
When the future meets the past....

Then you think about it, not now.

Asia, maybe 小餐包 with the corn chedder looking soup + some cucumber. The kitchen knows what that is. That is 小餐包 means small bread and you put the butter inside. So you do ask the kitchen to get some those butter.

This thing they have seen. Every Asian chef. 

( Their salad, with the bread with the cheddar corn soup. )

Its very small though, that is the name. 

燉飯 means rizzoto.  Asia is popular on those Western meal, and because they eat rice, you know that, right? Its not particularly made it for you, its one of that Asian likes the rice.

Right now, the Western restaurant its everywhere, so is these bakery, so if your staffs finds those sweet, British, or French or Italian sweet, I don't really know one thing, here this is the "pie" looking. Asia, we know the Mc Donald apple pie, and I wasn't really liking it sour a bit. Every week, you remember that, and you ask the staff to leave it on your table with George.

The rectangle these...I have never seen. The fruit tarts? We don't really eat that kind here.

No, I have never seen that here, no. 

Me and Shane gonna eat this? Definitely not. No, those guys, they coming here to find faults, or that Nicky is the finding faults type, they are the celebrity in their world happy happy to go lucky and the political driven those type. ....if this entire Cosmo one day I gonna find faults, its every faults they cannot swallow their throat I am telling you, between me or Babaji, this world knows or not.

People normally self critique enough, I don't look like I can see that kind in my eyes. Each person just be 1 nicer thing for each other, to each other, 1000 people, that is 2 acts of that 2000 act forward their kindness, per day, one good thing, or one kinder word for another person. The American commercial For The Better Day. Probably one of those charity mutual what on the TV or the internet.

You gonna be an England King, you know that yourself inside, or someone talks to you how you be a great England King before, through the TV?  Someone ever BE the existing Kingship talk to you how to be a King in England? Their system, all around or the history class?

You repeat those words to your son?  Yeah, someone is already a King in our world.

"In the history of ...."

You can say those words out? 

"During at ...."

When you describe what, your mind go blank? Per history, or the history account, or the history lesson or the story? The class in front you participate is long time ago. Your kid's book.

"During the civil war" = No, you say that to American, that they understand in their English.

Your England and French, that war, is not a civil idea, you know that clear, right? That is 2 nations, not the America divide in two, one north, or one from the south.

"When the human right rises, so are the women equality working right away from the traditional values, the home village wife producing 2 or 3 kids each for the farming reasons."

You cannot get along with the guys, you can get along with the ladies?

Your British high noses, how do you say this ...

"You cannot possibly don't know this"  or  "I am so stun to say that." "I cannot believe I am saying this."  or  " What is so big deal in fighting over...."  

You collecting your cards join your father side, when you get home or all of you get home that type.

You gonna get home with Shane they are, ever?

Definitely not. I think....they are the political driven type, not those behavior especially that Ronan. I think its high movement there. We also have here, too. Everyone likes to participate those in the real life, they talk about here, or they find out from the TV news here. We are not that small worlds, and they are very very loud.

So you just gonna retired, that kind?


That is what they say, or how they make you believe?

I have some other works I expect to get it done, until all that done, they go to their business, and they have to get home one of those days. Their family or each other are waiting each other. They are the Irish.

You know that very clear or?

When I get near to what I have to do, I will know that clear. I will tell them.

Ronan gonna forget all that is from, your side?

They live at their local forever ...Focus at your world in front of you. That makes you truely happy. Not the TV, of course not. 

You ever tell him anything of that?

Of course not, I hardly talk to Ronan at all.

He believe that you should talk to him at all?

I will be a citizen, not those claim when the legal power didn't prove. If that is super proven all over the universe, I drag him that day. Not today.

You just go to sleep?

I am planning on, but I feel it from Westlife, right now because I heard it last 2 weeks. I usually think through, and I usually wait it....when I group my thought, I talk to them.

You do that a lot.

I am? I never call your side anyone.

Why not?

Ronan should when....he decides or he decides not he will legalize that Power ? I am not sure. He is happy inside his world, all that.

You heard Ronan's interview?

Yes. I don't usually call him for anything he publicly present it, I think its Westlife, so I go near just the Westlife. I used to don't remember he was part of the Westlife, to be honest. They are in those stressful jobs, and so many people to see, to hear, to go about. Leave them alone best. They got the family, the relative, the home waiting for them. Shane gonna get a whole lot stressful and all that. I thought about it ....maybe not.

My sensation will be a lot more American than Irish (or England), all my life. You know that? The sensation to the American culture, or the American current event or even Canada a little bit. That entire sensation, the heard business tale, or the business talk, or the Moon walk, the history of the past in the science museum. Not I literally go there having no more people I know of there anymore ....the establish one and they probably move Nick best here. The religion side. Then these American President to when the legal side, or the articulate, or the whole Floor of them, I sent in the script now, not the 100 years later, how long I live....my heart flip out before I die those. 

The writing, you do the writing?


And you have no problems no one knows that is real or not real, just keep sending it?

Yeah, someone could be that confident to do that, or insist to push that. That is not...the political part. That is almost more question and answer, someone gets on the whole universes, it shouldn't ever to be, be honest. That is too obscure in our world, but I put up somewhat defense myself on that.

You don't know the reason?

No !

You doing that a lot, you don't know the reason that part ....

What is ....a prayer if carried the dead body parts those come from?

God resurrect the soul, Jesus

The doctor cures the disease or finding the ever lasting peace method, or the love method.

The priest in the covenate box inside the church, its to listen to some concern no one knows.

Those jobs are the doctors?


American medical board, they will tell you, those every jobs suppose to be part of the doctor's jobs?

To be honest, yes.

So the doctors like your type should get no life, and they finding you love life that type?

I am not sure what this is. Getting near, so I get near. 

You feeling good the life like that again?

No. Not every world is looking for me, not too fair to the guys.

"What do you usually do in life? If you stay home?"

"Watching TV."

"What do you usually do when your husband is not home, cooking, or fed the pets?"

"Listening to the music and cooking, yeah, make the food for the pets."

"You usually do what for your occupation, your husband keep the house?"

"Not a particular known jobs, but its steady, the home income stream that type."

You mean you are suffering to every question and answer to live and breath, that type? You tell Nicky or Shane?

Definitely not, we are not that close to talk about anything like that kinds of planning. You mean I run away home to be with a guy. 

But if you like the guys?

You want to focus on your happy world, you and 2 and 4 plus all the kids and the future? Everyone happy for you all reunion again and all that. 

You look like you talking, not you literally going !

Ireland is your neighbor, that is why you talking like that? I live in North America !  I am a girl, I look after my near by family, my sensation is more real than any other guy in this world. Some women, some near by, some motherly. I am already right here ! Don't worry about it. You go to your happy life, and stare at it in the future, a new girl, or your father gets a new girl all that.

Okay, my free time ~ They busy, I don't know when they finish busy.

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