
⭐️ They think what ? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 他們想什麼?

Do they think I look like the princess all this evidence pile up my paper written ?


America don’t have those things anymore since the May Flower. You looks like the missing trafficking people like my CNN says.

So they checking this?

Of course.

So they care us?

Never romance those.

They don’t think we are the religious top head?

You mean romance how great you are, never never romance. 

So they never think we are the Harry Potter holy war, the only decision maker, how we will save the world?

No !

They don't believe those Sailor Moon Holy Grill or those Da Vinci Code Novel those conspire theory or saying of the Jesus Christ, since 2000 years the war like the Harry Potter, we are the one, we are the glows, those?

No !

Do they believe the Sailor Moon Sceptor like that OU language sceptor?


Do they believe the holy grill that cup?


Do you Anna believe any of this?


That is why you treating us like the garbage?

I am not treating you like a garbage, I am telling you a sense, those things are not the intellectual debates, it doesn't exist !!!


They are the Mamoru or any Mamoru, looking at this TV, looking at you back, how great that is, you are written that? You are not sending those stupid things to Eben or anyone else I am talking to right now?

They really believe the court has the power to deny that holy grill or the scepter existence?

It doesn't exist !!! Not they on purpose to deny at it. 

Can we sue them or you, if that thing exists, and that suppose to belong to me?

Nothing belongs to you !!! It doesn't exist like the cartoon, those are the animation of a story being said. Is that you imagine the Games of Throne, of some of these European roots, the bloods line like the Da Vinci Code the novel and the movies, those story line, the sensation of the horror, you being crucify, even today you are fearful to even walking in the court room, those? Meaning the family ancestor tree those last name to trace back a noble family those roots, and saying.....the American TV, not us the Ancient Chinese history or the court slang or the superstitious ancient Chinese, its your European some kinda of the TV looks like the sensation like the Game of Thrones, or the PC games? So if that is the Da Vinci Code novel that story line, there is a background how the heavy sensation coming to you, or the plot in that Game of Throne is imprint some of those European combine culture of the history, you only have 200 years American history!!!   NO! Not any of that. Thor, and the modern sleek. Ronan those, rock star, or Adam Levine those guitar throw in half becoming a TV on themselves those....modern riots, everywhere in Europe or America for the democracy political movement, the modern, the modern, the modern, the fashion, the language, the court room, the public health hygienic, the American medical board those annual meeting. 

So you don't believe a crap in those magic healing, or the cup or the incent those?

NO! I say Thor !!!! Those uniform label !!!

If you don't believe that those we think its the crab, is that ilegal you don't file?

It doesn't exist, it cannot be filed!!!

If we find that is existing, can you be sue, you don't file?

NO! The court room only deals with the intellectual debates. 

Not proclamation those? 

You say what? You go to a court room judge to do a proclamation ?

Unlawful transaction like the lineage those?


So can I claim something is mine, like the position someone took it, they stolen from me, or the guys, or the main role of a story. To play a lot more main role.

You mean Mat Demon that guy from Harvard? The Identity Born? You really did to that claim was taking down a piece of the entertainment DVD, to that credit author's original copyright, you went to use that creative writing process to declare a past. Is that what you wish to do?

Kinda of.

You literally kidnapping that guy from his mother's womb with his father's last name, to steal that person's heart, or something central conspiracy theory....Because that is the end of the world, so the end of the marriage to say ever lasting End of Time, those? NO! 

With the calamity in it.


Like yours?


You mean Disney "color of wind" Pocahontas


Do you believe the court room function is for the justice reason?

Can you look at that Ronan Keating or Keanu Reeves, when they were younger those outfit and style. If you talking about the American medical board, if they are the gays all together to wedding to the sex talk, or they buddy together European culture without the nuclear waste land below the ground, so no chemistry human like me suffered at it.....That at least you are doing your MD jobs, NOT witch crafts !!!!

So you don't care about the European noble lineage?


You don't have that cultural sense?!

No, I DO NOT HAVE it, I am a new immigrant !!

