
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Interstellar again.

I check on my mother first, something going on.

At plan B here.

The electoral college vote is not our system here. It means it’s the not the number of the total citizen that could vote, there is a final yield by the each state, but here in Taiwan they have done those military as a voter or bar from voting, one of those scam says. When I was absent, every presidential election had an every tale. The President got shot. He won but he sat in the jail, his wife was polio or those wheel chair.

I am a giant planet not just the giant ship they Timezone….I cannot say too much this from the interference. Right…but I know their process. We always in those process when I start to get to read or write more in the middle school, it was fun.

They have those biography in those time, each known Congress this presidential or near by scandle says after the legally blonde. The book from Obama. They all technically speaking to go from the town meeting to fund raising. They describe in English so I understand that was real. A certain thing is real. 

That’s before they becoming …

Right now it will be the final presentation at Sep, until Nov. Their whole life career path. 

Taiwan here they post it those number for the candidate as the banner with their photo, you will find them in the same city. You suppose to go and volunteer but that would be at very distance apart from each other in America. All of their campaign. I don’t know where in America. The President should be on they tour.

We will be their office is where I standing in front of it, 500 meter. The real human figure in the poster standing there. Near the hospital.  No one knows me here, so …it’s one of those local candidate. 

Is that the same capital like we America here in Washington DC? Yeah !

They process the law? Correct. The floor in voting. 

And they put those 5 branches there? In the different building but it’s all there, my house going out, get it that road, turn left.

And how do you know he is the candidate? It’s a she looks like a him, she put at those walking path people senior people goes to the park, it’s very visible and she went to the intersection to distribute the tissues paper and a microphone there talking.

At the intersection? Squares restaurant, Adam and we meet that exact intersection, Hailey gone in the taxi didn’t see us.

And they do all that to jam the city ? … Taiwan voter is north or south. She happens to put that location to …where she thinks the money for her election offices and that intersection are the metro line students. 

They always aim that as the money ? She is a young lawyer. Really. So …

Sorry, no. I …my eyes to lay down. I go to the bathroom lunch after, a lot of the bowl movement.

Now after the nap a lot too, and if I don’t, any water I drink I will none stop going to the bathroom urination , because I keep drinking the water when I wake up from the nap. My eyes is the nerves at. It’s the bowl movement never fails. 8 years this going on. 

Mexico has the presidential news 2 women I see on the internet. I can hear from my bathroom. I still think I getting married, so this Frozen story is not true? And so interstellar is not that direction. I found out I tell you.

If I knew your vocabulary now more, I keep my shape because I have to go to the bathroom. I didn’t know you don’t go to the bathroom. The hydration and the fiber intake to stimulate the bowl to work the night before food coming out each morning. But I cannot talk to you like that. I kinda of stopping to say that. 

I think ….Harry knows how to kill a Taiwan police to be jail here.  So you all be …coming here to get jailed. He knew something about coming here democracy or harming a police to damage me. So unless they know their England culture how a police gets kill.  It will be everyone brings to Taiwan. He knew what’s that China heaven video meant. 

No, I don’t know one thing about England. They let people get drugged ? This is horrific to me.

(Woke up from the nap, I have to watch my mother earlier …talking to her. Right, then) 

I think he knew what that is, that’s very very very scary. He knew what that means. Killing a police ? In America I know you doing that on American land on purpose ? He imagine Taiwan human life is not important or me. He gonna say something or bribe to that police and he told him, that’s not the culture here but he will gain some ground because it’s against me. Probably from his father and he will have to bait him out, those process or move him back to the California, where that China video means. 

“In order to” be the same. 

My mother on the phone with that VA lady gone to Rochester Ola. Remember how horrible she was romance in being scam? Her son was a police, right now living at. Her ex husband is the same name downstair similar to hardware store name looking for a chef - The Day You Found Out. She is on the phone for 3 days. Him son name William

Peter with Katherine to sign a contract.

The daughter is the France wedding in the spring, my mother borrows her mother a dress, Simon buzz in the Deathly Hollow. 

They move away, next by it’s the drug store, move away too. I got teeth pain killer label for ibuprophan. 

