
I don’t do that at the confrontation of the people

I have a certain thing but…it was because the power arrive and this interface don’t quit. I normally don’t do one thing I say at the people real confrontation scenario. We look different on the photo those things?!

It’s ten years.

Nick, you want to married to nick? He listens or his cultural in the bakery, long time ago or always been, he has to become like that a bit. That’s a culture in that world. I never seen them. They don’t look like you all photo neither. If the old people can dominate the world and the leadership, I just hoover at the orbit because those things no one is in it, and their language isn’t like that neither. They can let me down when, I already been telling them. 

Not necessary every interface issues on the Wallace TV 2013. You all look like my brother type. These girls have a younger brother. Very similar temperament.

Tamang would be those taller height so he grew up to be that facebook mental, he has this MD supposed to be the interview committee board. Not every doctor supposed to evolve on the first day. He doesn’t talk like that neither in front of that Jonathon. You look, you listen, you stare and you turn your head and look next second? See, you nervous no matter what. 

Where is that next second ? Look and stare.

At least listen don’t talk. Look like that nick. Like you listen attentively, stop, no moving, breathe fine, stare fine, the air don’t move, “you were saying …” repeat to that person what do you hear in a different word comprehensively.

You think you look like this guy?

You found someone look like him and get near. Or you watch those how to listen, look, stare, turn their head around, see you, say hi, raise arm.

You freeze if you raise your arm in the talker white guy worlds? The upper worlds only those exists. He is a handicap, me retired together those. I don’t wake up in thr darkness after a long long long time? 

New mum

That time I forgot, I never think but he moves them or just he talks to them. You suppose to care for the human parts, I have none.

I have to drive and I have the works both the university, and a YouTube channel. I got a 3 jobs you didn’t hear me + an intern the first 2 year or half continue at Marley for MLS. I didn’t get that smart to do some of you did even that Tina if she hires someone to ask - the life plan. National Archive that’s 2nd intern, I didn’t go so it’s an oral history - him. I went to the Canadian library. I imagine I stay in America?

Their location map, not just the UB all around the real public and the private library other than the academia. Drive or get a book from downtown to see ? I get it from the library service.

Right now ….we are on the geography and the Harry Potter. What do I know …AMerica UB the entire library system and Canada because - he is a senior bus card and that card….it’s part of the handicap permit + that card. The identification card. The Orillia too. I went to borrow Harry Potter. I cannot open it. I never read it. I read the online sent in 7th book. They forward it. I read it all. So it gets to me psychi sense…so I told him let’s go. And that book stays on the table none open. I got told not to open. Since I hate those books. It was the ending so I finished it. It might be in Chinese or in English.

He has the conversation about them. I never ask him, I don’t care about it. He does on purpose to squeeze the words out of my mouth. 

You have no meaning since 2001, not the poor psycho begger had no meaning

Too high for you 2 sons.

No matter what your father or grandmom those old power to ends now at the veil like this, they both have their time. When someone clearly let that newspaper rotten, and he got nothing but a disease for the family image, you are all ends at the button of the abyss long long long time ago, that’s Queen’s time, including her. People in the field has to get smart - the journalism or the military rank. It’s near since the Queen’s time. This world is a democracy, you don’t need to exist and someone like me don’t care you exist whatsoever a meaning or a second to breath on the earth per litter air. That’s the end of your worth at all.

He told you once no, that’s the end of the conversation, whatever this military outside the palace you 2 makes a great appearance! He only needs to retired with those ten girls or 1 to get along and breath life. He has the things in front of him, other than you 2, she understands that or not. It’s a life with him in that place and not running in and out to proven glory on you 2 failure.

No, everyone has the problem, he is the biggest problem on the newspaper never end, not to say you 2 keep proven it otherwise on those video. When anyone sees it …your temperament, you got no character. 

Even those pets otter or 🦅🦅🦅🦅 (good morning !) has more pride and character than you 2.


These birds are every morning like this....I have to check all the windows outside. There is a whole blue cover, entire balcony is covered, construction?! 

Something about this Hank....passing by the couch.

That is a balcony, they can cover their windows to the balcony, not the balcony rim ....that is a different building than us. They got those manager on the ground floor.

