judge. Tell me.....anyone really cared? 

You know the power of all that?

Tell me ...whom can call the judge near to inquire every court room door line you step in, to "report" 24 / 7 every court room conversation or the security camera, your face?

All world president.

If you have no more personal staffs, anyone won't tell you, no more stepping in any congress venue places in all places, or someone would warn you at least, this 2 sheets on those presidents act of the kindness? Your next 20 years?

See the kid's face? Toward the end. Making all this bread dough.


This URL code is not your name on sign?

The whispering part,...you see, Harry.

UB 100,-10,000, my content face like Shane, to one side commotion the rally, she angers them or triggers them per friends, she just added them in UB without really be near them, right? Those girls plenty. What 20 years facebook cannot but the forward stuffs...

Me looking at Ireland only, its the 5 people too greater cause or that American are lying, but since Meghan and you the big shot is occupying the territory land for a reason, it will never be Japan or Asia all world here. You cannot speak the language, the high school GED is a forever no, every one knows that.

Everyone knows that the chest unheard of the language its the Washington or UK parliment treat of those free trepassing, you know that you know that.

Everyone knows that, everyone knows that, everyone knows that.

My tear of a girl facing at Ireland so occupying, she cannot say love, or really given up on them the Western all house choice, she is not going to give up on them or UB, all those guys, or probably the money like you like the imagine the granny parts, its Ireland, the tears of that 5 figures far away....occupying mind to where its a happy all life, except she made a stern rule with all of them, is that possible just the 5 hobbit....not possible the England, we even know that is the 2 different land, and Kate made it clear or Camillia, so sure I looking after them a bit, take off.....you think, what, a secret?

Anyone BBQ before those lifestyle, no one knows anyway, the relax of the Ella Enchanted will never get to the court room to be that literal, cyber space file-ing, you asking the lawyers every step the ways, of that per word, per statement must be perfect.....

Per look your face, Harry.... photo on every high tech.

None of those are real will coming it down like she herself says, so what? Where is her activity, other than we will never see those ID restriction free trespassing, anyway, she knew that lost, or the big shot of the human is not her eye sight, just 5 human life. Its 1 Shane in her place? Here? No one even be in Japan, just how swaying method, this Kate gets her kill, my brother wants that, just like her kid's name. Someone watching over me, or me watching over them like Ella Enchanted, what a nuisance or the annoyance.....

When the whispering parts the plenty....its not the dollar sign the public opinion can only, must all cease before the court room door line. She knew what the 花千骨 decree says, there is a post my brother's face...interesting. She won't know that part anyway, no one knows, or she says little, as if that barring down method like the police station were not the Hugh's treat to ruin my life secrets.

Its the line, its the line, its all line a secret, not 24/7 on high tech must....if she dares to even say that, there is a Snowden, but anyone does that anyway, 9-5 on their jobs like Ola or like me, no one will quit this walking in and out just the steps up, how the free roaming time of the airplane to this money big, anyone is freezone like my high school time never stop like Eben, where is he, flying, okay. I c.

Eben has a literal how many friends, so he is inside his party with Paula, oh, I c. 

One person doesn't have but the shoulder of the whole world burden its all that Uncle scene, you understand you are the only one cared this paper scrapping inside the room with a middle school pencil and the eraser not even a desk to set up, to say University IT micro room to sign in ID.

I tell you a poem Harry.....its in SMCH most known one.....



We will search high and low for a little love, for a little love, to share with all beings in all corners of the world. ~ Supreme Master Ching Hai .

Every tape since 90s, 10 years long, Harry. All introduction ~~~

Tell me, the birds and my head is shaking....

  • Shane I go with, its 2 people very happy life, you know. No more internet. You know.
  • With Eben, the same.
  • With Tina + 2 kids and a disable mother, or Pang,
  • Its all happy life except the cyber space.

They always constant looking at the human's fake, not a fake black tie, but you aren't that much difference to say the family without when your brothers get up. They are the dull human like you are the uncle true sense anyway....you know that, Harry.

Everyone is concentrating on...Love, to wishing everyone well.

You know that Harry.