What’s there now? The kids kitchen. 

Yes, the W two world the jail scene. Those legal trial. He wants that thing badly, he is gambling on it. 

I think he saw Ku, he knows he is a French they used the drug so the French police cannot do a thing to them England. Or they will ignore that Ku because Harry knew he uses the drugs. But it’s Pierre’s and Meghan had the 6 police shows up. The American police. That’s…he is scared to kill the American police to be implicated. 

Next movie: Blended

Closet is where I meditate in college James’ house, not Jean best friend. I am watching the movie.

I waking up in the darkness since graduate from the college not just got married, I have a best friend. Jean. 18 years best friend old…you got a daughter 18 years old and a son ADD. And someone is Mark. Watermarke, the brother-in-law got a gun, I run off.

How does this everlanchin in Chinese means Himalayan snow fallen, you from England Everlamch to South America mark ?

Appalachian Mountains

The America mountain, I drew that before KY on the map. 50 states, do you read ? That’s Mark at the door. My password the federal credit Union?  You are the password.  Prince Char. That’s the 18 years old daughter ? She is talking to the ghost in her room.  Esben, is that a city ? Mulbane ? Sorry, Australia Melbourne. Isn’t the King just been at Australia? Do you get a ghost issue ? I wake up in the darkness ?  You don’t know what that means. 

Oh, your Parker’s side ?

Tom ? The register in the Johnson pharmacy store.

A blind date ? In the high school EF, it was a Mexican before the Prom. 

I hate kids, all of this looking, really. In the darkness is not opening up my eyes for a amusement park. 

That’s Prince of Persia, Pirates of Caribbean …

His prospect wife ? I don’t know how to talk to the kids about a hair salon- the girl to girl talk. That’s someone really got married maybe. Those husband has the money so the wife knew those salon beauty talk. How do I process my own hair if BTX is a wall? These table scene to eat a meal at the UB SA gala, the ticket from Ayo. 4 girls.

Maybe the Murphy laws I say. You get rid of all the human, you have no more Murphy’ a laws. 

The outdoor zoo and the hot balloon not the water ski in EF I hurt myself with the water because I didn’t let go. Very heavy hit on my entire body. 

The massage class, you mean the yoga class Karen them aerobic girls gym class all together ? I have never been there once. That’s dark night at the dark tent, at the dark walkway …you need the eye glasses to see? My honey moon I cannot see, after 20 years, I can see at the night walk. No, I remember because …that’s the first time with a guy and I don’t wear the eye glasses. I remember I cannot see. 

Because I never had the people checking my eyes all those years, before nick, I did. But the contact lens hurt me. 20 years later, I will tell you, in the real dark tent, the dark night, the dark walkway looks like those, I can see. 

No, no one talks to me so I cannot tell. I remember those yellow light at the night walk are very very blurry.  Those are the garden lands so the rusty bungalow, not the hotel those near the beach. But only the walkway has those yellow light. 

That’s a resort. The theme park and the resort hotel. It would be Disney they have those in the combination. No, I have never in CA enter, I was at the souvenir shop. I wait for Tina their whole family to go. Is that big?


Why I didn’t go ? 2014? They got the annual tickets.

Maybe try the universal studio. Same the Californian I was with Elizabeth Boston trip. A girl? Yes. Jason them at, they were the middle school, I was the high school. Elizabeth is the college. The west coast to play, the East coast to study. 

That must be Mark, the Watermarke, Irvine.

What do they have ? The spectrum mall. The Barns & Noble. Oh, the tall wheel going up and down. No, I have never been to. Here in Taiwan. My father took me. 

Flowers? Africa ?

It’s Costco Africa fresh cut flower import, 2 dozen for Hank’s parents when they came in.

Bagel J behind that’s a baseball field. No, I meditate in the park. I come near the fence or the seating bench myself. Once. I used to got a bike. Maybe there is a school?

What do they have ?

The Canadian geese. Not the fence to kiss. Maybe the geese meat !! 🍖 🍖 

Are they always the Canadian geese? That kind always is the Canadian geese.

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