
All the boyband - you like the birds, and the mechanic talks....sounds like fostering you? Running in this street on those design, seated are a rubber in the sun. It means hot.


And how far you imagined that? That rubbery surface in the temperature if you put a helmet on, its super hot? You coming in the Fall Season, or Spring (Winter...?! )

You like the Japanese otter ?


No, not just flying in, when they talk about the Japan map, it can be hours you sit on the train to reach those fan location, not by that imagination, you all knowing that? Each of them other than the clubs, to bring them all in. Those type....

(Sorry, telling my mother some details, how to phone her friends to go out, and how to....just shredded some cucumber, and get out.....she told me, one of the receptionalist she talks...this and that and this and that....

So I tell her, on another side of that employee is from here somewhere....my mother says, no, she is from far away. I say ask her, if her relative are here. My mother says, her kid goes to the middle school....etc.

She is so handicap, she probably thinks those conversation is normal. )

They like to speak in Taiwanese, I can tell you all that.  Hear, or listening. My mother can listening well, not necessary speak at it. Listening, like understand a little bit.

Here, you just called that motorcycle, not the scooter. Here in anywhere the Mandarin, or Taiwanese, we all just said that is a real motorcycle. 摩特車

You have your DL (Driving Liscence) in America, that is DMV, sounds like you know I got mine in UB time, and got a car. That process you know its you lotto at, or you wish to try which things first, before you regret that?

The shopping all together, or you sent whom in, 1 of you....and if for real, whom gets that?

Its very famous, right. The things I told Hugh (his mother or sister), its all real. I meant real....I just got too busy to put you all boybands in. You have to decide, if that is a million dollar seriously (a house), whom gets that, that ticket, is that person whom random buy.

A random buy means?

You walk in and get a phone that day. You got 2 receipts, probably not the bar code normally that one per month, but that city another lotto. They got those things going, some cash too, may not be a million dollar, but for the living expense, that is a lot of the money. When you get that or trying, you gonna screaming at each other? 

So I say, "decide now !"  and these things, are you going to tell each other? You all believing those incent things? 

Do you get a sheet write it down, you can see?

  • A motorcycle model selection
  • The helmet  (both in the dollar sign)
  • The boy or the girl's style, or you want to try on both that day in the mechanic shop or asking the mechanic before to the seller's side.
  • The weather in Taiwan on the road.
  • A driving license on the motorcycle (The written test and the sign on the top)
  • You are determined to learn the Mandarin, or will be, or you already learning somewhat a year or 2, no one knows those? 

You want to write those things in the bullet points, print that, sound like when you landing....the next seeing its a mechanic, not the seller. Not this birds all that. The real person to translate and get to feel the weather. 

No, just the small land we have those. 



Do you want the warmer bath, to eat? I don't think you want to be an otter anymore? A white towel on the seat ? You want some nobility like Japanese eating sitting table manner, those? You tell them you don't want to be an otter anymore. You, yourself.

So did Shane communicate with someone in your boyband, and then each other talks?

So tell me, what makes you think, I cannot talking through one, then looking at all of it, I figure it out what to say, all together? Everyone keeps their mind busy in a different place, some has a motorcycle, and some didn't need to make a decision choice right now. You know you aren't that leadership to make all the call, so why don't you stare at the fun thing to look like you just copy and paste and put on the side, its a free bullet points summary. You crave to shop, but this things is heavy if you both hand lifted, you remember that, or you had one right now? You believe you lifting that thing with a key every single day.

I asking you a realistic question? Your heart going up and down, you want to tell that leadership, now? They are too busy? They are talking to the company people, not you talking. So I am talking to all of you.

You want me to say that again?

  • Its a bullet points, you copy paste and print it out, there is a sheet, or 2 you putting together, random on the side of the table. Maybe tomorrow you look at it.
  • Its heavy, that much of the money to spend, its not one day you get rid of that things like you buy and toss away. You pay that same money in America, but....a lot of the shopping its you can dump, this thing when you getting it, SUPER heavy.
  • You know that is a key, and OFFFFFFFF fast you go on a rubber seat.
  • You gonna feel your entire mind, body, soul in burden, if you already had or have one motorcycle other than the cars, because....
  • This are 1000 people on the road, you are competing as that light goes, you know that life, or you imagine its like the American road life? 
  • 1000 goes on one single light, you cannot be in the fast lane mode = the middle of them, you go to the slow lane, where your foot can goes to the pedestrian any time, to stop, or to breath, you got too scared. 