What is the modern sleek to you? Flying with the airplane (giggling)

Any modern transportation with the governmental debts like Taipei Flower Metro if I got in 20 years ago, right now its everyday money pocket 20 years down the projects means.....The modern people doing the projects !!! The millions people commute at its, those are the per card swipe and earn the points?!

So you only believe the material science how to create more products to sell sell sell just like Eben (giggling)

The convivence of the modern sleek to every invention since 1900, were the contribute like Leonardo Da Vinci 500 years down since 1400, to the last 1900, then me to next 500 years, makes no difference to you how Bohr theory were 1920s products, so there is a Barbi doll no one can touch it !!!

So you believe the debates will get the society going for real, not those kingship throne claim like you said?

The transiting life points to where the soul meets the veil so the discussing the after life to the near death experience is a part of the medical phenomenon many people written the books about. Its credible, to many personal account they study on the hundred people to make a research project peer review paper going. 

So you believe the hard work makes a piece of the peer reviews journal those like Dr. Bing Shen those? The useless paper written format and psycho too stressful on killing people?

I am very sure you are deattach yourself away from this society more and more, anything you put inside your mind, or inside your room, or on your desk whichever angle you look at it, in front of the computer or the TV. You need to go to see a doctor for real. 

So you don't believe like you claim these DNA map, you claim the first region of the universe, that is unlimited wealth and the money revenue or tax money, to believe those musician works too hard run about?

I think you are psycho !!!

No, I am asking you.

I think you are mental in every degree no one puts on the works to say stay alive, or stay on the expense to make any invention you will kill all of them because you feel like.


You need to see the medical profession, really.

But you saying the vampire, you don't believe the vampire?


But you seeing it?


You don't seek the magical people deal with it, like Ronan, is that the true love idea, someone eating someone away, you need help those?

Are you psycho? When they putting an image in my mind, I run first, I don't go question the police if they find out why hanging on the cross means the vampire. Annca is all red magazine, I seeing him screaming or Astor?! They will tell me those screaming factor are real just screaming never stop !

So you don't believe we can acquire those objects for our personal possession and use, to kill people with?

That is a murder, those things are not real. You are not supposed to imagine any of that !!! I can vent, I can tell them the prove, its everything pouring on top of me, they should be dead, whomever that is. But not literally going out and hit someone on the road. You can scream and run away, just not touching it !!

So when you talking to these modern guy, or the song writer, or Ronan those, do you tell them you are the magical lady for us? That movies is real with you in it, you believe they believe you in it should have that kind of the language? Not love them love them miss you, BYE those?


You like their song?

I listen to it, gradually.

Do you purchase it?

NO! I have no Itune thanks to all of you, finished that America exit BTX last time.

So you are not representing us to say, the movies is hurting all of us to go to the court room only for the intellectual debates? Do you think they believe you?

We never talk about it. 

So if we sending our lawyer over, to you, or the representative to Taiwan, you will acknowledge you ruing all of us with these celebrity, because you don't representing us? 

I am really hearing this, or I just typing it like the angel's writing on my brain IQ can absorb whatever the random creative writing I ever got? NO! 

So you never never believe Keanu that time 2014, any Mammoru story with Usagi or Eben Pagan those whichever Earth Prince position is not a girl, or a girl, but a romance to that End Time story you told Simon or Keanu that time in 2014?


Of course NOT.

To End War, or The World Peace like your Master says?

NO! She is out of my sight Every Eternity OF IT.

Do you ever wish or desire to be with that Keanu Reeves?

Sarputra is 1st, he is second. I know the Magallana story never end, my mother never stop talking about it the sinful outcome. That time, they weren't the Buddhism to imagine anything Magallana to say the movie cinema is a magic, you mean the interface was broken exactly hit me, I cannot prove it, I don't have a substantial evidence to overthrown and stop my physical harm that time. Its not a desire issue, its how to get rid of on top of me issues. 

You do know if you desire at, it can real, those are the magic terms?  Terms and condition in our legal world society, you violate all that saying the precepts?

I highly doubt you know my brain is empty looking to become a name next year. 

I have the afternoon movie cinema, I nap first.

You need to see a doctor for real.

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