You want to get a sheet when you close gate, Prince William? You tell Kate ...that is first day I have things to do.
- You print the Britain library schedule mon - fir.
- Is that the same as the mesuem, Da Vinci stuffs at
- Find a wall, glue them. Your interior design doesn't look like the barren wall but I heard you have your own book room.
- You have the garden that sunshine comes, the stair to sit sun bathing, and the birds don't come and bothering you.
- Your world communication when you close gate, its just your wireless you have towards the outside. You can cut whenever you ready. That is why I given you a sheet.
- No, you may not need to close your internet. They understand that. I telling you that.
Now, I gonna explain to you and your warrior what, or if that is your college groups, or where buddy the military lower rank if were consist of. UB that is Bill and Keegan. I never heard they have a rank. I have a student from CADS also goes to, a short women.
Inside that Washington D.C, WITHOUT the Flower Thousand Bones, it means talking with your mouth opens and gossip on the table nature, its EVERYONE daily life, LOVE to do. Or including those kissing, or hugs in the Mexican Food Booth, those leather seat, everyone cage you.A lot of these things are not getting lighter, its getting worsen and worsen, your Father knows I have a seat, and some other things. He never heard this before just like the rest of them.
But correct, you can continue that Ella Enchanted format for another 25 years including with that idea, they will extent Kate's life because you seeing her working hard the beginning of the 25 years set up. I know that.
The True love, originally for UB
Its very similar to that Loving the Silent Tear, with Obama in it. You meeting a lot of the people looks like Keanu or Simon. Each of them all have a BIG giant mouth on every dining, fine dining experience to meet love. They want something in the D.C, so they go there.
That world, you do not know.
Until you really meant you seriously close gate, no one will show you any world, 25 years. That is what you did to yourself, if you listen. No one will....No one. If you would have imagine the inside movie plot, = like me. You worried. I would tell you too. You look at that monitor, once or twice. Listening once or twice the lyrics and close it. Like Westlife, My Love. Where is my family, or the rest of the facebook, I cut them off before Simon. I knew....
A lot of the world your father is committed to show you, if you are ready. your tempament is not ready, so the TV moves you to my side until ....whenever I guess. I didn't have a glue. I have to talk through until the things be organized, am I?
Your evolution didn't evolve to go outside meeting them. On Earth is probably as good as you get, but correct I know you have that romance or love idea bigger than this Earth. To the people like me, I will tell step 1, then you step 2. Meaning finding and stabilize a real relationship like build up something, a home, a base, a mansion business, a merchandize goods, a trustful friendship, a correct mild attitude even if you act, inside you got hatred, and go home and kick your your father, or next by whichever.
Outside, they all have the kids, or the sibling, or the inheritent fight, or family quarrel, but with the spirituality and proper behavior conduct to show up on the jobs.
- Some people are destiny to be a flower, not sure if that is the flower vase on the wall.
- Some people have to be pamped in that Star Voyage life like the kids.
- Some people have to have their pride of their Star Logo, or the Voyage Ship metallic built branding. Not Dean's feet on that leather sleek, Raindeer running the snow scene.
All of them know what is the basic law structure, and the IQ basic...right now that choice is to copy and paste the books 1 to 1 million. I don't have a choice if that is the day, they told me they have the useful President, that is every 4 years term, I increase my power or that is one lifetime, they just act until their retired. To me, that is not promising...I always one person deal all that.
A lot of people on a certain job will tell you, the love is not the only thing in life. In front of the faces, everyone will tell you that. Sitting down in the Washington D.C a fine dining, with the correct solid meet up 50 mins, can change your once of the lifetime.
Its when you get ready. You are not working up to it. None of that UB 100 will make it.
You and that Middleton had some training, you all got dragged everywhere, is that so Prince? Now you leave her behind, she can breath, she can recuperate, and no more this make-up outfit she hates I guess. You go along, I don't think you realize you going along. Or if you thought about it, or some movies to sort on your own.
You think I going along?
It looks like a lot of the people. At that any given job, you remember all your charity reading that draft or speaking the tone or the microphone in front of the spotlight.
Its all the spotlight, and night after night to run.
And now that life has to depart. You didn't realize that is one person job, anyone asking you in your Ella Enchanted groups?
To their individual life, they will all tell me from UB, they are one person job in that one personal state. One person to the sleeping next person they like or they prepare to dump like Tamang or Dean. That is what you called a reliable boy to a family built up to that 20 years regret? Tamang got married and having kids when? Steve! Your name, how you move to a dorm story land here yesterday. Your name is Steve. Your Pseudo name with Middleton. She helps you to acquire that campus housing? She believes you are very useful for 20 long years, is that how long you got married?
I am asking you, how understand one person's job mean? Your one family business, one person job's means?
There are a lot of the kids outside, or even on Earth, its one person family business. That wealth inherited, their parents talking to them, or they get on the ship too. The Star ship.
They got trained, of course they have a lot of the skills, they live longer, or they preserved they themselves longer.
I destiny just grounded on the floor, crust where the gravity is. Even that Thor will tell me that. Whichever he needs to go home with me??? That Thor 2 movies. My life span is not going to make it, that is what it meant. He doesn't look like the emotion equip inside his eye with the say home or to say I show up with his father next by. That makes him proud. The movie story.