Your city dog is calling you from the TV. We just had this England Harris your country doing a dog parade we meet in the Loving Hut 2 days ago, in 2010, it was raining my side of the dog parade. My mother gone to, yesterday to tired, also raining. Harris, not Tom Harrison. Its the World Animal Day, he got jailed in England for 5 years for the animal right. He didn't just work with SMCH their group, they gone somewhere.

He eating with another Asian lady.

I teach my mother that is Harris, not son, Harrison. She bothers me yesterday morning, I feel funny...so I ask her. I never ask her, she never talks. 

Every once a while, I check, I ask. I don't trust them, a police report on the table. I didn't call !!! 

Hunger Game & Catching Fire

It must be the tradition words on my TV movie. Elsa never stop having those scene in the neighboring Olaf visits for Christmas or Saint Patrick Day.🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅

... bad.

If I would have to care that Ronan a bit, at least writing him a PDF, send ten copy sheet to his company, washing his hands, washing his face, going home. Change your cloth and take a shower. Wipe your mouth, put your head under the sink, your eyes, your mouth, your nose.

The alcohol spray on every door entry you touch too often your car steeling wheel.  Babaji is not here, what can you do, he eternity probably doesn't get out of that. 

Are you guys the same age?

The vitamin C, L-lysine, the distilled water company phone number. 

20 handkerchef, magic detegent a cargo + the alcohol wipe. That is a truck load of one container shipment. What is the universal wealth means, that is not ten container shipment? He never see the sea shipment at the tax Ireland ports, at least not England.

That is as big as his house, that is called the sea shipment container.  He picks them up at the sea portal. 

Tiny House - shipment container. (That is 3 in the video, that is one cargo, one shipment means)


Why I even lie about it.  The furniture street from 430. Tom Cruise, sorry....The washer, the driver, the electronic store I pick up. I told you what's the future, not one word heard.  Does he pay the tax at the Ireland ports? He picks them up at the sea port, I pay the tax to be mail from Taiwan this ship, they use the ship, not the air cargo. But I can mail him the order invoice. The Hallo Kitty included the mountain load, doesn't require to that England anymore.

But his dad is an England King, how well reserved his money or his pocket to say this Universal plan here comes the universal brotherhood or the universal hierarchy means.  They park it at his house near by, he can just drive himself to the sea ports to get ....it load it down. 

I go to the moving company or UPS, I need a van, all these, the sea ports all things in that one container, shipping this to Ireland. You can ship it to his company address with his name on it.

He goes and pick it up, how to pay the tax?

Here and there when this things arrived, Do I need to give you a list what's in it? What are the things cannot go in it? Its the family use. 

He got the kids and the pets. He and his friends buddies.

  1. The stationary in one box
  2. The furniture he already knows
  3. The AI toiletry 5 sitting that things.
  4. Connecting pipe from my hardware store (10)
  5. The glove, the scissor (Asia made), the magic detergent (by now 5 different branding), since 1990.
  6. The washer, the dryer, the electronic store I told the Westlife last time, or Simon. Its one person used washer and dryer combine. 
  7. 2nd for your white sheet all around (bedding)
  8. The entire bedding pillow (you didn't give me, that is the King size or the Queen size), We have 10 colors patterns on it.
  9. The curshion.
  10. Ma'am Ching Hai those meditation chair (10), the curshion (10), whatever the Babaji needs, you don't need. Leave it in the boxes. The blanket, the shoe bags, the radio (VS), the thermal bottle.
  11. Their contact people www all email and the telephone number, the URL paper works.
  12. Her every creation junks URL + recipe
  13. There is a Supreme Kitchen ends at the 2 moon in the page 101, that book.
  14. Whatever that Babaji ever heard, its everything in there, you can just store somewhere, when he arrives, you opens it.  She gonna die, they gonna fade out all this.
  15. 2 Moon is Nasiruddin story with the Persian King. He is a Master known, that's why.
  16. He tells jokes, and she uses all his stuffs. It was a New Moon and the full moon means. The several page print out, you don't call him Babaji that that that that that. Sensitive paper works, print print print print print. You don't need to know until he arrives, in case I be there, not there, here, not here.
  17. A lot of things SMCH made the mistakes, don't don't don't. XXXXXXX Listing 1 to 1000.
  18. Never mention, never talk, never uses any of this following words, or the book title included. All that from the forbidden talk list one to thousand included all her luxury to one Bible end time. She is. That prostitute with Simon Cowell.
  19. NEVER NEVER NEVER doing that. EVER.
  20. You didn't research or you didn't get told, and no one efforts in. 
  21. All in the binder, only when he arrives. The stationary in, the print out, the 2 or 3 copy identical in case you lost it. Its exactly the same label. Every DON'T list.
  22. No needs to know, but here is public hear once, don't listing 1 to 1000 why not through the movies. DON'T.
  23. He might never arrive, but at least you have 3 copy, you know where your stuffs, in case you lost, you got one USB. 10 empty USB I buy, don't mix up. One is with the back up things, I have one, but that 10 empty USB, when he shows up, you have it for your staffs, as if that high tech any world, you are not the last min. Remember this this this this this.
  24. Some portal hard drive, some pouche, some wireless mouse, and the pad.
  25. The technology talk (Me talking, you get this sheet )
  26. Things on this Earth is about him, the whole universe is about him. So he gets the 5 folders, she gets half.
  27. You can shut off her TV, no impression she is anything at all, none exists best. Dead. But you aware, one time did exist. 
  28. You are a public person, in the main stream media. He knows what is a conspiracy theory. You represent the religious, or the public media also. 
  29. Just the public media. Not the cult, not the talk, not those wiki, and never the president to scandal near the Water Gate and that is on the movie: 2012, Trump has 34 felony. I written down the stream of the things.
  30. Just don't.