She is at Ireland or Taiwan a bit, to say Western all world, cannot possibly all this 24/7 food ruin to the local politics, to say Frozen, she knows that. She never files, I am still free...anyway. The judge will answer my every question.

Tell me, the lawyers, what Anna would really know about -
2 sheet.  To imagine little report to those UB Md+Ph.D, they cannot but wishing everyone dead if they were each other's blossom, everyone knows that.

The lawyer and the judge is the ruler of the court room door, she cannot possible imagine, she claims her photo, anyone true believer, its you Harry, done this 25 years none stop.

You know what Anna I ever will say Frozen all eyes stare on to....

The third sheet, Harry?


No public can reach any line as long as behind to enter the court room, and you are one of them.

I say, third sheet, Harry. They can generate the highest noise, but only you ....know. 25 years on the legal power, was a chat like Obama even. A chat.

Cut in half a pencil in the middle of A4.

I am the Asian Pacific 800+             |               You all together literal




The judge doesn't know the left side, not really.     

                                                                           You Harry + them.

                                                                      The judge is where the public cannot enter

                                                                      The judge cannot enter on they themselves.

So will Shane no matter what, ends up here in Taiwan, you think, Harry?

Now, you know the truth?

How is your Father, the current King, you know he has the power or your brother, but the family accord he gives William 2 sheets, how he ever willing, Harry? Say it.....3 curve line on...

Public cannot enter stop, UB and you stop, Judge stop.

It won't happen to be his best friend says, would he?

Or BTX ending at which song opening trailer anyway?

If You Believe


BTX - last frame, Fou Lafine


Your favorite question to the lawyers and the judge finally 2 or 3 small step up...court room line without the public noise you can always always get rid of.  Tell me.... "Is this evidence?" Your all time favorites the court room entry, you remember all that?!  How interesting .....

1 Sheet.

We are all somewhere else 1 Kentucky Derby stampeted, means.

Tell me again, Harry....

The criminal charge, this word, the criminal we lost, or I lost....

Duplicity was just yesterday, of all world people's mind, your paper, you believe in it.

You cannot give up 25 years of the legal power in action

You cannot give up your 25 years paper pile up evidence

You and Ola both knows, if it was not the page three hundred ninty four....that's quiet silly isn't it? The british accent.

"My father wants to know ...."

To the judge.

So the president has to be per word, per sentence specific asked....

In your eyes, Harry, me would be at? 

Because the external scene is all fake, all Buddhism told you that.

Your scribble pencil on a piece of a paper without a flat table Hugh getting at.....its all fake the external voice other than the 2 piece of paper so important of the 25 years on and on....

Tell me, why anyone never thought about that? 



All case study: https://www.umu.com.tw/pages/case-wood-table

Me would be at. Lost a word. In your eyes to see. I will be at UB, the group activities you supporting through the kindness charity act. Everyone is the external louder sound to say Washington DC, you are like the foster of the mentoring.....your position.

But then again, its another group of the noise.

And why you need this noise anyway? Your entire UK upper knew you don't care about this thing, and you know that so. 

If anna never be with them the facebook .....be seen, be heard, be show up in UB that time, just like when you gone to your uniform all school, anyway, you remember you had one room perfect studying table you used to be, and smile to take a photo.


Not the " Return to the Wild"  ....that is the 2 desk in between. That time I never seen the real photo, now I know that is the 2 desk with the full scale photo.

"Prince Harry Eton college dorm"

Meghan for the first time knew you had a family background in education, so this UB dorms, was Ola.....or Dean, or even SIlas or Seth. All CAC girls living outside, has gone by Jame's and me housing plan. It was a desk, even Dennis, or Pete has seen it. It was never yours this small world looking, so you never know....the wildness cooking in fire like Tamang those forest scene, to say a camping and you scribble a paper on a pencil use, if were not a flat surface.

So tell me again, what do you know, that I know, Harry?

Adam 5 feet 10, or 11, on his knee to write on the office chair, every tall guy knows how to do that, super flat.....knee. Not the flat feet in Barbie. You think you father believing in it? 

What that means?

His desk is full of the computer stuffs.

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