
Hugh - Audio

  • The flower market
  • The birds say hi, your expo time. You go to the flower market at Sat, Your expo eating on Mon.
  • The front entrance - your shoe racks, the carpentry below the bed, that is made first, and then you put the mattress on the top.
  • The carpentry......your bed below.
  • You ever lived in Asia. The water heater, the battery (from 7-11).

Voice Memo: Here (4:31)

Hugh 2 -   Here  (5:57)

  • You renting statue, before you go to Japan, or Maryland, yet?
  • 原木 table - everything on that table
  • The entire floor - everything up or everything down.
  • Paints + the entire kitchen, the facet. Replace the water heater and the electric stove.
  • The regular floor or the marble floor.
  • The mattress has nothing below 1) you carpentry below 2) the bed.
  • The ceiling has the light, and around all edge. A different layer's light.
  • All the air conditioning - the small room / the bigger room for the bigger air-conditioning. Every room needs that opening, all the time. Until you purchase that.
  • In Japan, you and Olivia, go to Maryland, the same idea. You renting here, landing in Japan, with your parents, with your all around them, the upper class.
  • If you are on the tourism...you see left, you see right, walking around the metro.
  • The normal person doesn't do what I do, walking....here, not me.
  • The normal people goes to the Disney Land resort.
  • If its here the night market - the dollar store, the fruits store, you buy fresh. You put that in your fridge. 
  • You gonna eat the night market, or the morning at the breakfast vendor.
  • You and Olivia, whom going back to the Europe.
  • Me and Shane......
  • You boss them, you with your best friend, she with her 3 best friend. When are they coming in? 
  • The shoe racks from the Ikea immediately.
  • 木作  = the wood carpantry.
  • The entire Wood Front Mirror Entrance Design Entry - the Feng Shui.
  • The Door, the inside the outside (Asia)

No the Aqua those don't hurt my feeling, nor 3310. You go to Japan, then you go to Japan with Olivia. Maybe your parents deciding, those eating are not an issue in this city..... What did you say you were here for, again?

Your parents know you were in the comic book?

公主小妹 = The Princess Youngest Sister

Here  Starting page 85 - that is Tim Cook. Maybe starting at 70.

You starting at 85, you seeing yourself at 87. 

You renting here, and landing in Japan, I say that on the top. You know what that means?

You putting everything in that one room, lock it up and put a security lock in it. All your 3C, including you expo yourself in Japan this time with Olivia, and come back took the entire things, and move it to Japan, when you all decide from behind.

No, you can continue to live in the hotel, just all....these stuffs. How many things I imagine you want to buy? You get a table to put those luggage below, and some shoes racks going in and coming out.  You don't make a decision when you are tired, so you continue to live in the hotel, but you start to put some thoughts on that one renting apartment. You are not keep running and....what you are doing, to see your stuffs pile-ing up, how much things you wish to buy from here.

You can use that apartment address, or you know where the post office? The 2nd floor to get 1 year mail box. Both address, which things you want to leave it to the seller, they drop their package in 7-11, next by.

You have 1 and 2 and 7-11 pick up your stuffs. The facebook, or someone you know they buying the things? If they are the physical 3C, you have to taxi drive all that back to this one apartment, and you go back to your hotel and live at it, another one week. And everyone else whom purchase, that is 1 and 2 and 3 7-11, you know that 2 location is next by.

The pharmacy eye creme is 15 NT in the middle of it.

(my eye I draw on it, the ending of the hair near that side, its sensitive.)

That is where you open an Post office bank account, and that is where ATM, correct. I have one there. 

You want me to describe it again, how you walk with your sandal coming it down the breakfast or the dinner, you two will never cook, but the eye glasses to that computer, when you set up the internet and the black box for the TV? The Netflix? You already have it, then you somehow make to your TV? My mother is watching in it. 

You just both sit here waiting until you all going to Japan? That is 4 hours airline flight.