Indian General, your name next by got called, things got show, the interface or the Door automatic is right in front of everyone's eye. You don't need to care about this secretary, but your neighbor getting 1 and 2. 

So this AI technology toiletry is the beginning, not you need to care about his secretary, of the marking each this highlight lists, from the TV, you can see.....the reason next by the price next by the reason I will be telling you some details. You can check the whole TV and get back to me. I only pick one thing to do. We have that here. If you don't use those things, because you require a hot water pipe (my brother only gets the cold water pipe in America), including you have to mount it if were inside the wall, or what was that, we don't....I ask my mother that time. She does that all her life with Debbie. 

You don't need, you tell your staffs someone try on, and learn that, makes a sheet. You at least got told one thing, you make some effort at the beginning of the film. Not the whole things, those TV coming out every year, and 1 and half year, they fade out. You keep trending up because someone had used that. They knew about it. So in 20 years, you didn't lose everything when you come back and read it through.

Just in case.

In 20 years I am here, I will check some of this latest TV, because I speak the language here. Right, but because its my position to given to you, its the same Babaji given to someone else, not in a too stressful mode.

They have all the Top leadreship around him, near him, all sphere of the celestial are informed because of him. Those things.....do exist in the leadership, to when you receive the 10 shipment, we starting at 1. 

They each has one disciple (military female get along with him and the rest of them)

Most the military top ranking, knew, including the female top ranking knew.

One trainee at this time, or all the time. But we use this script to imagine all of that. Its by the thousand or millions you saying on the peripheral. This thing on TV is not that signifcant, to their standard, its just one person get along near by, mild, bent, clear in the literacy and paper file-ing behind them, for them. Both for the military idea, and including they stay at the military force rank, that connect only through the air travel. Its very redundant to say, everyone knew this stuffs. 

I had those tuition paid at UB, we have a IT, why I transfer to them, the moment I see them flash on the front page. It was the very front, immediate page, I decide to transfer.

Its a IT CD, and they have this UB micro. He knows I know about it.  Its the same Apple and the same stuffs, how that Legally Blonde makes a movie, that will be me at. But what Babaji does other than the religious or the political debate / physics, its the education very prevalent throughout the outside, he may not actually doing that himself anymore...he teaches the laws, but whenever the education institute from the school principle, or the university principle exactly my painting, all this details are written for you here. 

How do you convert a Word to PDF, supposes to be the easiest idea, those people graduate from the UB, never have the tuition paid after that to get another CD so they are using the old ones to reformat their computer if anything happened, to get the Taiwan brand new computer, that is the brand new Microsoft Word. 

I had the Canada Best Buy, it was a quadriple processor. Its for the graphic you see in the organic site those. I done no more, so the normal Dell those are fine, but Asus, or Acer, I think it was Acer, they had the qaudriple, it can be access in Canada Best buy, it means, it didn't limited to the Asian edition, both North America country can access at this somewhat technology, not the mobile phone I got was Motorola V66, 10 years later shows up their free phone catalog.

You will get in the troubles, if you don't learn this sequence. 

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