
🍵🍲 Is that a good idea, or someone tried, tomorrow, the weekend? 🍵🍲

What is the difference between baking soda, or the powder? The baking powder has the aluminum, so avoid it. When I fried, she doesn't eat that much of those food, she eats the noodles she likes, so .....I fried sometimes with the formula here they sell. Its already mix, just dump in.

The 3 kinds of the fried bread.

That is called the bread?

The fried bread.

Is that a bread? Its a "fried" bread.

I personaly think if you just carried some what the kitchen, oil and fire on a pan, or the pan fried basic zucchini, carrot, potato shredded, and not to panic to finish those looking food. You can marry in Westlife. They got 4 people. It doesn't need to be Shane, and if you are all Irish women or the girls speaking the same language, or with some English education.

You turn on the stove and the small oven turn on buttom to pre-heat.

"I am listening, Shane.", you use your "right hand" to airy near by the stove to see if that stove burner is working. Find a pan, find the oil, drizzle on top....to pre-heat. An egg mixture, find the chopstick, how do you motion that thing doesn't spread all over Shane's house stove, or Nicky's.....or Kian, not Mark.

You dice the tomato, and spread in the egg mixture, with dice onion. Just 2 things are fine.

1) Tomato 2) onion 3) no green pepper

You need one of those Ryoya apron, maybe you can ask him if he sells it.

I think you all have a particular talking art, I never to be that good at to be honest. 

You turn off the stove when that pan fried is done? Shut it off? In English, turn it off is fine or I do that myself, no English required. 

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