
My father's mother dies, so I gonna ask him.

He has a lot of the problems, so I figure it out a way how to asking him. The American medical board won't care if whom asking him about his mother die in the stomach cancer. Those basic human dignity things. He has a lot a lot a lot of the problems. My mother knows. She suffered. He doesn't have a home, a permanent bed to sleep. He has this debtor. The American government or ROC or Tesla deal that.

My mother, I dealt her.

Right, she has too many stuffs on her head. Babaji told me. 

My grand mom, my father's grandmom, originally has a pension, she took out early, and she went to investing on the restaurant business. Soon after, left. Nothing. That is how that Square wearing the necklace on the Victoria Secrets. The medical board meant, you doing things real for the per case. I know the O, I cannot get near best. I had a dream. But I tell them here, they handle it. 

Shane has a parents, so I just talking normal to him until he shows up.The bags, the cloth bag, the wallet, the car holder bags. The air shipping only 2 days. He stuffs their ID or the paper works. He might just come in first, or with them together move it. Yeah, I buy them to cut the string tags all the way around, so he knew just stuffs the things in it. Our telephone company its outside, next by those....Bank road. By now, he heard that enough. The bank road, the bank avenue, the bank circle.

In America, I know where the things in Buffalo. But the UB too busy trespassing that 20 years, I air shipping someone else. No more Jonathon I guess.

No, they are not the real lawsuit. No. They are just the files, but its a waiting to assort files, 800. One formula, its the social burden, the social costs, the pre-cursor of the treaty, or the declaration of the independence, they make me write, they will see the hell of all this. But I think its the public defender's job. Wendy is a public defender. Right now, they are sorting by the profession, they know what's a public defender. I think they go through they themselves, or even the judge has to be told this situation. OU. I one OU, one human back up all these law board, the medical board, the Silicon Valley. Are you having any conscious for doing this? 3310? 

Why don't you asking Eben where he film at? 

If you genuine file one lawsuit, you deals 20 years before another lawsuit. Understand, not 10 like you all very genuinely knowing I exist, you went to lawsuit 10 or 20. Its one lawsuit lasting 80 years. As long as you shall ever live. Sad, no money, sad, depress, go to the hospital. Remember your route, per degree walking in and walking out. Got defeated, need someone to talk, need your phone, need your line, on the phone/ line outside walking. The money running out, that is the lawsuit nature. The real lawyer, the expensive lawyer. 

20 years, don't stop moving in. Its free will choice makes you smile, and anxious, loving and breath another air of the Earth, this is the brand new day, like 10 years ago, like 40 years later on.


So why don't you bow, kneel, flat, and asking me like you should? 

I think Fatima is very freely FDA jobs, that 20 years, she has a lot of the issues to the lawsuits. The FEMA camp lady next by Dean.

He is mel-practice like Erin, the injection values its 100 times, no English. But she is a professor now. She says that patient didn't die.

oh ~~ maybe the pharmacist I know its bad, only. Not exactly how I say Taiwan. I just go to see a doctor, copy paste everything as I go and learn it. Its In Chinese.

In America, that UB south campus textbook. I can hire Keegan's dad or Jonathon's father, you all UB don't require to get to the main street and look that Dean's giant traffic gap I draw.

But I can just ask anyone else to do that jobs.

  • Harvard has a bookstore.
  • Yale has a bookstore
  • UB has a bookstore.
  • John Hopkin.
  • George Town
  • Maybe that North Carolina, Dr. T's University get lucky one Inductive logic.
  • You see, I only had a BA, Tamang hurts me badly. SABA, SA means kill in Chinese. but I had a minor Medicinal Chemistry, I didn't finish that, but I finish UB and North Carolina pre-pharmacy requirement. You thought I doing it for fake. Maybe they even know what is an inductive logic textbook just one me exists in their lifetime.

Usually the medical bookstore is separated, I just never get near to find out. What is the money to make for. They got those DVD, the module, the air shipping, that is 2 days arrives here. Its my money ....The medical board ensure they looking after that Tina, and the rest of you UB. So ....I thought I was curious what's all that. According to the real MD standard, they take MCAT every year to refresh. 

No, not me. No. But I think Google website is free. 

A Ph.D and MD, you mean I type = I teach right? 

I tell you what, that Kail is the university principle. I say Roswell Park them suppose to imagine Harry Potter Jonathon sits on them, and sit on UB president. That is all the librarian IT Joomla to 40 departments they assign other than the Art and Science College, there is the humanity department and linguistic. I step ....at the Linguistic near the Art that side. Near my bike place in UB Alumni. That is where Obama gone to inside the video, he looking at himself?

How amazing...everything gone back to the original zero ground. That is how we say it in Chinese. 


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