Hugh 3  -  Here  (5:00)

  • Our summer is warmer, your health in the fall or the winter season
  • The Uber - the night market, the fruits or the veggie or 全聯
  • The price different, the walking different. You walking different, pick up and go both of you. Me and my mother, she goes out, I stay home. 
  • Some people they dragging those cart a very very very FAR AWAY.
  • The Philippine maid, they set up here. 
  • How to process the trash bag, here we need to buy the trash bag.
  • The building to put the trash there, some other apartment, needs to go out and waiting every 4 or 5 o'clock or 6 to throw your everyday trash. So when you purchase or renting any apartment, you wish its convenience. Having someone just collects the trash in your apartment. 
  • The units in the building.
  • All the basic things are in the dollar store.
  • Other things in the Sogo, or Ikea.
  • Are you washing them, are you soaking them, those are the cheese, the grapes....just happened to be here. The foreign goods are Mia C Bon. HERE HERE HERE.
  • I put you where you all staring at things, to where you should be. 
  • I PUT YOU to the foreign food options or seeing, but YOU ARE LIVING in ASIA.
  • The water filtration, the back up water, the stock up to cook.
  • The Costco freezer session.
  • The vegan ice cream (Uber, 30)
  • The vegan popstico (none fat, vegan ice cream, the Buddhism sects at), LAST TIME, the photo we drag the entire bags back. 
  • You just live here for another 3 months.
  • If you don't return to England BY the winter......YOU STAYING HERE until NEXT YEAR Spring?

You like that yesterday that orange yogurt, inside they have the orange flavor, yeah....

You put a renting space down, you go to Korea or Japan to eat....


If you feel proper, you can just move the entire things up there, any one of those same latitude. Taipei doesn't have that kinds of the food, not here. 

The breakfast time you don't eat, you won't die. 

You need to drink your water, and some of the fruits cups.

Is this Thai restaurant, your walking distance?

Its table cloth, you have the table with the cloth, and those uniform people inside. Next by its the smaller bakery.....(up to this elementary school), you seeing the Perfect, that my elementary school, 120+ award that school (Mummies 2023).

You gonna sit in there to figure it out, today chill...your next step? You sleep until Friday, to go to the Flower Market then the Eating Expo? Rest for 2 days, and you make a decision? You rest for 3 days in the same places. Rest, go to sleep, and eat and go back to your room, and easy that day schedule?

You think about in 2 days after.

瓦城泰國料理 安和店

Are you....calling from your phone to any place yet? You are not living here?

I audio you, you just say your 2 names. You reserved here, 2 people when they open like 11:50, you be there by 12:30. Like that? Okay, no.

Menu:  https://www.thaitown.com.tw/tw/menu




酸辣蝦湯 (2)


Chef's BBQ, 松坂 Pork

Green curry coconut chicken

Spicy cabbage

Sour Spicy shrimp soups (other than that shrimp main dishes, below you don't like it. Here the soup has 4 or 5 pieces  shrimp, that main dishes are 8?), so you order 2 soup for each of you.

Coconut, small, dots coconut milk, cool. Easier to digest.  I think they have the bubble tea ....okay, no.

You can ask for rice, or you look at the menu, which rice or which noodles. They got.....those thicker crystal noodle (Vietanese those), but its in Thai style  泰式炒河粉 or 泰式鳳梨鮮蝦炒飯  Thai pineapples & shrimps fried rice.

Not with 2 white rice, just 2 bowls? 兩碗白飯

Or you just want the fish? 

檸檬清蒸魚 Lemon steam fish (Its one of the first page, they have the 10 dishes recommended by the chef.)

鐵板牛柳 (美國牛肉)  The hot iron cow....more thin meat (The American cow) - he says no.

三色糖醋排骨 3 color sweet and sour pork plaque.

You can tell them the appetizer and the salad. There is an English on the top.

Chi Chi - Artisan Boulancer - the bakery small next by

(Panda logo)  langer...sorry... Boulanger.  oh ~ they are temporarily close. 