( Tell me the photo on the right .... )
I don't have a family business, I got put new on the first day. You have to mentor. The first thing you come to in mind? Not just repeated every word I say to you this one week, aren't you? Anything new?
I have a brother just like you. The right side column has this "Write up" or "Real Love" inside that Washington D.C Law process paper. Meaning that is with Westlife music in it. You think I can generate the third.
That is 3 Mark, one Pang.
3 3 10, exactly the same, just not the tidel wave. Its with Lauren and that Little dragon girl's TV, everything freeze. (Her sign is snake, not the dragon, my mother told me.)
One person alone jobs, think about it.
Eben Pagan: Stages of Entrepreneurship ~ New Frontiers. Its a green. That is a territory claim. I understand that.
That looks right.....No, I am not talking to Eben. No. 5:05
And Prince, this is the weekend, whenever you all have to go outting somewhere, if were. You and your brother. You go to bed, when you get up and then you read. Not staying up late not showering or change. Take a shower right. warm your 4 limbs, drink the correct water, keep the warm water on, not the coffee. Throw your laundry in the basket, you have the maid service.
No, I know you are nice. No, I don't need you to stay online, I know you have a life. I need you more to know what you are doing. Not this you staying up late to be respectful. That is one thing not the most immediate in front of my faces, can't you tell?
Anything you and your Dad on that maid service, or both your pink side by?
Say, ask, knock the bell rings, intercom? The telephone line push the buttom.
This is not your motivation to use your intercom? The video below. (The bird say what?)
"My water has to be fill up tank...all distilled water or the osmosis water. I can have nothing else but that. Everyday the fruits juice and the vegetable mix, and peel every skins, every kind of the pesticide. I have a major, you have a brain....that is every piece I want to see the skin peeled off. The zucchini or the cucumber."
I know what is a Tomato Can. That is the dice version in the shop
Movie: The Flash.
Both your mom, his wife.
"I need my health, not you keep your jobs, dining service. Get out."
"I am the mansion, you are the service human, I need....."
"My mood today is not very good. You sit here to talk, or you go and get someone over here I need to talk."
"I don't think you know I hate every human kind, starting every service I have to do outside the mansion. You are in the service here, you go to the human resource their office is at .....which floor of this main resident, that was my grandmom's flag office place was, you were born?"
"I am asking you a question, you know there was a queen, she has an office, you know she has a son, or you know there is a flag outside that Buckington Palace, you want to be throw outside and stare at that flag 5 mins, you do better next time the jobs?"
"Your schedule, your health information, your check-in doctors schedule, all that."
You write out your information, one day, you realize your mind get tired, so you quit doing it. It never happens in the real life. When I was in the middle school...and one day before I go to the spiritual practice. I meant real that is what I do = the spiritual practice. That is against the precept, correct.
No, they have the spirituality outside.
But....their Corperation or the family business so big, to be honest, well. What I can explain to you was, if your hair, like you and your brother's hair or your dad. I don't really know if you keep that business, or your landlord keep his business. That young guy. That is the real family inherited.
So let's say me Anna made it this one time, this one time, I set off a different clock. No more in my evolution if I keep living 1000 years, I never need to turn back to where my life I watchful too many things. Its not anything that TV. Legally they will tell me, not that, not really.
(We have the pouring rain here)
You didn't put your mind on a correct scene. Me I will personally telling you that. You want to, or you know something, or you get negative all things about. Everything is everyday on the jobs. You hate that works, you hate those things, you understand the next by that one person being let go, at least to breath on the life you living in.
You are very identical to that young mayor here.
- Your Ella Enchanted is your age groups. So is my side of any of those groups.
- Your side worried about you?
Mine side we finish talking the last century of it. When the gate was close that facebook. Don't bother me.
You want to change your attitude a bit. I told them you all gonna die, I live on, another 100 years, another 120 years. You go to hell to sort that court that day that comes, just like the painting.
I GET to that age then I worry about it they all be dead !!!!! NOT NOW.
I told them 10 scenario how they can be dead. They know that is a reality, of that is one person's life trajectory 80 years make-up, from beginning to finish. I already teach them, told them, repeated to them, or just saying it none stop, when you will brain register, .... anything! I repeat in English, I repeat in Chinese when they are not around listening.
I stay online telling them, and you, your father or your brother.
And you, crown prince?
Adele is your type of the music? Orlando from Lords of Rings here.
Legolas ....
I highly doubt you and your brother realize, I am the least person on this whole planet, care either you, your brother, your father, your....whichever Pink, or TV, or Adele. Really.
Not this moment, I wonder why not this moment?
Westlife - Better Man
You read my comment below? So tell me how this heart ache suppose to run. Its me rise up the head sitting Shane standing up to tell me a song, see that story, or NASA I run their Linkedin, or Sep 26th, with your grandmom Dream Exchange Games, your Father on their Britain National Archive, I say 3 months, 6 months, 3 years.....
Below, I say a story. That story I lived in it.
You are the expert in the heart ache, I quest your teaching how does this heart pulling or push in it.
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