
Your audience, means the general public! 你的觀眾意思是講一般的民眾

You want to tell me what do they look like, the shape or the size. They have those sad mood, or dull or don't speak fluent. You think everyone follows their brainwave and coming out of a clear English sentence. When you hear it, you understand. Or this is where 5 or 6 years ago, you all go to the other religion for the photo making?


The birds are burst into crying.... ??? You mean the movies have a meaning. That would be from Iron Man, American Captain, Thor ...to Avenger. You want me to explain to the parents, how you really feel, you cannot verbalize the correct concept or the big pictures. This is a New Year for us, you know.   

小鳥在嚎啕大哭 .... ??? 你的意思是電影有個解釋. 這會是鋼鐵人、美國隊長、雷神...跟復仇者聯盟。你要我解釋給你爸媽聽,你如何感覺,你不能真的述說正確的概念跟一個整個情勢,這是我們的新年,你們知道。

They want to tell you that, in the current movie industry, you have a very known icon star, and this icon star has their own franchise, meaning the t-shirt, the mugs, the posters, the swords, the bows, the sweaters. And what the story gone to, they bring out all these super hero icon star all together to make one Avenger movies toward the End Games, meaning the last battle. And something happened in that last battle, they make it into 2 parts. The first part is all the mass of the people gone and dead. The second part is the Iron Man he dies, and everyone comes back. There is a red hair girl also die, in exchange a yellow holy stone.

他們想要告訴你們這,現在的電影工業,你們有非常一個出名的影星,這影星有自己的整個這電影事業之下,像說 t-shirt,咖啡杯、海報、劍、盾、冬天那種有帽子的衣服,這個故事就是去,他們把這所有超級英雄的象徵影星帶起來,變成一個復仇者聯盟電影,指向最終戰,意思最後的戰役,而這有些事情發生在最後戰役,他們寫成兩部分,這第一部分是說大部分的人都死了,第二部分就是這鋼鐵人死的,但是所有人回來。有一個紅頭髮女的也死了,交換一個黃色的聖石

And in these individual star franchise, they have their own team and teammates. Its in the end, you put it together.


They are a lot of the Ph.D and MD standing, you have no idea how they sound like if they present in any kind of the court room. I highly doubts its our cases here.

他們有很多這種 Ph.D 還是 MD 情況,你們不知道他們怎麼聽起來,如果他們出現在任何法院地方,我其實沒有覺得會出現。

The Spider Man - No Way Home

蜘蛛人 - 回家日

I show Dr. Steven Hairfield before the AGT, where Simon was.

我給 Dr. Steven Hairfield 在 AGT 之前,西門在。

The ending, just now last post the 2 video.


Why don't you just listen to what I say, sounds like exactly I say? You are not going to grow up in one day, one week, one month. You are talking to your parents, but you pick and choose what to tell them. You have a plan, you have all the things in covered.

你為什麼就不聽我說的,聽起來跟我說的是一摸一樣的? 你沒有要長大一天,一個星期,或是一個月,你已經在跟你父母親說話,但是你選擇講你想講的,你有一個計畫,你把所有事情都控制好了。

Here is Dr. Steven Hairfield's Hogwarts alphabet or this Spider Man - No Way Home ending. I think its you pay by one hour per week, his schedule is tight.

這是 Dr. Steven Hairfield 哈利波特的學校的字母,或是蜘蛛人- 回家日結尾,我想你付每一個小時一個禮拜,他的行程表很緊。

He is just one human hanging on the ENITRE American Continent, with one alphabet, I suppose to make something similar like that on the AGT.

他就一個人掛在整個美國大陸,跟這一個字母群,我原本是要做一些類似的事情在 AGT。

My mother has a friend, we go out today. Today is 2nd day, you go to the mother side of the parents, wife's parents.


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