You going to Korea? The girl's whom? 

Japan calling you ...

Japan and Korea is high latitude, you know your map, right? Very cold, too, no West Belt Wind like those England or Scotland. From the West.

So just purchase the entire bed in? 

The ceiling shandolia lamp, around Camillia, to that Portugal egg tart, on that right (you keep walking) side inside these building ceiling away from the rain. Maybe I just show you, now, I think....everytime we talk about it.  5 store you count from that Portugal vendor style, you can just buy 1, not one box. Normally people sell one box. The 6th store after the open small walk way....that is the Lamp King.  燈王 信義路光復南路


I want to see some of these lamps, we want to select some of these choices.

Your Taxi, get to 3C (across Camillia), you walk over the traffic light, to count 6 store.

Taxi : 我要去光復南路口跟信義路的燦坤,你這個安和路左轉紅路燈,一直開下去,這是和平東路,在左轉就是基隆路,要再左轉到 光復南路,就一直下去到信義路的紅路燈要過,在燦坤的前面,它們在路口

I want to go to 光復南路 and 588 that road 3C 燦坤,you go from the Peace Ann road left turn left on that traffic light, going til you get to 和平東路,and left turn on the 基隆路,and 光復南路 left turn, that keep going, you get to 588 信義路 that traffic light, you need to cross it, and stop at that corner. They are right there.

Let me check the map. I think you guys would be at 復興南路  Wait...let me find it. My map. Let me put something in.

You go to the receptionist that counter that door taxi.

Wait, can they just use the 安和路?

Because they put the one direction there, can they stop there?

Maybe you do this.

前面轉過來這安和路,你開到信義路,現在是一個方向我要到最左邊的信義路那一排,你要過三個車道那一排往 101 開下去,到光復南路,如果這一排不能停,我們要去燈王,在光復南路之前,如果不能停,你左轉到燦坤,那是信義路跟光復南路口,我們自己過馬路。

You turn around on the Peace Ann Road, you drive to the 588 信義路,turn right to 101, now that is one direction I want the most left side that lane, that entire row building, that side. You need to pass 3 car lanes, to that left lane to go to 101 all the way down. If before 光復南路 and you cannot park, you left turn on 燦坤, that would be in the intersection of 信義路跟光復南路口 left turn, we want to go to 燈王, we walk across that road.

You want to keep the top? The instruction. This new instruction better, you can see where you going.

Okay, today you want to go somewhere else, okay !!!

The pet snack - the commercial.


The girls in Japan or Korea has more fashion. 

We are warm here, so.....the dress is no sleeves, I have no sleeves here. Its the skirt, too.

The Japanese pet dog doctor:  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-4ofGbjWFv0

The Korea girl:  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7IxvWtPNJwc

The fortune teller in Y, do they still have it? Coming it back....I think.


oh ~ https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wUNCYXycSBY

Babaji? No, you don't need to cook.  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wUNCYXycSBY

No, you both find out somewhat you don't need to cook here. Not cooking here... the breakfast down there, and if whole day you don't move inside your apartment, on your computer, at your TV, and lay down, drinking those coconut water....You didn't go anywhere. So at 3 or 4 oclock, you get to your night market to see what you can eat. You don't have to pick those very costly, to almost the same meal dollar sign in America or in England. But those places I take you, it costs a lot more than the people whom are on this island. So when you find out, how much you eat, to how little you require to cook, you just cooking no more, unless emergency you want some soup, or you go out and drink those soup, somewhere.

Is this for the PC game or the play station, the secret Wizard menu those?

Under water watch

The boy's watch under water prove with a design.

The man's sock, the = women's socks, made in Taiwan those.

The cotton underwear the man or the woman, not those lace. The correct one. My video jump around those.

Do you ask my brother? Those?

台灣豬腳 = Taiwan pork legs

台灣豬骨頭 = Taiwan pork bones.

台灣豬骨髓=  Taiwan pork bone marrow. 



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