Are you retired, or you are on the TV shows, right now? You want to breath until when you finish working, and learning your Chinese like you should, continue, or listening, or in writing. Learning the sign, or learn the words, per writing it down.

Per day you write the same words 20 times, until you learn that word, its very hard to learn the writing exactly to say, to listen to pass an exam. You delicate all that, so you have 1 or 2 years life on testing in Taipei, that's it. 

The captain's ex bf has a motorcycle the year I got back from EF to see a pyramid schematic Eben those workshop in Taipei.  JUST LIKE THAT TV.

You start to regret you aren't the leadership or going near since the 90s, or you start to believing something else inside your brain, you write it down and verbalize in your own house, whichever the room, you recite your own writing. Record that, and say it that again to listen the second time in your tape recorder.

You are not going to talk in that correct words to your own leaderships.

Do you all finish your associate degree in America, just 2 years those Silas ECC 2 years community college? Erie Community College?

Staring at Peyton's college club selection, or guess that is UB does the same? Where you can find those information anyway?

You are not? Okay.

Anyone got married and have a kid, and none of you telling each other secrets, so you binds to each other forever, one of those your leadership cannot go without you, that kind? Without you, all of you. 

I am asking you a question. 

You go to an university if intended to have a correct major, normally its not to join the club, most of them will tell you that. They go to the university to get a major correctly for the career path. You are imagining you getting a 4 years college this time sounds like that Harry? 

90s ends that will be the time your fan clubs, someone forward to suggesting you or your leadership to finish all the school, yes or no? Like that Eben the 25 years bumpy time. I know or I don't know? Like that Snowden TV big fame audience all seating, one of them is the educator going up and say, "Finish the school major.", yes or no?

We have a different brain, you all knowing that.

How he used to get married one time, two time, 10th times.

( My morning......!!! )

Your leadership, I am telling you he got married 1 time, 2 times ...10th times. Zawanna is a leadership !!! They are all leaderships.

That is 4 against 1 ? It repeated the history never stop !!

Tell me the cycle of keep doing that, starting at K1 ....you like my elementary school? Its too hot to dress all of that 30 years later now. I used to be. You all seeing the Perfect, That is not the culture in America, any K1-K12, right?

Madrigal is the music teacher is the boss.

We have this salute to sing a National Anthem from the speaker box on the top. That is the only class we have sorting. That is not in your high school, that normally people don't join a madrigal. We had a fundraising, not a Perfect. 

I am asking you if we are in the same world, in America land? The last paragraph? 

1) My Go Game teacher had a motorcycle - he has a wife

She gives both of us the lunch box like those chicken big things on the rice.

My go game best friend Kingdom garden and the 1st grade, Henry's ex gf had a mother. (next by Eric tall in Home Alone) Eric is on my Line app, except that Henry. He gives her like 50 roses or 100 in a bundle after the school, that Henry. 

2)  She has a mother, it was the janitor wife, he gives me an green apple milk on the back of this Go Game Association, any book today you read, you think....which one was from that space, the kids reading room? I read on the ground, its a wooden box made higher than the ground about 20-30 cm height. Like the Japanese wood box, and they have the flat display per each book with the cover, the kid can see, and grab it to read.

That wife's job is Devil Wear Prada, used to, how they made a magazine in those printing shop jobs for the Go Game association. And a Go Game timer. They used to....

3) Tesla in Wallace's movie has a Frank and he has a wife.

I give you 3 things to think....what do I write, did I? The annual Go Game Chinese New Year, was a very old man, the luxury home with 100 us Go Game kids. You never hear this part of my life, correct? Its a different respect title we called them in Chinese 師母. And its more than American any word. So tell me .....How is you all escorting service? Like Nicky? 

4) My uncle has a wife, that is Irene's mother. You don't think anyone would be that close to get a CD to say....the Longevity Exercise, you ....one of you will remembered, right? 

5) Tell me the Charlie's Angel, not that Vartan to say the Vaughan City.....that is 3 Wife in Peach Blossom, right?

6) This is the time to say Nick has a wife? Me. 

Want to go and say hi? One Asian girl, 30 of you.....without your leadership. These boys band any group is getting bigger and bigger. I am telling you.


You all getting those animation re-make? The High School Musical?

oh ~ I don't even know ?! 

They have no commanders doing that.....supposed to? The military? oh ~~~The substitute to the military surgeon....or not the Intern, oh....mix up, the Zawanna, not the human, its the flower, sorry, its the zombie. They keep doing this mix the words different and mix the vibration differently, mix up the image, you are not at your eye strain at your own seeing, or imagining? With your own photo?

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